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“Why did you asked about a personal vacation?” Belle asked, she was pissed and nervous at the same time, but she can’t show it directly nor even give some clues about it. She can’t even take a glance at Phoebe to raise no suspicion. The same question ran in the minds of the three, ‘Do he know something?’ “I don’t know if you know this but… Ahm…” He sighed, he did a perfect act in front of them, all of the four people in front of the king know he is acting, but someone who doesn’t know the king fully will be deceived. “I have a… Not so good relationship with my son right here…” He tried to at least caress his back but Andrei moved an inch away from him, he didn’t continue the little act for the skit of his. “And… I am not quite sure if he is saying the truth about your trip, so… I just want some context where you went to, you ate at, or anything about your trip… I just want to make sure… He didn’t just lie and maybe, he is afraid to say anything in particular that almost harmed him there.”  Phoebe was laughing at her mind. She can’t ever see in her mind a concern King Dougal, apart from the times when she was still Princess Desiree. But now, in front of her, the king was actually concerned, not concern about something evil, but like a father to Andrei, which he complains a lot that he isn’t, a lot of times.  Belle looked at Phoebe, asking if she can take the lead for talking. She sighs as she looks at the king, who is eagerly waiting for the story. “Well, we accommodated the guest rooms of Belle’s home. Then the whole week, her parents are just touring us around on some restaurants, some landmarks, we even went to—” “Went to what!?” The king said in excitement, it was pretty awkward. “Go ahead.” He said as Phoebe was stopped and was frozen on his reaction. “We went to Modena to check more stuff, and that’s pretty much it.”  Belle nods, “Yeah… And Phoebe and Andrei were just going to have to a 3-day vacation only because—” “Because what?” The king interrupted her, which made the three teenagers get uncomfortable. “Dad, what I said to you is the only thing we did. And, you didn’t hurt them but you are making them uncomfortable, if that’s all the question, they will need to go now.” Andrei said as he stands along with her friends. “No, no, I got more questions—” “Dad, you are just taking nonsense—” “I am not, it’s just for your own saf—” Andrei looks at him, “Safety? Is that it? Since when you were concerned about my safety? You just let me go anywhere I want, perhaps you want the day to come that I will be just lying dead on the ground somewhere. And if you are talking about my friends not being safe, I am much safer than with you—” “Now you are talking back again! I am letting you these past few days but this time, I won’t. Since your friends are here, let them see what they have influenced you into.” Suddenly, Phoebe’s blood rushed, it was a wave of unexplainable anger. “Excuse me, King Dougal. I, Phoebe of Mires, was not grown by my parents to be disrespectful to my parents and those who deserve respect. I will never influence Andrei on being disrespectful to anyone, if anyone did this to him, it’s probably his roots.” She squints her eyes, if anyone who saw them and heard her talking, it was probably one of the bravest things in history.  “Phoebe of Mires, you are just a mere scholar of my brother, and now you are talking back to me?” He laughed, Phoebe was going to slap him but Belle stopped her. “He is still the king, Phoebe.” She whispered, which Dougal heard. “At least the other one here has some respect still for a person with the highest title in the kingdom.” He grabbed her dress’ collar, “You do not know what I am capable of.”  “Dad!” Andrei pushed him as Bermin who just came from the comfort room pulled Phoebe back. “What is happening here? What were you doing, Dougal!?” He said as he calmed the two young women within his arms.  “I am just making your scholar remember that I am the king and just not a bunch of a man. Say to your scholar that respects someone higher than her. You peasant—” Bermin suddenly grabbed his shoulders. “Do you hear what you are saying? These are kids, and except them from all of your bloodlust.”  “Are you siding with a bunch of small-headed teenagers, Bermin?” He pushed Bermin which made him release from his grip. He wipes his shoulders as if it was covered in dirt. “I am not. This is unacceptable. This is your son’s friend, at least one time, do something right. These are defenseless teenagers, have mercy at them, if you still have one. Let’s go.”  Bermin took the two girls. “I’ll go with you uncle,” Andrei said as he follows them. “You are not going Andrei until we are done talking!” The king shouted as he stands and was planning to follow Andrei and pull him. “What are we gonna talk about? On how you hate my friends? Not my cup of tea, see you, tomorrow dad.” He shuts the door before the king can pull him back into the room.  The king was frozen, the door was shut in front of his face by his own son. It made him angrier. He cursed a lot of times and just threw everything in the lounge. He is screaming that can be heard by the guards who went in. They held the king. They endured all the things he did to him while he was trying to escape their grasp.  “I think your dad is screaming, should we check at least?” Phoebe asked, looking at her companions. “He is just raging, he always does that since we are children. He never changed.” Bermin just shook his head in disappointment as they went out of the castle and board the carriage. They dropped Belle at her home as they went back to the archduke’s mansion. The next day, Andrei and Phoebe once again went to school together. It was always the case and both of them are getting used to it. “I wish I was just uncle’s son. At least these problems of mine would be a lot less difficult or even I have other problems at least.”  Phoebe looks at him and smiles, “I mean, you are already your uncle’s son.” Andrei sighs, “Well, like his biological son. So I don’t need to be directly affected by my father’s affiliations. Or even directly connected to him, I could care less about him, I could even just ignore his entire existence, I wish it was just like that.” “Oh well, you are stuck now with that life. You can’t actually choose your parents, you know? Even when you are living since you don’t have a right to choose your parents unless your father gives you away entirely.” Andrei rests his chin on his palms. “I wish he did that, he doesn’t like me anyway.”  Their conversation stopped as the carriage takes its halt. They went down from it and went to the campus. A familiar girl was approaching them with its black hair that was dangling on her shoulder, the ends of her hair were tied up by a red hair tie. Even in a distance, she still looks cheerful and her positivity radiates from afar, she was wearing her iconic sweet smile.  “Andrei~! And… Perhaps you are Phoebe, right?” She said as the two stopped walking. “Yes, I am Phoebe, Ms. Cledaire.” Phoebe responded which made the president clapped slightly, “I knew my memory wasn’t still rusty, still the best one in the academy. Anyway~ I am just gonna say to Andrei that we will have a meeting later at lunch, and since you are already here, Phoebe, the class officers will attend again meetings in the afternoon, since we have an upcoming event once more~! Isn’t exciting?” “It is. I’ll be there as you said.” Andrei flashed a small smile as Phoebe nods. “Alright~ See you later!” She walked away as the two part ways as they reached their path building.  At lunch, Belle was confused when Andrei was not around. Phoebe explained it to her which Belle understood. “I wish he was okay even of what happened last night.” She commented as she ate her lunch. “He is fine, but at the same time, he is not. I don’t know if he is really fine these days, seems his motivations and inspirations are gone, he is even thinking of negative things.”  “I can’t really help anything at all except being there with him and accompany him at his sad times.” Belle said as Phoebe sighs, “Especially with his relationship with his father. Is it bad to wish someone dead?”  “If it’s the king, I mean, it’s justifiable, I guess. He has done horrible things to the kingdom, even his death cannot repay all of the lives that he either directly or indirectly killed and destroyed.”  Phoebe clicked her tongue, “At least we got the… Uhm… You know.” Belle nods, “Yeah, they are in good hands now, I am just worried about the others, we don’t really know who’s this mistress is and what does she really does behind the scenes.” She looked at Phoebe who seems so tired, even it’s still half the day at school. “Well, we don’t really know how to find it out.” After school, Phoebe went to the meeting room and went to the seat she usually sat on. Everyone has their own favorite seat now so being late was not a problem. “I guess that’s all of you~ So, good afternoon my fellow officers. Today, we are gonna talk about our Path Wars that would be held next week. Unlike Inter-Path Wars, this event will be just simple and will not be complicated as such. It will be just happening in your respective paths, year vs other years~!”  To all of the new officers, they were interested and nervous at the same time. “I called this meeting to discuss with you the event and tell you what you will do to cooperate with this special event. We will have Ferryl, my lovely assistant, to lead us there~” The tall and slim jet black-haired young man moved forward, “Good afternoon, class officers, so I will be presenting you the respective activities, the mechanics, the specific rubrics, the representative assignment, and anything else about this week-long event.”  While he was explaining the things that officers need to know. A piece of paper was pushed on the area of the table in front of her. It was a small piece of paper. She read it while jotting down notes.  Meet me later behind the bush on the gate. Don’t tell anyone about this. For the reason why you’ll know later. This important and this is not a favor, go there, I’ll be waiting.  Base on the handwriting style and the way of the words, she knows it’s no other than her arrogant partner, Cledwyn. He has been ignoring her for the past few days and only talks to her when they need to. It was a surprise that he wrote a letter instead of just pulling her behind the bush, it can save him some ink, some piece of paper, and minutes or even seconds of thinking.  She wrote ‘Sure’ on the back of the small piece of paper as she slides it back to Cledwyn. Immediately, he crumpled it and hid it in his bag. Phoebe ignored it as she continued to listen to the assistant head.  After the meeting, Phoebe went behind the bush as Cledwyn comes in after a few minutes. “Let’s get it straight, what do you want?”  “I just want to have a small deal with you.”
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