The Third Stage

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A few weeks later and Andrei decided to go home already. He’s still angry with his dad and even regrets that he is his son. He was packing some things to return it to his house. Phoebe came in after he invites her over.  “Are you sure you’ll come back to your home now?” She asked as Andrei tossed every clothes he has in the temporary wardrobe, he left some over which are the original ones in this room. “Well, my mom is already worrying and is gonna fetch me later.” “Your mom is out like your aunt?” Phoebe asked as she sits on his bed. She helped to fold his clothes since he is just tossing them lazily at the bag he has. She properly placed them as Andrei lazily sat beside the bag.  “She’s not really, she just let me do my things. Maybe weeks of not really going home can make her really worry.” Phoebe just snickers, “Well, I will be surprised if she isn’t worrying, that’s really rude of her.” Andrei just sighed, making Phoebe a little bit worried.  “Do you have something to vent?” She looks at the prince who is staring at the marble floor. He throws his head backward, not staring at the ceiling. He sighed once again and wipes something on his eyes. “Mom is the only one who really cares.” “What do you mean? I mean, you said you and your brother were on good terms.” Andrei grabs a pillow, “Well, I think we are. I now think that we are just neutral, or just him. I am trying to be positive, just like what my mom said.”  Phoebe just listened to him, “He is just so indifferent with everything. I don’t even know if he is faking it or it’s real. I think he doesn’t even have an emotional heart. He just cared about me because I will be one of his servants when he became a king if I ever get to be the archduke or something.”   “Whatever his reason is, maybe it’s valid.” She tried to comfort him but he just sighed, the nth time he did for this day. “What if I never existed?” Phoebe was shocked by the question. “Hey, don’t say that. If you never existed there will never be a Prince Andrei in Eshecaea.   “And what does the Prince Andrei do? Just either be extremely positive or be extremely depressed. Honestly, the royal family wouldn’t be so different even without me.” Phoebe holds his shoulder and makes him turn to her. Their eyes both lock, one with a really sad aura and one with hopes and encouragement, a little anger to make him quite scared.  “Andrei, everything will be different without you. Even your impact is small to people, but it will be an empty void if you were missing or never existed. You are Prince Andrei, one of the possible heirs of the throne and even one of the highest possible to be the archduke. You have a clear future ahead of you, stop whining.” “I can’t, and you can’t say that just easily. I just can’t help to whine, as you said. I don’t know why it has impacted me a lot.” Phoebe released his shoulder, “I am sorry if I ever underestimate what you are going through, but, please, to be honest, just whining around can’t help you. If you ever have a chance, try rising up from your slumber”  “I’ll try… If I can…” He locked his bag with the tie just hanging and was attached to it. A knock on the door was heard. “Come in…” Andrei said as it opens, it was one of the male servants in the castle. “Well, I am going now.” The servant approached him and took a bow before getting his baggage and leaving the room.  Andrei and Phoebe exited his own bedroom in the mansion as they followed the servant downstairs. They saw the queen talking to the archduke. She then noticed the two going down. “Andrei, my dear!” The queen approached Andrei and hugs him. “I missed you so much.”  “Good evening, your majesty.” Phoebe bows at her as the lady ignored her. “No time for staying here, you are already abusing it.” She holds the hand of her son just like a child. She approached Bermin, “Thank you for accommodating Andrei as always and I hope he didn’t do many headaches to you.”  He shook his head, “He is always welcome here.” The royal mother and son took their leave as Andrei waves goodbye to Phoebe as the queen seems in a hurry to take her son back. “She seems she needs to take his son home as soon as possible.”  The archduke just snickered, “Typical Laila.” They took their dinner as Queen Laila and Prince Andrei went home to their castle.  “Andrei is here~!” They entered the castle as the king was on his throne. “I am surprised you can make him go home.” The only thing the king commented, no greetings, no checking on his son. “You are underestimating my mother charm, dear. And, I am sure Andrei is already getting sick with that girl in the mansion.” Andrei looked at her, “Phoebe? What’s wrong with her?”  “I just sense there’s something wrong with that young lady. I hope she’s not just using you because you are the son of the royal couple!” He rolled his eyes, Laila was shocked. “Why are you rolling your eyes to me now my dear? Did that girl taught you to be rude to your parents?”  “Mom, she’s the only companion I have when I was on the verge of sadness. Along with Belle, of course. She’s the only one who can understand me and the only one who isn’t evil like that one person here in this room. Don’t call her words, you don’t know anything, and if you will treat me like this on my very first day of my return, I rather stay there with Uncle Bermin and Phoebe, they seem like more of the family than you guys.”  “Now you are talking back to us, huh!?” The king stood as Andrei turned to him. “Yes, now what will you do? Kick me out of the family? It’s fine, I never felt like one before anyway. If you are planning to neglect me because I already have this attitude, you are too late, I am already feeling that since the day I can perceive everything. If you guys keep being like this, I am going back to uncle.” He decided to walk out of the throne room and went to his bedroom. “What happened to our son? He is not like that before. I really bet that girl really taught him that. I will talk to her tomorrow. She changed my sweet boy to that thing, I may be picked up the wrong Andrei.”  “What’s happening here again?” The bored voice they knew emerges, they turned and saw Andres leaning on the wall near the door. “Your brother, he has changed! Do you know this girl living in your uncle’s mansion?”  “Phoebe? What about her?” He crossed his arms, preparing to hear any stupid things from his parents about an innocent scholar. “She is the one with your brother, and I think she manipulated him! Typical peasants.”  “Mom, Phoebe is uncle’s scholar. And, until that time Andrei didn’t go home, he is doing well with her. Base on what I observe, she’s nice, so stop making an issue again to girls.” He is keeping himself to roll his eyes or even laugh at his mother.  “How many times have you met this girl that you are protecting her also?” Andres can’t take it anymore, he snickered. “I just met her thrice, and I didn’t experience some weird sort of hallucinations or witchery stuff. Leave the girl alone, she just wants to study and don’t blame anyone for Andrei’s friendly attitude. If he ever changed, maybe it was your fault.”  “Now you are crossing your line.” He chuckles, “I always do, I wonder why aren’t you guys are getting rid of me yet. Anyway, that is the most probable thing, I suggest you talk to Andrei or just let it because as you always reason out, it’s just a phase.” He left the throne room as Laila was frozen.  “Why our sons are turning like this!? Can’t we have any children that can’t be rebellious at ages of 16 and up to even 23!? Andres must mature, he is still childish about everything.” The queen decided to take some fresh air and went to her personal garden.  A knock on the door was heard as Andrei sobs into his room. “I don’t want to hear any of your crap, mom!” He shouted as he heard his brother’s voice, “It’s Andres.” He looked at the door, “Don’t get involved with this, I am sure you won’t like it.”  He opened the door, “I insist, I am the big brother after all.” Andrei’s teary eyes look at him, “Are you just gonna say how pathetic I am for crying?” Andres looks at him, “Probably, that maybe the context of what I will say, I am bad at comforting at all.” “So why bother?” Andrei leaned at the headboard of the bed. “Big brother duties.” His brother briefly said. “You can just leave me alone, you can neglect your duty. Don’t attempt to comfort me if you aren’t able to. Just go and live your indifferent life and don’t mind about me.”  “Oh well, as you wish. Just one thing, you can say anything to me.” Then, he left the room as Andrei watches him. “I don’t trust that sudden kindness. He maybe knows what dad is doing and maybe supports him. Why does everyone around me need to hide a secret, and those secrets will be devastating for me.” He spent the night crying and just ranting everything that comes to his mind. He didn’t realize that he slept in the process.  He woke up early in the morning and went to the dining table to eat his breakfast. His swollen eyes from crying can be noticed and a lot of servants asked how was he. He just briefly answer, “I’m good.” They never attempted to ask what happened, they were scared with the new attitude of the prince. He took a seat at the dining table, the seat which is one seat away from his mother’s usual chair. He is a bit far from the family and was fine with the isolation. He was the first one to arrive and immediately ate his breakfast. His dad and mother came and the last was his brother, who seems just woke up and was angry that he is.  The dining table is just conquered with some little noises of the plates and utensils. No one dared to talk nor utter any word. They didn’t even greet each other. Ego has conquered every single one of them. Andres was going to at least say ‘Morning’ as usual, but he didn’t bother to break the silence, if someone can, he will leave that to them.  Before Andrei left the table, his father spoke. “Meet me in the throne room.” He gazes at his father and didn’t utter a word or even a gesture that can confirm that he heard it and was going to obey his favor, or rather, command.  But fortunately, when the king went to the throne Andrei was there, just looking at the view from the windows. He turned as he heard the footsteps of his father. He just looks at him as he went and sat on his beloved throne.  A minute of silence emerges as they just stared at each other. Andrei sighed, “Just say what you want, I don’t have the patience right now to fight with your ego. I will be going to uncle later, so you don’t have to worry about my presence.” The king took a deep breath, “Can you tell me your vacation in Lalonde?”
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