Chapter 2

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Alandra     I melted into the strange man's arms. His scent of strawberries and lemons surrounding me. Intoxicating me and dulling my judgment. He pressed his face into my neck and inhaled deeply. I blushed and started to feel my legs turn to jelly.      I felt my body completely relax in his arms. How could I be this relaxed and this happy in a stranger's arms? Something in me was stirring and I felt myself needing him. I was about to wrap my arms around him till I felt his teeth graze my neck, and I was snapped out of whatever delusion I was in.      I pushed against him, but he didn't budge. In fact, his grip got tighter.      I started to feel the fear build up and I shoved against him harder. I felt a rumble in his chest as he growled low in my ear. I was in a full panic mode not. I shoved him hard and yelled, "GET OFF OF ME!" He was taken aback slightly and I could feel his grip loosen.      I took advantage of it and wiggled my way free,  bringing my knee up to his groin. He groaned loudly and doubled over. I took several steps back, standing in front of Mrs. Williams to protect us both.      "Stay away from us!" I shouted.      I turned to check on Mrs. Williams and the look on her face confused me. It was one of horror and amusement.      She side-stepped me and reached her hand out to him, "I'm so sorry Sir. She's... different from us." She said completely blowing me away. Why was she treating him so nicely? He was practically sexually harassing me, and she's apologizing to him?! He was the one that needed to apologize to me!      I crossed my arms over my chest as I watched him ignore her hand and straighten up to his full height. He flipped a few dreads back and said, "Different?" with a look of confusion.      Mrs. Williams looked like she was about to say something, but then gazed over at me. She gave me a sheepish grin and stood in front of the man. "Alandra, why don't you go on home? I'll take care of this important customer." she said.      I stared at her dumbfounded for a moment and then just nodded my head.     I took my apron off, and after hanging it up, I side-stepped the strange man and walked out the bakery without a glance back. Once I was in my car, I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding.      My mind started racing. Who was that man? Why did she call him an important customer? Nothing was making sense today.      I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts as I started the car and made my way home. I tried to banish all thoughts of him and his arms wrapping around me.      When I made it home, I noticed that my mom's car was in the driveway. It was odd for her to be home so early. She usually came home around six or seven but it was only five-thirty.      I smiled anyway knowing that my mom would be the only one that would help me feel better about today. She always knew what to say and what to do to make me feel at ease.      Once I parked the car, I jogged to the front door and opened it, the scene before me causing me to freeze. There were boxes everywhere, and our place was a mess. Trying to fight the panic that was rising inside me, I stepped over to one of the boxes and inspected what was inside.      The panic overtook me as I saw it was our stuff inside the boxes. I called out to my mom and started running up the stairs two at a time. Needing to find out what was happening, I made it to her bedroom door but stopped with my hand on the handle as I heard her talking on the phone.     "I understand that sir, but we have to leave... It's for severe personal reasons." She said in a hushed tone.  Leave? What did she mean by leave? Like permanently? I pressed my ear to the door to hear better.     "Yes I know what it means if we go without your permission, but nothing is stopping me... Fine. I'll give you only TWO days to think on it Alpha." I heard her hiss into the phone and then it was silent.      I didn't know what was going on, but I've never heard my mother talk to anyone in that way.      I decided to not bring up the incident at the bakery at that moment. Whatever was going on, my mom did not need me adding more to it.      I took a breath to calm myself down and took my hand off her door handle. I forced a smile on my face and knocked on her door. A few moments passed and my mother opened the door, and similar forced smile on her face, but panic and despair in her eyes.      I pretended not to notice, "Hey mom, what's going on with all these boxes?" I said to her in a playful tone. She looked down and started fidgeting with her hands. Something she only did when she was nervous. "Mom?" I say gently.      She snaps her head up with a huge smile plastered on her face. "Sweetie, We are moving! I just thought with you starting NYU, we could move to New York and travel for a few months! you have enough credits to graduate earlier. A young girl like you should travel before starting a new chapter in life!" She said with so much joy.      I stared at her in disbelief. I took a step back and slowly shook my head trying to make sense of what she was saying.      Moving? Leaving Lance Port? I couldn't. I haven't told Victoria how I felt, and yes I had enough credits to graduate earlier, but I wanted to graduate with everyone else.      I put my hands up defensively.      "Mom... Moving? We have lived in Lance Port for so long. I'm happy you want to come with me to New York, but I'm not leaving. There are things here that I'm committed to and that I need to see through. I'm staying." I tell her as calmly as I can.      I watch as her eyes start to turn hard and a twitch forms on the corner of her smile.      "Sweetie, trust me this is going to be good for us. It will be a fresh start. Away from this small town. This is what's best for us." She said in a slightly stern tone.      I crossed my arms over my chest. "I'm not going. I'm seventeen, practically an adult. You can't force me to go."      My mom balled her hands into fists and anger was clear on her face. Her lips became a tight line and her eye started twitching.      She raised her finger at me and started wagging it dangerously close while yelling, "Now you listen to me, young lady! I wasn't ASKING you, I was TELLING you that we are moving! I am your mother and I know what's best for you! and that's final!"     Something in me started boiling with rage again.      She was trying to demand me to leave the life I built behind with no explanation, no warning? Just up and go? I was not going to take that.      I was so angry, I started shaking as the rage started to boil more and I felt my body get hot. I balled my hands into a fist and kept them at my side. Then I did something I never thought I would ever do to my mother.      I yelled back, "NO! Now you listen to me! I said I'm not going! you can't just control my life and make choices for me! I SAID I'M NOT GOING AND I MEANT IT! NOW THAT'S FINAL!"      What my mother did next had me staggering back.      The whole time I was yelling I saw her start to tremble, and when I said the final word, she bowed to me and exposed her neck.       My mouth hung open as I watched her. I mentally kicked myself for being so disrespectful to her.      I tried helping her up and was apologizing profusely. She didn't meet my gaze but stared at the ground with intent. When she finally stood up again, she turned her head to look at the clock on her nightstand.     "Have you taken your pills?" she asked me. I kicked myself mentally. "No, not yet, I'm sorry I was preoccupied with work," I said and made my way downstairs for my bag.      Once downstairs, I grabbed my bag digging around for the pills I had to take.      For as long as I could remember, I was anemic, and my mom gave me these special pills. No wonder I snapped at her. My mom always tells me if I don't take the pills, it can cause severe mood swings.      The only thing is, I hate taking the pills. They always make me feel sick and cause me pain. My mom said that's a side effect too, but I feel she's underestimating the pain.      I sigh when I take the bottle out, and shake a pill out.      I grimace as I take the pill and wince as I feel the burning pain spread throughout my body. After a few moments, it passed and I let out a sigh of relief as I placed the bottle back in my bag.      Turning I saw my mom descend the stairs and make her way to me. She strokes my hair and offers a weak smile.      "I'm truly sorry mom. I didn't mean it." I tell her.      Touches my cheek and says, "Don't worry about it, sweetie. I know this is a lot but this is what's best for us. You'll thank me later, you'll see."      I stare at her dumbfounded and take a step back. She had to be joking. Did she really think I was still going to do what she said?      I crossed my arms over my chest once more. "Let me rephrase that. I'm sorry for how I said it. NOT for what I said. I'm staying here mom. There are things here that are too important for me to just leave." I tell her trying to remain calm.      She sighed and closed her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose. She stood like that for some time, trying to take calming breaths.      After an excruciatingly long time, she opened her eyes and looked at me with a gentle expression. "Sweetie, I just... It's hard to understand but I'm only trying to do what's best for you. Please, won't you just... Think about it?" she said softly.      I chewed on the inside of my cheek and nodded at her. Thinking about it was the least I could do. Even though I knew I wasn't going to change my mind.      She smiled warmly at me and turned to go to the kitchen.     I sighed softly and followed her. Thinking back to the conversation I overheard earlier, had me questioning something.      "Oh yeah mom, when I was coming up to your room, I overheard you on the phone. Who or what is Alpha? Isn't that a dog thing or something?" I ask her.      She froze in her tracks and I saw her whole body tremble. She turned to me slowly and I saw the full panic in her eyes.      "I...That... It was just.. My boss.. the owner of the daycare. He likes to be referred to like that." She said in a shaky tone.      Something about the way she said it made me question her. Why would she need to ask her boss for permission? Why call him that? I quickly pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind. My mom has never lied to me before. She has always been honest, so why should I start doubting her now?      "Man, what kind of ego is that?" I say and chuckle.      My mom gave a half-hearted laugh and continued her way into the kitchen.      Seriously though, what kind of ego does a guy have to have, to make his employees call him Alpha? Talk about toxic masculinity.      I dug in my bag for my homework and hopped up on one of the barstools.      I groaned as I began my homework. Calculus, If I ever had an enemy, it was calculus.      The smell of spices and the sauce invaded my nose and smiled. She was making lasagna, my favorite. Man, she really must've wanted to butter me up.      By the time I finished my homework, my mom was pulling the lasagna out of the oven. I hopped down and went into the kitchen grabbing some plates and utensils. After I set the table, mom placed the lasagna down and we started to dig in.      As we ate we talked about our days. I told her about mines, leaving out the part of the strange guy, and she told me about her having to break up a fight between two four-year-olds. I laughed at the thought of two little kids fighting.      As I'm about to clear away the table, she shooed me away telling me to go relax. I smile and kiss her cheek, thanking her for dinner.      I made my way upstairs and quickly grabbed some pajamas and took a quick shower.      After I was done, I flopped onto my bed and pulled my phone. I sent out a quick message to Victoria telling her good night and sweet dreams. She replied back quickly with a heart emoji and said good night.      My heart fluttered at the message. I know she didn't mean anything by the emoji, but I couldn't stop myself from feeling a certain way about it. Smiling, I put my phone on the charger and laid back down staring at my ceiling.      Now that I was alone, I let my mind wander to the strange man. The thought of his strong arms embracing me the way they did.      How his scent made me want more of him. I felt like I was crazy, thinking of a man I didn't know. But something about him made me drawn to him. I wanted more of his touch. I wanted, no I needed to be by him. I mean could you blame me? Who wouldn't want such a perfect man? That chiseled jawline, those stern yet gentle eyes.      I blushed and shook my head trying to clear the explicit thoughts trying to worm their way into my head.     I sighed heavily and turned to face my window. I watched as the stars twinkled in the night sky, and the tree by my window swaying from the wind, obscuring my view every now and again.      I let my body drift into blissful sleep as the hint of strawberries and lemons surround me.
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