
1339 Words
Wesley's P.O.V “Don’t”, I looked at Jace and went into the bathroom to go take a cold shower.  I walked into the bathroom and shut the door.  I started the shower and went over to the mirror, and there hanging from the mirror were Alarielle’s panties she had on.  I shook my head and grabbed them putting them in my back pocket and then got undressed and entered the shower.     After a long shower I put my sleep pants on and walked back into the room and Jace was watching tv.  “Your phone has been going off.” He threw me the remote and laid down and I swear he was snoring 2 seconds later.      I turned off the tv and put the remote on the table. I grabbed my phone and laid down in bed.    Alarielle: Hey sorry I had 2 go but I hope u liked my gift. ;P   Wesley: Its ok I understand and it was def a surprise when I went to take a cold shower. (=  Alarielle: Funny, I had 2 take a bath when I got back here 2 finish what u started.    Anakin growled in my head just thinking about it    Wesley: Blame Jace. But u get some sleep u have school in the morning. I’ll ttyl (=  Alarielle: Oh, I am blaming him fully.  Sounds good goodnight see u in the morning ;*     With that I put my phone on the table and laid in bed and fell asleep. Sometime later,  I woke up to someone crawling into bed with me, I felt sparks so I knew who it was.    “What time is it?” I put an arm around her as she scooted her back against my chest.  I breathed in her Vanilla bubble gum scent and relaxed.    “It's about 4am”, she turned to face me and smiled.    “What are you doing here so early? You have school in the morning” I smiled back at her then yawned.    “Well Belle and I couldn’t sleep so we decided to come here and try to sleep, but we can go if you want us to?” She looked at me with those sea green eyes of hers and I melted.    “No, it's okay. But you need to sleep, deal?”  I couldn’t help but smile.  Is this what they meant by the mate bond, A few weeks ago I couldn’t stand her and now I have her wrapped in my arms cuddling to go to sleep.    I rolled onto my back so she could lay her head on my chest, I kissed her forehead and wrapped my arm around her and felt her breathing start to slow signaling me she was already about to be asleep.  I held onto her and dozed off myself.    Alarielle’s P.O.V.    I woke up to my alarm and I looked around and my head was on Wesley’s bare chest.  It was the best night's sleep I've gotten in a while between the dreams almost every night, this whole mate thing, and then the rogue issue. Even though there hasn’t been an attack since the first one we know they are after Wesley and it's my job as his mate and Alpha to protect him.    I sat up carefully trying not to wake him, he rolled over to his side toward me putting his arm around my waist. I lifted it and set a pillow under his arm.  I went into the bathroom to wash up and get dressed.  I walked out and heard a growl, I looked and Wesley was sitting up on the bed with his legs hanging off the side.    I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck “This whole growling thing is going to have to stop, you can’t keep growling at me every time you see me. Plus you were sleeping what happened?”    “Sorry, its Anakin I swear.  I still haven't quite figured out how to control him.  Lets see my mate thought I wouldn't know the difference between her and a pillow.” He kissed my forehead and put him hands on my hips.    I smiled, “Well Anakin, you need to stop growling at me.  No one is trying to take me away.”  Wesley’s eye went black.    “Sorry mate, I can’t help it. Your just so beautiful and Wesley won’t do as I say and make a move”      “Well Mr. Anakin, that is why I am here and we will get him to that point where he is okay with doing it.  Give him some time.” I smiled as Anakin bowed his head and Wesley’s blue eyes were back.    “I wish I could stay longer but I got to get to school.” I hugged him and then gave him a kiss on the lips.  He moved his hands to the sides of my face and kept the kiss going intensifying it.      I bit his lip, and he stood up and his hands tangled in my hair our tongues fighting for control over the other.  He moved his hands down to my a** and I moaned.  He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and tangled my hands in his hair.     I pulled away “Even though I'm enjoying this, I should really get going.”    “If I could leave, we could be around each other at school.” He kissed my neck then put me down.     “I know soon, I promise.” I hugged him and gave him a kiss and grabbed my stuff for school and then went to my car.  My phone buzzed.    Wesley: Miss you already *=     I smiled and pulled left for school.  I felt this strong disconnect from my girls and decided that tonight we were going to have a girls night.  I pulled up to the school and saw just the girls I was looking for, parked my jeep and got out and ran over to Echo & Zelda.  They looked at me and smiled, I looked over to Jace and he threw his hands in the air.    “I didn’t have to say anything, it's all over your face that you look happy, and who knew it would be my brother to do it.” He smiled gave Zelda a kiss and walked into the school.    “So, I need the details like yesterday!”  Zelda hugged me and wrapped her arm through mine.    “Me too, it's like we haven't seen you in weeks” Echo wrapped her arm through my other arm.    “That’s because we haven't, not with the rogues and everything going on.  So, I declare tonight a girl's night since its Friday and the weekend and I plan on surprising Wesley tomorrow and breaking him out.” I smiled and walked toward the front doors.    “Well, well well ladies what do we owe all the smiles to?”  Asher came up behind us and slapped my a**.  I growled at him, as he came to stand in front of us.     “Don’t do that again,” I growled at him again.    “Come on baby, you like it and don’t tell me you don’t” He smiled, winked at me and then went inside the school.     Hopefully once Wesley is here things will be different.  He wasn’t wrong I liked being shown attention by my guys, but since finding Wesley as my mate I’ve only wanted attention from him.  But I do miss the feeling my guys could give me.  What was I going to do?  I sighed and linked my arms with the girls and walked into school.
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