Chapter 19 alphas arrive

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After Silver spoke to Hayley, Hayley told Darryl what happened, he shook his head, "A man does not hit a woman," no matter how mad he gets. You should never hit a woman, and vise versa," they both nodded in agreement, the next day, everyone started to get  everything ready, she got the rooms ready for the alphas in there mates, and just to make sure she got a few more ready, just incase, the food was ready. Had ribs hamburgers, hot dogs, Boston butt, and much more, Aaron should be here soon so will Keith and a few others will be here, as the day went on, Seth was the first to arrive with his mate Bella, and a few of his warriors, Hayley ran up and hugged him, welcome back Seth and Bella, they hugged her back, an hour later Keith and his mate Sunny showed up, with a few of there warriors, they welcomed them with open arms. The last one was Aaron, and his mate Karissa, and ten of his strongest warriors, the castle was full of guests, the food was ate. And everyone is now relaxing and talking,  Seth POV I watched Hayley laugh at a joke her mate Darryl did, I've had known her since she was twelve years old, I live this girl like a sister, so when she called me for help, I didn't even have to think twice about it, I know what she's been through, I was surprised to see my brother Keith, when he called me telling me he was going to be there, to me that will give us time to spend together,we haven't see each other in a few years, because he's been busy with his own pack, but we've always talked on the phone, it's amazing to see how happy he is, he knew it was time to get down to business, as he turned to Hayley,  "So this Ted person," "what did he do to end up on your bad side sis?" She chuckled knowing he always thought of her as a sister, she began to tell him the story,  I took him off his seat of Alpha and put Charlie in the seat, I gave orders on what to do, he jumped putting his hand around my throat, and I cut his hand off then put him in the cellars, weeks later he begged forgiveness, we set him free, then Faith here," she looks over at Faith smiling at her, she comes asking for him, but we hadn't seen him, when she linked him to reject him, he told her she's no longer a member of that pack, and now he's back being Alpha, I really don't know what happened to Charlie, but we will be heading there tomorrow to find out," if he had killed hm, then he shall be killed, whatever he has done to him. It will be done to him, Seth nodded,  Then it shall be done sister, everyone agreed, Faith and Croc set there listening, then spoke up, "Will I be able to have some territory for the pack I will form?" Darryl nodded, when all is done. We will decide what part you will have, and it will be done, she bowed her head, it was time to rest for tonight, tomorrow will be a long day. People might get hurt. Or even killed, Darryl and Hayley showed everyone to there rooms, then they retired to there's, they got into bed, "you know" we need to be ready for anything tomorrow," goddess knows what he has done, he might had lied to get the Alpha seat once more, "He might had killed Charlie," but either way, we need to be prepared,  Darryl listened as she talked, he was deep in thought, how strong she was, she was willing to help anyone, he hoped he can be the king she wants him to be, and if Ted tries to put a hand on her, he will truly die by his hands, his thoughts were interrupted, as she kissed his cheek,  "What are you so deep in thought About?" He turned to her smiling, just if anyone ever tried to hurt you, I'll rip there heads off, and shove it up there ass, she giggled, I was thinking about the same about you, if anyone ever tried to hurt you, I'll kill them, they both nodded, as she laid her head on his chest, he played with her hair until she fell asleep, he was thinking once more, "what does this wolf have up his sleeve, what does he have to help him, when they come, soon sleep came over him, cuddling up to Hayley, he soon fell asleep,  Ted: did you get the help of the rogues I told you about Doc: No they said they will not help you, Ted: then they shall die to, when I kill that b***h of a queen, I'll get her power Doc: he thought for a moment, the queen has no powers, what is he talking about, he's gone crazy, but he said nothing, yes you will be a powerful man sir,  Ted: smirking as he heard his friend speak, I'll kill every single wolf that comes into my territory,  Doc,: What did you do Charlie? "Where is he?" Ted he starts to laugh, he's in the cellars chained with silver chains, the bastard thought he could take over my pack, I'll show him, I'll hang him before he becomes alpha of my pack,
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