Mysterious man in the forest!

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The smell turned stronger, I continuously felt like someone was already watching me from behind. As If someone is trying to leapt on me as soon as it gets the chance.46* I turned back, I felt a little insecurity. That place was unknown to me. With every step I walked I carved the trees with a stone or arranged some sticks in unique designs. I already marked some places while coming there as I didn’t want to get lost in that forest. But for dried woods I guess I came too far. As I went deeper and deeper into the forest I felt like falling inside an abyss. The day was getting dreary but I did not stop. I kept moving forward with a hand on my chest and hoping for the best. “Why did the moon goddess send me here in a Blue Moon pack but with no wolf? How would I survive here.” I muttered to myself. I bent down to pick the wood which appeared to be quite heavy. I realized someone was already standing behind me. I became alert and took out the sharp knife I kept at me. I did not intend to use it to hurt someone but I held it tightly for my own protection. “Who are y…” Before I could say anything, that person grabbed my head and pulled me closer to his chest. The sharp knife from my hand fell down. I sneezed hard as if my nose was poked into sandalwood essence. My eyes were pressed on that robust chest. The only thing I could hear was his heart throbbing loudly around my ears. I couldn't say anything. The guy was muscular and bigger than me. “Uhhh… Uhhh..” I started struggling to get myself away. But he pushed me so tightly that I was barely able to breathe. He was a lot taller than me. The sun was about to set and the light was fading. I could not see much under the shadows of the tall trees. “Leave me.” I screamed at his chest. He behaved like a kind of molester. “Say a word if you want to get killed. If not keep your f*****g mouth shut.” The roaring voice whispered around my ears. That voice gave me chills. His voice was deeper than the forest itself. His cold hands wrapped around my waist, that made me feel like someone poured an icy water on my body. I shivered at his touch as he tightened his grip. I tried to look at him but His chin was placed on my head and I breathed that sandalwood smell again. I was pressed hard against his body. “Where did he go? Where is he? I can’t hear him.” A murmuring sound which got louder. Those deadly growling sounds were frightening. As the sun set, I was only able to see their White eyes sparkling in the dark. Not a pair but almost twenty pairs of eyes searching for someone in the dark. I was scared but I could not move. I wanted to run away but I came here for a purpose. “Where would he have gone? He has walled his mind. We can’t hear him at all.” some of them were grinning. Their teeth were sharp enough to cut through metal. The way they were speaking I understood some rogues might be trying to kill him. They were searching for him. I was completely wrapped in his arms. All of a sudden, his palm went over my breast. As soon as he cupped my left breast, I turned red. He might have forgotten that it’s not my shoulder. “Ahhh…” I screamed and pushed him angrily. “Are you crazy?” That person held my mouth furiously. I could clearly hear his grinning around my ears. As if I made him angry. I was breathing heavily. My mouth was shut tightly by his palm and all he could hear was my muffled voices. “Did you hear a scream?” Those wild wolves stared at each other. Whatever this guy was upto, I made things difficult for him because I gave those wild wolves our direction. Those eyes started coming closer to us. We were hiding behind a large tree, yet easy to catch.wolves have a great sense of smell, and if they could smell the sandalwood like I did, me and this mysterious man were sure to be their victims. I stared at them, more than twenty wolves were searching for the man who was with me. If I really had my wolf, I would have run away leaving him here. It was a day in the autumn evening we ran over the dried leaves as they crunched under our feet. This sound grew louder as the wolves were getting closer and closer to us. My heart raced as I raised my pace. “You have to shift. We have to run before they catch us.” He asked me. I could not tell him that I can’t shift. “My legs are injured.” I told him with a scared voice. Even though I act brave, I found myself submissive in front of this man. He was an epitome of masculinity. “I feel him here. He is here..” Those rogues came near us. The man left my shoulder and released me. I thought he was going to leave me here. Even though a minute ago I was scared of him, he was the only man I could trust my life with among this pack of wolves. I held his hand tightly and shook my head. “Just close your eyes.” He said slowly. I did as he told and he picked me up in his hands then he placed me on his back and gave me a piggyback. I obeyed his orders. I still had not seen his face. Under the gloomy evening, I was only able to see his structure. Until now I could only judge by his voice. I felt a flash of cold wind on my face and overall my body. I kept my eyes closed and trusted him to safeguard me. I could hear the sound of leaves and wolves fading. After a while I could feel him standing still. When I opened my eyes, I saw we were in a dark den. Still that sandalwood smell had occupied my mind. He put me down. I could only see a shadow of him under the moonlight. “Who are you, why were they following you?” I asked him. As soon as I got off him, I was furious and breathing heavily. I was curious because it brought me to this den. But he was silent and calm. He collected the wood from the surroundings and rubbed them on each other. I was completely ignored by him which made me even more furious. “I asked,'' Who are you?” I raised my voice, my eyes widened and I was one second away from losing my temper. That man was so irritated that he grabbed my throat in an instant. His big hands easily covered my entire neck. I struggled to breath and gasped for air. I was choked to almost death. “What if you are one of them?” He asked me. I started coughing. His sharp green shiny eyes stared at me. There was something about his eyes that captivated me towards him. I tried to get a hold of his hands pressing hard against my throat. “Leave me.. You are choking me..” I struggled speaking and I pushed his hands away. He was finally able to light those dried woods. Now I was able to see his face correctly. His sharp jawline and pointed nose became visible. He looked less like a human and more like a god straight from ancient mythology. His personality was robust, still it maintained slimness. The heat from the little bonfire he made made me feel comfortable. But his face was even more conforming to my eyes. I kept looking at him without a blink of my eyes. My heart raced when I saw him. “They will not leave until they find us. Just stay here.” He kept some more woods beside. I wanted to confront him and ask him, who are you? What do you want from me? Why are you being followed? But I did not. I just wanted to live the moment and be safe, protected in his presence. He pressed his head on the wall and closed his eyes. He didn’t pay any attention to my words, he just said what he wanted to say and laid down. His eyes were shut and he looked as if he was in a deep meditation. I assumed he fell asleep. The golden light from the bonfire shone against the bone structure of his face. His beauty would put even Apollo to shame. I could not help but glare at his sleeping face. He looked both aggressive and calm simultaneously. His beauty was indescribable and incomparable. I wondered about him because he was more suited for a magazine cover than here. His delicate face and personality was a little different from the rest. Overall he was quite handsome and strong. “You are from Blue moon pack?” He asked me. I was baffled because I thought he must have slept. I turned my eyes to the fire. “hmm..” I shook my head. He must have recognised the band on my waist. I adjusted my band and made it more clearly visible to him. “Then what were you doing in their territory?” He instantly came very close to me. Just a few centimeters away. I looked up to him, he felt a lot taller and bigger than me. He was so close that I could hear his breathing. It reminded me of when he grabbed me in the forest, when I could hear his heart beating. Something inside me happened and my heart wrenched. I took a hold of myself and tried to calm myself down. “Other packs territory?” I widened my eyes. I looked into his green eyes.I didn’t know it was some other pack’s territory. I just came to pick wood and trapped here in this den. I don’t know why but I felt attracted to his eyes. “Those innocent eyes, why they seemed to be lying.” His breath was falling on my mouth. I pressed my lips and thought about closing my eyes too. Everything turned scary. I could feel the cold breeze coming inside the den. “Uhh…Uhhh…” I rubbed my elbow and avoided eye contact with him. “You can sit here! You must be feeling cold because you are sitting at the entrance.” he said in his deep voice. The den was not very big for two people. I was trying to avoid getting closer to him. I was scared because he was cold like a living iceberg. I turned outside the den and saw no one was coming. “I think they have left, We should go back to our packhouse”. I told him hesitatingly but as I said, he ignored my words. He closed his eyes, I confirmed him sleeping and sat beside him a little closer to the fire. When I woke up the sun had already risen, My head was on his shoulder. I looked upon him. His eyes had a charm. Now in the daylight I can see his face clearly. He was more handsome than he looked last evening. He could make any woman drool. I saw he was about to wake up. I immediately stood and ran back to my packhouse. I hoped I wouldn't bump into him yet a part of my heart was very attracted to him. not only attracted but more attached to him. I tried to avoid thinking about him. “Ambrose.. Ambrose..” As soon as I entered the territory, I found my Granny and a few omegas came running to me. My Granny was crying. She looked worried. “I was scared.. I thought you were killed.” Granny hugged me and wrapped her hands around my neck. “They were not able to smell you, I thought you were no more.” Granny couldn’t stop crying. Seeing granny cry made me very sad. I hugged her and tried to comfort her. I may not have been her real granddaughter, but I loved her as much as I would love my blood grandmother. “I entered some other territory.” I replied. My friends widened their eyes. They were shocked. “Then how did you come back alive.." tThey asked me. Their faces were frightened as if they had seen some ghost. Their surprised gaze made me realize that I would have been killed if I was caught there. I did not consider the dangers of leaving the pack. That man I met in the forest, His face appeared in front of my eyes again, but I shook my head to keep myself from thinking about him. I didn’t even thank him for saving me. “Ambrose, I made your favorite meat. Let’s go to the packhouse.” Granny held my hand and took me back. I wished she was my Granny for real. Granny was old and her skin was sagging. Yet she had the most beautiful face I had ever seen. I liked to be pampered by her. She was very comforting and made the best food. Granny served me meat and I finished that as quickly as I could. Granny looked upset. I could not see her sad kike this. “What happened Granny?” I asked her worriedly. She immediately held my hand. “Ambrose my child, Alpha Finley is kind to us, but I want you to stay away from princes.” Granny’s voice turned heavy. I looked into her moist eyes. “Granny.. Why are you…” “I only have you, If you left me too. I will die. You know Alpha Finley is overprotective of his princes.” Granny explained it to me. I shook my head. How could I tell her that I am not her Ambrose but Ambrose from the modern world. She will die if I tell her the truth. They will surely throw me out of the packhouse if I confess. Granny won't be able to tolerate the pain. I was immersed in my thoughts. I felt like I was betraying the whole pack. If I ever get caught not only I would lose my life but also their trust in me. “Give these seeds to the fishes from the pond.” I opened my palm and saw white shiney sesame seeds. As she told me I went to the pond and put my hands with sesame seeds inside the water. Some seeds stayed in my hand while others flowed in the water. The golden fishes gathered around my hand and it made me tickle. But as I was looking at the pond, I could see his reflection in the water. I was surprised. I immediately removed my hand out of the water and looked around me. There was no, so I realized it must have been my imagination. My mind was still baffled about the mysterious man I saw last evening. I just threw the sesame seeds into the pond. Suddenly I saw someone’s cloth floating in the pond. I walked ahead and found it was a royal robe.
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