Chapter 23

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Ted Ted POV He was trying to rush back, but having one hand and unable to shift, he lost his wolf due to not being able to shift, it took him three weeks to get back to his pack, he ate by trying to trap animals cooking them over fires, drank from the springs, took baths in the rivers, when he reached the gates of the pack, the guards saw him and immediately linked the king and queen, and Charlie, Hayley told him to act normal and to let him inside, he did what he was told, he kindly spoke to him,  Alpha, "I'm so sorry" I almost didn't recognize you," it looks like you have rested well, I hope the travel was kind to you, "Yes,Yes" the travel was kind, I ate slept and took baths in the river, but what comfort me the most was that knowing I would be home soon, and I'll be able to rest in my own bed soon, Rey nodded, well go and rest Alpha, you have been truly missed, he nodded and smirked, I guess I was,maybe I'll let one of the single she wolves out, to keep me company tonight,  Rey nodded, as Ted hurried to get home, he stopped in his tracks when he saw the cabins, he took a look around and saw the flower gardens, the vegetable garden was flourishing, the grass was greener, he looked at the pack house, the gutters were cleaned out, the windows were replaced, the porched was rebuilt, what the hell happen here, this is not what he was wanting to come back to. He looked around more, and saw the children playing in their playground, kids swinging on swings, and sliding down slides, they were laughing and giggling, the women were walking around, even some were being trained to fight. There was even a guard house where the guards would stay, if they had mates the mates would stay with them, he shook his head, thinking, "Who the hell did this,?" This will only make these men weak, women are no good, he walked closer, and saw the one man he did not want to see set free, Charlie McLain, and his mate, he was talking with her, laughing and joking, he heard her laugh at his joke, he was angry, how dare someone set him free, he was the Alpha of this pack, he stormed forward, pushing Charlie's mate out of the way.  "How the f**k did you get out of the cellar?" Who the hell set you free. I will kill the mother fuckers. His face was red with anger, Charlie just stood there, growling at him, he walked past him shoving him as he did, helping his mate up, "Are you alright?" She nodded, going inside, Tell the guest that the bastard is back. She nodded, whispering be careful love, he nodded kissing her forehead, go and do not look back, she nodded running to the pack house as fast as she could, Charlie turned back around, walking back over to Ted,  So you want to push my mate around, she's with child you ass hole, if anything would have happened, I would have killed you where you stood. Ted started laughing,  How dare you speak to me like this, I am the f*****g Alpha of this pack, who did all this, i want everything taken down and set of fire, I want the gardens trashed, who gave the right or even the order to do any of this, I want it taken down, and these cabins will be burnt to ask. The women do not need to learn how to fight, they will be locked back up and used when we need them,  Hayley pov Just then several people came out of the pack house, he didn't notice until they were standing behind him, he heard a female clearing her throat, he turned around slowly, he stood there shocked to see Hayley standing there with Darryl, beside her. Ron and his mate, David with his, and there was Keith and his brother, and there mates, they all surrounded him, as he glared at Hayley, Charlie moved out of the way, this was between Hayley and Ted, then it happened Ted growled the loudest growl, he was trying to scare her, but she just stood there, Darryl moved out of the way, he felt the power of Hayley moving forward,  "So you are the one," that sent the king of the rogues to kill my fàther?" But instead my mother took his place and he joined her." And you thought you could come to my kingdom, grab me by the throat, without being punished,  and all you did was spread lies, how many lies did you tell on your way, and still no one would help you, "you come alone," and you think it's a good idea to growl at your Queen?"  "You are not my Queen b***h," this is my territory and I want all of y'all out!! She smirked, this hadn't been your territory ever since I put Charlie in your place, you are nothing but a omega, you let these people sleep on floors with no doors or windows, you even let the pack house go to Ruin, how could you sleep at night knowing your pack was like this, before she saw what was happening, he smack her across the face, Darryl came forward. Growling his eyes glowed the color of red, he jerked him by the collar, raising him off the ground, Do you really think, I wouldn't do anything when you touched my mate your queen, Hayley touched his back making small circles, calm my love calm, he's not worth it my King, he slowly calmed down, putting Ted back down on his feet, but she wasn't done, Ted only smirked. Bringing out a long knife from his back, but it was already to late, Hayley saw this, she pushed Darryl out of the way taking the same dagger out of her sleeve, with one swipe she cut his other hand off of him, you could hear his scream from miles away, he fell to his knees, Hayley picked up the king knife that he had, it was more like a sword then a knife, she walked toward,  Ted I sentence you to death, for trying to kill the king, she turns handing Darryl the sword, this is all you my king,. He nodded, Ted looked up at them, laughing a weird laugh, he went crazy, he got back on his feet still laughing, I'll kill you b***h, Darryl had enough. As he watch Ted start to run, with a swipe with his hand he chopped Ted's head off his shoulders he watched the head fall on the ground, then the body fell beside it, blood was pouring out, Hayley looked down at the body, she closed her eyes then open them, they body was set on fire, the flames were high, everyone had to back up, the body and head was burned to ash, there was nothing left, she turned to Charlie,  If you don't mind, we'll spend another night, our business is done here, and your pack is doing well, I know you will be a great Alpha and your Luna will be a great Luna, Charlie nodded, you are welcome to stay my queen as long as you want, she nodded, thank you, but there's a wax museum I saw while we were heading here, I want to see, before we head home, he nodded once more, as it was night now, and everyone started to head to there homes to cook and spend time together, we will in the morning, they walking into the dinning room, dinner was already on the table, meat loaf in potatoes, they ate, and went up to there rooms as they laid in bed, she turned to Darryl,  You are truly my King my love, tomorrow after the Museums, we will head home, it has been a long few weeks, Darryl nodded, yes it has, everyone has been on edge. And now he's gone, they can get back to their lives. And we can get back to ours, they fell asleep right when there heads hit the pillows, Unknown: so is he dead? Rogue: yes finally, I heard they are going to a museum tomorrow, we will try and get her then,  Unknown: be careful don't let them see you following them,  Rogue, don't worry we won't, we'll get her don't worry she will be yours Unknown, yes she will Hi everyone bet you thought this was the. End of the book, sorry but that ending wasn't enough, so I have a few other chapters to do, hope you like the book, and please leave a comment thank you so much 
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