Chapter 2

1986 Words
Chapter Two Richard and Taryn woke up in Richard’s bed early the next morning. Or rather, Taryn woke up and made sure Richard soon followed. He moaned. Taryn fetched him a glass of water and a couple Tylenol. “I love you. Thank you. But this is all your fault, don’t forget.” He swallowed the Tylenol and finished the glass of water. “True, but look what happened. Isn’t that worth a bit of a headache?” “Asked the brat who doesn’t get hangovers.” She leaned down and kissed him. “I’ll go make you a BLT.” Richard sighed and rolled over. He was so lucky to have her in his life. They had talked once, maybe a year ago, about the fact that they were both still looking for Mister Perfect, but that they were losing hope such a man existed for each of them. They decided if they reached a certain age, they would just go ahead and marry each other and have kids. They’d never chosen what an appropriate age might be. He pushed out of bed and jumped into the shower. He made it quick, threw on sweats and a t-shirt, and arrived at the kitchen just as she put a plate down on the table. “Thanks, sweetie, I really appreciate it.” She sat down with her own sandwich and they ate. “Ricky, do you think...I mean, could we you think Caleb thought we were...” She paused. “I liked him, a lot, but he was awfully...bossy.” “You mean domineering. Or rather, dominating.” “Yeah, I guess so. That’s what he was implying, right? That he likes to dominate in bed? That he wants his partners to be submissive.” They both mulled that over. “Do you think we could be submissives? Wouldn’t we already know that about ourselves if we were?” He thought about it for a minute. “I think it’s just never been much of an issue for us before. You’ve never met a man who has wanted to...dominate.” He watched her face for a reaction but she was carefully keeping impassive. “So it hasn’t really made a difference. But then again, you haven’t stopped looking for ‘something more’. For me, gay guys tend to be a bit more conscious of the whole label thing. Like the fact that it really bugs some of them that I like sleeping with you.” He reached over and held her hand, plying his fingers through hers. “Plus, they tend to be a bit more literal with the whole top and bottom thing, which I don’t really get. I mean, I like to do both, I can’t imagine limiting myself to just one.” “So you’ve had lovers who expected you to always be in charge? How did that go?” “Fine for a while, but then it got kind of tiring.” He thought it through, did some calculations. “I’ve never lasted in that role more than a couple of months.” “And you’ve had lovers who expected you to be submissive. How did that go?” He grinned. “That depended on the guy. Some were too controlling, especially outside the bedroom. Some were just not very good at it, at least in my opinion. It didn’t feel, I don’t know, natural, I guess.” “It just seems like, at our ages, we should know something like that about ourselves. But maybe we’re not, maybe we’re just reacting to Caleb that way, ’cause it sure as hell made me hot.” “Maybe so, but what’s bad about that? We, of all people, know that getting wrapped up in labels is ridiculous. We can consider the labels guidelines, but that doesn’t mean we always have to color inside of those lines. Just remember, we’re always talking about how we’re looking for something different, some one different, we just didn’t know what.” “So, it seems that while we’ve been perfectly happy without it, that doesn’t mean we couldn’t give it a try.” “Well, not perfectly happy. Mostly happy. Maybe this is what we need to try in order to find perfectly happy.” “Huh.” “Yeah.” They washed the dishes and went into the living room, curling up together on the couch. Taryn opened her book and Richard started to read the newspaper. “Taryn.” “Ricky.” “Do you think he’ll call?” “Do we want him to call?” Her voice was barely a whisper. She looked at him. “Are we asking for trouble here? Risking our relationship for the sake of a stranger, just because he’s so damn sexy?” “Have you ever reacted that way to someone you’ve just met? Because I haven’t, and I’d like to explore what that might mean. Maybe it will crash and burn, but then again, maybe it won’t. If it does, we’ll still have each other, just as we always have.” She nodded. “Well, I hate to bring it up, but it certainly seems like it helped take your mind off work. How are you feeling about that?” Richard put the newspaper down, rested his head back on the couch and closed his eyes. “Damn, Taryn, that sweet little boy. His body was so broken. They said the driver was drunk. I wasn’t even any help. The ER staff was working on him, I just sat there with his mom, and she’s beside herself with guilt, which is ridiculous. They worked on him for two hours, and then he was gone.” Taryn put her arms around him and Richard let himself cry. It had been so hard sitting with Elsie Jones at the ER, trying to keep her hopeful but also prepared for the worst. The poor woman had finally collapsed and been sedated, just after her ex-husband had arrived. Her mother and father were there to help her and to start the arrangements, so Richard had called Taryn and she had talked him into meeting her at the bar. He had resolutely put all thoughts of little Matt Jones out of his head once they started drinking. He had concentrated on the music, the food, the drink and the lady. Then they had met Caleb, and it was that much easier to focus on the moment, on the lust rushing through him, the excitement, the nervousness. Hell, not so much nervousness as downright fear. He had never been so strongly attracted to someone so quickly before. At first he had to fight off a feeling of jealousy as the man’s eyes had devoured Taryn’s delicious curves, but then that gaze had focused on him. He had never thought about having a threesome with Taryn, but he was sure thinking about it now. They had such a good thing together, sometimes he wished they could just get married and start getting on with the rest of their lives. Maybe have kids. But while they loved each other, they had each always wanted something more, had never stopped looking for it. Richard sat back, wiping his eyes. Taryn kissed his cheek, then laid her head on his shoulder. She was so important to him and he could always count on her to be there for him. “Let’s take a walk.” The early September heat was stuffy, so they walked slowly to a park in the neighborhood, watching the kids playing soccer for a while. Thoughts of Matt and Elsie Jones had him watching the parents, hoping they understood and appreciated this gift of watching their children run and play. “Do you think he’ll call?” Taryn asked him, her voice uncharacteristically small. Richard drew in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “I think he will. He seems like the kind of guy who knows what he wants. I just don’t know if he wants a quick, one-time thing, or something longer lasting. Hell, I don’t even know which of those I want.” Taryn nodded. “It’s too early to say if there’s enough there for long term. We just have to be willing to risk that one or more of us will want long term, but not all of us.” “Or that s*x with a guy is something he likes to try once in a while, but he really wants a relationship with you, and I’ll be the guy standing by the side watching it all happen, after I’ve gotten a dose of how good it could be.” “That could go the same way with me.” She sighed. “I guess we just have to see what happens. At the very least, I trust you to do your best not to hurt me.” Richard put his arm around her shoulders. “Yeah, me too. Holy hell, though, I want him so badly.” “Yeah, me too. I’m already way more attracted to him than the last guy I dated. Other than you, I mean,” she added with a smile. “And I don’t just mean physically, either, although he’s sexy as hell.” “The last guy you dated. Let’s see, that’s the one you broke up with because he called his mom every day.” “Well, yeah. But seriously, every day. Sometimes more often.” “Uh-huh. And the guy before that lasted what? A week?” “He was always telling me what to do. You know how much I hate that. For crying out loud, he told me to go to the bathroom before the movie started so I wouldn’t have to get up while it was playing.” Richard laughed, remembering. “I can’t decide if you’re too picky or if you just have lousy taste in men. With notable exceptions, of course.” “Of course,” she agreed wryly. They walked back to the house and Taryn gathered her things to go home. She showed him how to work the three-way calling feature on his telephone, just in case, then kissed him goodbye. Richard cleaned the house a bit then decided on a nap. The phone woke him an hour later, not the ring he had designated as being from the office answering service. “Hello,” he got out then cleared his throat, rubbing his eyes with his hands. “Richard.” Caleb’s voice was strong and sure and sexy as hell. “Caleb.” “Were you sleeping?” “Mmm. Yeah. Sorry, just taking a nap. Taryn doesn’t do sleeping in no matter how late she gets to bed.” “Is she there?” “No, she went home a few hours ago.” “Did you guys talk about me?” “A little bit. Do you want me to call her? She showed me how to do the three-way calling thing.” Caleb laughed. “No, I’ve got it. Hold on.” He went away for a minute then clicked back over. Richard could hear the phone ringing, as well as Caleb’s breathing. “Hello?” “Taryn.” “Caleb. Hi, how are you?” She sounded nervous, talking faster than normal. “I’m...anxious. I want to see you both again. I’ve had a hard-on since last night and it doesn’t seem to want to go away.” Richard cleared his throat again. “Maybe we could help you with that.” “I had hoped maybe you could. Are you available for dinner tonight?” They both agreed they were. “I could make something here,” Richard offered. “No, we’re going to go somewhere nice. I’ll wine you and dine you and we can learn a bit more about each other. In public. So I’m not too tempted to tear all your clothes off and attack you both.” “Uh,” Richard said. “Aah,” Taryn said. “How does Indigo’s at seven sound?” Taryn’s “Okay” was a whisper and Richard had to force away the image of her looking breathy and nervous and ready to be ravished. “Sounds perfect,” he managed. They all hung up and he lay back down, his hand going to his c**k. He pictured Taryn on her knees sucking Caleb’s c**k. Richard groaned, shocked at how arousing he found the scene. He put himself behind Taryn, snuggling his c**k into the crack of her ass, leaning over her so that his face was close to her mouth, breathing in Caleb’s scent. He could reach his hands around and gently work her breasts, then surprise her with a quick pinch on the n*****s. She would groan and that would vibrate up Caleb’s d**k, maybe push him into orgasm. As she was milking him clean, he would put his fingers into Taryn’s p***y, sure that it would be sopping wet. He would only need to pump her once or twice, caress her clit, and she would go off. Richard erupted, spilling his seed onto his stomach. He sighed, hoping his imagination was not better than reality.
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