Assistance Problem

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Phoebe looks at her companions which were shocked like her. She looks back at Cledwyn when she didn’t receive anything from them, “Sure, you can.” Cledwyn smiles and sat between Belle and Phoebe, which made the beauty uncomfortable. “I am always lonely when I eat my lunch, well, not always. I have friends before that I thought were just as the same level as me before, because I almost see everyone beneath me, honestly.”  “Where are these so-called friends of yours, anyway?” Cledwyn sighs as he looks at Belle, “Well, I cut ties with them, well, I didn’t tell them anything, anyway. And, they seem distancing themselves to me, so… I guess the feeling is mutual.” He starts to cut a bit from his steak and eats it.  “Do you know why at least? Maybe you are just assuming, no offense.” Phoebe said that made Cledwyn shook his head, “Not really, but I assume, once more, that it might be the things my dad has involved with. Well, it would really ruin my reputation, since who is proud of a dad that was sent to a court and was jailed? No one. And if they aren’t the one who decided to distance themselves to me, it might be their parents, since that news went across the kingdom.”  He looked at the rest of them, “I know the questions that is forming in your minds right now. I just wanted some companions, okay? It’s hard to feel lonely when you are not used to the feeling. Just treat me as some shadow just lurking if you want. I just want some physical companions, at least. It will ease my mind a bit.” He gave them a bittersweet smile as he continues eating. Phoebe looks at her friends and gave them a ‘what-to-do’ look. “It’s fine, you can converse with us. You are not a threat anymore, unless…” Cledwyn looks at Andrei and just giggled, “Trust isn’t an easy thing to get, huh. It’s fine, I have foreseen this and I understand. If I were on your feet, I would even hesitate to talk to someone who done me wrong. Look, I am just here to not feel lonely and feel pity for myself, it’s kinda adding to my burden more. And I don’t really want to add more, because I think I can not handle it. Like my sister said, I am a weakling.” “If you don’t mind, why is your relationship with your sister is uh… Bitter?” Phoebe said as Cledwyn looked at her, “Right… You don’t understand because you have a loving brother. To be really honest, that’s one that I envy you. Even I don’t really see you have a bond with your brother, but for the small time I observed him, it was the feeling that I think I will never feel with my sister.”  “Why did this happen, anyway? Is it just your typical sibling hate that sometimes has no reason at all?” Cledwyn chuckles, “Maybe, I don’t really know. For as far as I can remember, she just starts making fun of me when we are kids. I normally have my father to protect me from her.” “Is that why you were more devastated by your father’s death?” Cledwyn nods, “My sister was devastated too, my father is her father too anyway, but she needs to take her jolly-enthusiastic facade to make her seem strong when she doesn’t care sometimes anyway. I blame everything that happened to me to her.”  The three stars to get their interests and listened closely. “She always excels at everything, she is always loved, she is perfect. She was my role model before even she did me wrong. I was a witness of her evilness and thought of that as something that will make me excel too. It got worst when we got in a lot of fights and her just degrading me. It inspires me to be like her and start fighting back against her. It’s been like that for all those years. Then, in my reflection just days ago. I just realized that she is winning in our fight.”  The three were confused, “What do you mean?” Belle asked him as Cledwyn sighs, “She managed to manipulate me secretly to be the worst person that I could ever be. Everything that I thought that will make me excel like her, be loved like her, just be like her in general is the opposite of what I am receiving these past years. The feeling of power, there’s that. But, I was never contented. She assisted me to became the worst person ever. She lead me into a path wherein I thought I will be a better person, where I thought I will be just like her, or greater than her. She is great at everything, especially manipulating the people around her.”  “That’s… Harsh… Your relationship with your sister is just… I don’t even know what to describe it.” Phoebe said, trying to understand him. In her two lives, the first one was her not having any sibling, she was the only daughter and the only one where the attention, love, and everything that her parents can provide. Her second life was a little bit perfect too, her brother loves her so much and protective of his little sister. She was treated like a diamond for the second time.  “It’s awful. It’s really awful. What do you know, a person who is like a heaven-sent with such a sweet singsong voice and is the best at everything is rotten to the core.” Belle said as she chews her food. “Well, we are not some psychic to know who’s really good and who’s bad, who has the good intention or not.” “I am happy that she is not swaying you still Andrei. I mean, you are literally part of her group and you are a prince. The most likelihood of her manipulating you will be so high.” Cledwyn said as he looks at the prince. “I am just a son of the archduke, what could she possibly take from me?” Cledwyn shrugged, “I don’t know, but your position can grant her some advantages, she is just that bad, you know.” Their talk continues as the lunch was over and they all took their way to their own respective classrooms.  It was the end of the day, Phoebe was making her way to the campus gate with Belle. They were talking and it was suddenly stopped as Phoebe got pushed and fell on the floor. “Oh god, I am sorry.” A tall man helped her, it was a familiar face. “It’s okay, F-ferryl.”  “I am rushing, so sorry, I am really sorry. Just approach me tomorrow if something happened to you because of that! I really need to rush.” Ferryl ran to the main building which made the two friends look at each other. “He seems on a rush,” Belle commented as they both shrugged and continued walking.  Andrei decided to go to the student council room, which is a separate room for the student councils themselves. He was gonna ask a question and pass his proposals for the trick for the event. He went to the room to the very end of the hall and when he was about to knock and open the door, he hears voices across the room. “Are you serious? Why did you make this happen?” It was a familiar feminine voice, but he rarely hears that tone. “I am sorry… I was so nervous, I am sure the headmaster would forget that in the next few days.” It was another familiar voice, but this time, it was a masculine one. “Look, this event is an important one and also this project. Why all of the times you can fail, you fail this? Oh right, you always fail.”  “I didn’t mean to, Cledaire. That’s why I am letting you do the job because it’s really a struggle for me to speak without any practice whatsoever.” A sigh was heard, “If I would do all the job, you wouldn’t have any experience. This is all for you Ferryl, I am trying to help you, I am not trying to push you on things you can’t do because I know you can. That’s why I chose you to be my assistant after I beat you in the election because I know you would do everything just fine.”  “Thank you for your support, and I apologize for that. I am really that nervous you know. Speaking is my weakest aspect.” Cledaire giggles, “It’s fine, you will improve until you please everyone with your skills. Just focus on that and you will be better in no time.”  Andrei was confused, ‘If Cledaire is manipulating everyone around her, is this what Cledwyn is pertaining to? It doesn’t seem to manipulate. In fact, she is encouraging Ferryl to improve.’  He concluded it was the right time to cut the conversation off as he knocks and opens the door. “Oh, Andrei! You are here, what can I do for you~?” Cledaire smiles at him as she approaches him. “Well, I got my proposal here and questions to ask.” He proceeds to one of the chairs in the room. “Alright, give it away~” The next day, their politics subject got a big announcement to say to his class. “Good morning, students. Today, we have a guest related to our discussion and will help us to understand more the concept on how the hierarchy handle the finances in the kingdom. For those who aspire to take the chance to be a finance councilor, this is your chance to ask for some advice.” Their teacher went out and called the guest.  The class is both curious and excited about who will be it. Sir Eric came back with a man with a wide-body composition and as tall as him with his hair split in its side. “Class, meet Finance Councilor Desmond of Gumpel.” Phoebe suddenly froze in her seat, her eyes stuck on the man in front of them. It was one of the Desmond’s that is the possible bringer of a headache to her best friend’s family back at Mires. She can have her chance to solve the problem on her own.  “Good morning, students of Driessen Academy. You are the future leaders of this kingdom, huh.” He giggled as well as their teacher, “Yes they are, good sir. There’s a possibility they sit where you sit in your office soon.” “Well, it’s a mess. No one might like there.” He laughed which made some laugh too.  “Anyway, he is here to teach us what I said earlier, how the finance councilors do their job and possibly, see them do it in their office sooner.” The teacher looks at the councilor, “It’s my absolute future to help teach these future leaders for their advancements, and maybe excel as I am.” Desmond smile as Eric look at his class, “Alright, we will start. And, expect that more will come here in the near future if I am able to invite one again.” He looked back at the councilor, “Well if it’s about the education of these kids I wouldn’t mind going back again.” Desmond giggles once more. Their class start, it was different from before since they have a guest. It was a bit new for them and some find it fun, some find the councilor distractive since it’s laughing a lot throughout the class. The remaining 15 minutes as they finish their discussion was dedicated to asking the councilor questions. “Is it hard to be a councilor?” One asked from the class. “There’s no easy job. And thinking that it’s a job in the monarchy, it would be really hard. But that’s the least of my priorities. You should even feel lucky being one of the councilors, it’s a privilege.” The questions continue to flow as Phoebe gathers enough courage to ask him a question. “What’s your take about s*****y, sir Desmond?”
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