
3581 Words

Veronica When I arrived at the Law Office of Cole Larson, Cole was meeting with a client in the next room. His waiting room was typical for a lawyer. There were a few old magazines. Magazines? Who reads those anymore? I wondered. I mean, basically at this point, the only thing they’re printing them for is waiting rooms and barber shops. There was no secretary. That was the job I was after, so this was awkward. Do I walk in and announce myself? I wondered. Maybe he’s in there waiting for me. But if he’s talking to a client, I’d end up interrupting him. That could look real bad! I mean, if I’m to be his secretary, that’s exactly the sort of thing he’d want to avoid. I wondered if this was the “trick question” part of the interview. If so, it wasn’t going so well, because I had

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