An Unnecessary Rivalry

2280 Words
The bell rings, it’s lunchtime.  As per usual, Belle and Phoebe will go down their classroom and go to the cafeteria plaza. This time Belle went first, Phoebe was left in the classroom with her co-officers and their homeroom teacher enters the classroom.  Mister Eric sat at the teacher’s chair, “Take the front row seats, please.” He offered them as the four took the vacant seats on the first row, the other two on the right side and the rest on the left side.  “I called you here for our first adviser-officer meeting. Congratulations again for being the officer of the first-year Politics Path, if you guys did well, maybe you will be the officers again the next years.” He giggles a bit as he clears his throat. “Anyway, back to the real topic. Next week, Friday, you kids will have the annual acquaintance party. This year, in particular, the school board and the student high council decided that this time, the acquaintance booths will not be per high school path, but by year of each path.” “So, you’re saying that we are gonna build our booths all by ourselves? The whole first year? I mean, we are the only class in this year.” Gerald said, rephrasing what the professor just said. “Exactly, actually, in Politics Path, there is only one class per year, compared to Research & Technology Path and Business and Trading Path.” “Isn’t a bit unfair for us, sir?” Phoebe questioned. “We’re fine with it, sir. We are future leaders anyway, and leaders don’t need much workforce to accomplish things, they can on their own. Don’t worry, sir Eric, we will plan as soon as possible, and I’ll guarantee you it will be the best of the best.”  “Thank you, Cledwyn, you are just the same as your sister. Speaking of Cledwyn’s sister, Cledaire said that she wants to meet every new officer in the student councils’ board room after class.”  “Noted, sir.” Phoebe motioned as the others agree. They are dismissed as the professor went out of the classroom as well as them.  “Hey, Phoebe.” She turned as she saw Cledwyn, “Oh, hello. Do you need anything or are we gonna talk about that boot—” She was cut rudely by the boy in front of her. “Listen. I don’t want you to get over my plans and as well as me. Treat yourself like you are just my assistant, you don’t want any problems with me.” He walked away as Phoebe was frozen in place.  Phoebe shook it away as she continues walking and went to the cafeteria plaza. She approached the table where Belle and Andrei are talking. She took her seat as their conversation was cut by her presence. “I am glad that your meeting was over,” Belle commented as Phoebe places her lunch. “Meeting? You’re an officer?” Andrei asked her as she nods. “Yeah, a class leader.” She started eating as Andrei was amazed. “Way to go, Phoebe! You seem to have established a good reputation here.”  “Well, I guess that’s the cause of being so knowledgeable,” Belle said as she giggles. “Wait, there’s nothing wrong with that!” Andrei said as Phoebe sighs, the positive aura between them fades away as both of her friends look at her with concern. “Hey, what happened?” “Well… Remember Cledwyn?” She said as Belle nods, “What did he do to you this time?”  “Well, nothing much. He just said not to interfere with his plans and himself also. And I need to act like his assistant.” Belle was pissed about what she said, “What? You are both class leaders! There’s no one with higher ranks between you two. He is not a class leader leader. You both have the title, class leader!” “Wait… Cledwyn… Where he came from?” Andrei butts in, except this time, he is serious. “Cledwyn of Hastey.” He holds his chin, “It’s impossible to have another Cledwyn in Hastey… So it’s that brat.” “You know him?” Belle and Phoebe questioned in chorus. “Well, of course! He is the brother of Head Student Council Cledaire. The most famous girl in this academy. He is also the son of Viscount Claro and Lady Ledimine. I also met him in that all leaders meeting before when I was like… 14” “So, that’s why he’s like that, he’s a son of a man with a rank in Eshecaean monarchy,” Belle said, eating her egg sandwich. “Well, not all noble is like him. Like me!”  “But it’s not enough reason for him to be like that,” Belle said. “Well, it is a reason. His sister is the head student council and even a rude descendant of a viscount. Superiority runs in their blood, that’s not hidden for a fact.” Phoebe counters her.  “But can he be a little nicer leader? Like his sister, that young lady is so nice to the students and her other councils.” Andrei said as he finishes his chicken soup. Phoebe was gonna counter his point with the relationship between him and his brother, but the sight and presence of Belle stopped her. She just sighs, accepting her defeat to the two.  “Back to you and Cledwyn, he supposed to be nice to you because you just have the same role, to lead the class.” Belle continued after a minute of silence and sighs. “Yeah, and I know you Phoebe that you wouldn’t be bossy around him, I guess you just need time for him to be acquainted with you and slowly be open to you,” Andrei added.  “Well, I guess you’re right, maybe he just needs time. And I need time too to be acquainted with what he really is. The last time I encountered this, that person isn’t really evil at all, maybe slowly, he can put away the mask he is hiding from and show his true self.” Phoebe said which made both of her friends smile. They had their lunch and part ways after that, returning to their own respective class.  After class, students start to pack their things and go home except the newly elected officers. Phoebe went along with her other officer mates to the main building where the student councils’ board room. Kerry and she are going along well, even Gerald. They are still quite uncomfortable with Cledwyn who is walking ahead of them.  “Maybe you can treat us for food, Phoebe? I mean, your father runs a restaurant.” Kerry said as Phoebe giggles. They did too as Cledwyn remained on his flat, almost emotionless face. “Maybe? Let’s see.” She shrugged suggestively as they giggled again. “Maybe we can have that for a booth. I mean, the food at a party is fun!” Gerald said as they all giggle again, the other class leader remained unbothered. A minute later they reached the double-doored room. They entered as some students are already waiting on the seats with wide and long tables. They sat beside each other, and Phoebe was a bit uncomfortable to sit beside Cledwyn, but the boy didn’t mind.  Minutes of waiting, Cledaire and her other councils entered the room. She went to the little podium in the room. “Good afternoon, new class officers for this school year~!” She greeted them with a singsong voice. Phoebe looked around the room and she saw a familiar figure, she can’t believe it.  “Why is Andrei here?” She whispered to herself. Then, the young man notices her and waved at her. She is not mistaken, it’s really Andrei. “Welcome to the student councils’ board room, preferably just meeting room, it’s too long to say… Anyway~ To those freshmen, I am Cledaire of Hastey, the Head Student Councilor of Driessen Academy. And this is the rest of the student council, would you please introduce yourselves for our new officers~?” The officers introduced themselves, she knew some new names, Cledaire of Hastey, Ferryl of Orell, Chelsy of Mires, Orin of Hastey, Gretel of Gumpel, Timothy of Modena, Dahna of Driessen, Dariell of Gumpel, Jocelyne of Riossoco, and Wyne of Hastey. She also knew that Andrei was the Path Councilor of them, which surprised her.  “I hope you remember all those names~ It’s important with the works in class officer work! Anyway, I know some of you already know about the acquaintance party this upcoming Friday, this year, it will be different~ Instead of your path councilors being so busy, it’s the class officers’ time. You are required to set up a booth for our party because this year it is themed as a festival, so it’s pretty logical to have so many booths~” The four of them already know about the booth, but not of all of the party. “Since it is themed as a festival, the booths are required to adhere to the theme. There’s plenty of ideas and I will be happier if there are no same booths that will oppose each other~ After the small program in the announcement hall, the students will be roaming around the booths in that big field behind the main building, including the cafeteria plaza. This event will be held the whole day so it’s a day of work~!” Phoebe slowly notices the flinching emotions of Cledwyn. His eyes were twitching a bit in few seconds of interval. She decided to switch with Gerald, she noticed that Cledwyn was unbothered by it and his current behavior even she’s away, she wonders why. She deduces that he has another rival across the room.  “I entrusted you with setting up the booths, you have a week preparing it and you can also bring some things in the weekends here in the school. The guard will let you in if you say you are from the council. And for the places, it will be ready on Sunday, so you can set up and take some places after we are done placing the marks~” The others nod as they took their notes. Some raised their questions and suggestions which the student council tends to. Andrei was right, Cledaire is a lot nicer than her younger brother, who is currently pissed off for some reason she doesn’t know of.  “About some more things about the party, it’s up to us. It will be a surprise, if some concern is related to you guys, I will gladly approach you or held another meeting like this~ Oh, I don’t know you guys yet, but I think we are already over the time we supposed to meet so I guess your introduction will be in our next meeting in Monday~ For now, you can take the time to talk with your co-officers and plan for the next week’s event. Meeting adjourned~!” With those two words, the meeting ended. The others approached the student council talking about their queries more privately as others went out of the board room. “We will hold our meeting on one of the snacks shops just nearby school, tomorrow, 8 am.” With that, Cledwyn pushed his chair and rises, leaving the three alone.  “Sure!” Kerry said as the other three packed their things and went on to their way. Phoebe approached Andrei. “I didn’t know you were our Path Councilor, you sneaky person.” He laughs, “Well, surprise, I guess?” They both laugh as they went on their way.  “You’re still second-year, right? How come you are a path councilor?” Phoebe looks at him as they walk through the halls. “Well, tricks that only the great Prince Andrei of Driessen knows!” He imitated the evil laugh of villains which made Phoebe burst into giggles. She playfully punches him, “Hey, be serious, I am questioning you seriously.”  “I mean, you laugh.” Phoebe playfully rolls her eyes. “On a serious note, well, I just tried, if I was elected, then good, if I was not, then also good. I just want to try how appealing I am,” Phoebe glares at him. “Okay! Okay! I just tried running for one because I was curious, I guess they voted me for being the son of the ki—I mean, the archduke.” Phoebe giggles as she checked her bag, she realizes that her trusty notebook was missing. “Wait, I forgot my notebook.” She ran back without any confirmation from Andrei. She came back to the board room. She was about to open the door as she heard someone shout. “Not because you are the greater than students I will obey you!”
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