Chapter 3

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Jack stood staring out onto the Aegean Sea- the blues and greens dancing around brilliantly as the sun set. He'd been here for nearly 10 years but it still never ceased to amaze him and so everyday, at this hour, he stood on the roof of his home, staring out onto the sea. That was unless he was on assignment, which fortunately, there were few and far between. It was sometimes hard to believe that he'd been in Greece for so long but he never regretted his decision, nor did he regret taking this job even if it had been a dangerous one. When he wasn't working, he spent most of his days out on his boat, enjoying the Mediterranean sun which accounted for the tan which spread against his skin, making his grey eyes stand out even more. It had been a peaceful life for him in Oia- but still he frowned. He frowned because he'd become aware of trouble brewing off the coast of Italy and he knew this mean his peace would be disturbed. Another assignment- he was sure of it. Still, he'd done his duty. He'd sent word to his boss, Matteo Peroni, of the trouble in Sicily and he was sure that soon, he'd been given new instructions. "Mr. Garrett." A woman called out to him. Jack turned and smiled at his housekeeper, an older woman nearly 50 who came by twice a week to help with the chores. "Are you ready?" He asked. "Yes, sir." She said, her English quite good. "Let's go then." he said, walking back down. Every Thursday and Sunday he drove his housekeeper back to the main town where she lived. She was usually dropped off in the mornings and he would leave her in town later. Jack did not live far from the town which was often photographed and sold to tourists on postcards. His home was about a 30 minute drive, but it was definitely more secluded and most people were not even aware that it was there. "It's a shame, if you ask me, that a young man like yourself and so handsome should live all alone up there." the housekeeper said, as usual, on their drive to town. Jack smiled. he'd heard this conversation often enough before and knew that the woman had a grand daughter she'd been trying to foist on him. "I'm not that young, Gaia." He said, "I'm closer to being an old man than a young one." "That's foolish. You're making excuses." She said. "I don't need any. My line of work won't accommodate a wife or girlfriend." He said. She shrugged. "If you say so." She said. "but that's a big house to live in alone." Jack laughed. "Don't be cross with me. It can't be helped." He said. He was fond of the woman and so he allowed her to speak to him more freely than he would let anyone else. When he'd dropped Gaia off at her home, he drove further into the center of the town, thinking he could use a distraction. "Jack!" The woman at the door said, her eyes opening in delight as she arrived. Jack smiled- Heather was a beautiful woman. She had dark hair and matching eyes, typical of the region but more importantly, she had a pair of soft arms. "Heather." He said simply as she took his hand and led him inside. With Heather, it was always easy to forget about his problems. She was sweet and a generous lover, quiet and obliging. She never made a nuisance of herself and she certainly didn't demand more from Jack than he was willing to give. Like any Greek woman, she had the habit of fussing over him too- cooking for him, preparing gifts for him- it was a perfect arrangement. Jack was serious when he said he had no intention of ever taking a wife, but if he did she would certainly be a woman like this one- quiet, graceful and kind. Jack enjoyed the hours in Heather's company, knowing that soon enough, Matteo would contact him with instructions on his next mission. ---- Javi was on pins and needles- everything seemed to go wrong... more so than usual. Although the week had been busy and her mind had been kept occupied, she couldn't help eventually coming back to the same issue- it was almost Friday. "Tomorrow is Friday." Sandra said with a grin as Javi counted the box. Javi's eyes quickly shot up and she nervously smiled. "So?" She asked, rather defensively. Sandra stared at her for second. "So... Friday is payday is new bike day!" Sandra said and then took and envelope out of her pocket. "And I know you don't like advances but you can't seriously say not to me when it's just one afternoon early." Javi stared at Sandra for a second- could she really be so paranoid? "Oh. I had almost forgotten." Javi answered truthfully. Sandra frowned. "So, could you please be more excited?" She said. Javi sighed. "I'm sorry- it's been a weird week." Javi said. "What else is new? Listen, you've been acting strange since that delivery on Tuesday. I know you said the guy wasn't there and that must have been disappointing, but the best thing you can do it let it go." Sandra said. Javi stared at her- Sandra was right. She would just push it all out of her mind. "Yeah. You're right." Javi said, looking at the clock. It was half past four. "So, take this already!" Sandra said, making Javi chuckle. "I can't believe I'm taking my pay one afternoon early." Javi said. "It almost seems ridiculous not to wait until tomorrow." "It seems more ridiculous to turn it down when it's one afternoon early. Besides, this way you can get your tiny but to the store, get a new bike and start tomorrow as you should. Brand new." Sandra said. Javi smiled. "You're right, that's exactly what I need! Something new for a new week." Javi said, taking the envelope and going to her backpack. "There you go." Sandra said. "Come on, help me lower the gates so we can go!" "Alright." Javi said, moving towards the front. ---- "Ms. Garza... you're home." Javi cringed as she heard the voice coming from behind her. It was her landlady, she was sure of it. "Hello Mrs. Pateli- How are you?" Javi said sweetly. The woman smiled, noting that Javi was pushing a new bike down the hall and towards her apartment. "Good. How are you?" She said, handing Javi an envelope. "Good. I got a new bike... since the last one was totaled." Javi said, reminding her that she'd been in an accident recently. Mrs. Pateli was not a compassionate woman- she was outwardly sweet but Javi knew that she was not so generous in reality. "I'm glad to hear that. I wonder, being that it's the 5th of the month, if you have your rent ready." She said. Javi stared at the envelope in Mrs. Pateli's hands. "I do... well, part of it. I'm sorry Mrs. Pateli- with the whole bike situation, I'm a bit short this week." Javi said, noting how the woman looked impatient. "But give me another week and I swear I'll catch up with what I owe you." "For last month or this one?" She asked. Javi was still. "Or the one before. That's three months you're behind. I'm sorry Javi- this is for you." Javi stared at the envelope as it was practically being thrust into her hand. "No, please. I swear, I'll catch up on the past dues next week and I'll have this month by the end of the month." Javi said but Mrs. Pateli just sighed. "And then you'll be past due on next months? No. I'm afraid this is it. That's an eviction notice." Mrs. Pateli said. "Please don't evict me, I'll leave and pay you but if you evict me, no one will rent to me." Javi pleaded. Mrs. Pateli looked at Javi and something very similar to pity came over her face. "Okay- we'll make a deal. Pay me everything you owe, including this month's rent and you can stay through the end of the month. After that, I expect you to have a new apartment... and I won't evict." She said. Javi was still- where was she going to get that kind of money? "If you can't pay just say so." Mrs. Pateli said, turning away. "Okay! Okay!" Javi said, reaching out for her. Mrs. Pateli raised her brow. "Can I have until Monday?" Javi asked. "In full, not one cent missing and I want you out by the end of the month." Mrs. Patelli said, disappearing into her own apartment. Javi stood, trying to catch her breath. This was not the first time that Mrs. Pateli had threatened to evict her, but it was the first time she'd given her an eviction notice. Javi couldn't be evicted- no one would rent to her if there was an eviction on her record... but now she had two very real problems. How was she going to come up with $2,500 in three days? and where was she going to go after that? With a sigh, Javi picked up her bike and pulled it over her shoulder as she climbed the couple of steps that lead to her apartment. A small voice in her head was telling her she should have accepted the money from Matteo Peroni... "Snap out of it, Javi." She told herself as she parked her bike and locked her door. She had no idea what that man was playing at but she was sure it wasn't anything good. No, there was no way she was going to that warehouse tomorrow. "Don't even think about it." She said again. "Oh my god, I'm talking to myself. I'm going insane." Javiera had a hard time falling asleep that night, in fact she tossed and turned for hours before she drifted off and the crazy dream she had. One she tended to have whenever she was worried or skipped a workout. She never could recall much about the dream, only that it was a very physical one because it was the involuntary jolts of her body in it's REM cycle that seemed to wake her and she was always exhausted. And even when the morning came and Javi took her early run, she could feel the dream as if was something ominous- a warning of things to come. No, she would not go to the warehouse. "No way." She said to herself as she dressed for work. She wouldn't- she couldn't. She most definitely shouldn't, no matter what the situation was. Still- if she didn't think of something fast, she would be out on the streets before she could complain about it.
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