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For all the readers that just stumbled on this book. There is a series of mine, called Gods of Old, where we encounter many of the characters that will be playing a vital role here. So, if you didn’t read the series, or for all those that did and forgot about the events there, here is a small introduction: Vito, the alpha of the Milano wolf pack, got on the bad side of the goddess Morrana. She is the Slavic goddess of winter and death. And she is the mate of a wolf; Marco, the son of Vito. As Vito opposed their union and was reluctant to set Marco free of a contract he signed for his son, Morrana demanded that he tell her how to break the contract. Vito, on the other hand, stubbornly refused and even tried to kill his own son. Morrana was faster than the bullet Vito intended for Marco and she saved his life by taking the bullet herself. Bullets don’t kill her, they just seriously piss her off. Morrana took Vito to the Underworld to be punished on her special prison island. She gave him provisions to last him there for five days, since there is nothing edible on the island and the water surrounding the islands is toxic. She left him in a run down cottage with one room and no bathroom to speak of. And the oppressing silence during the day is replaced by screams and howling of the damned souls at night.  She forgot him there and only went to get him out after seven days. Maybe killing him outright would be more merciful, but she is not known for mercy. And he doesn’t deserve it anyway. Not after what he tried to do to his own son. He can suffer for eternity and see if she cares. After his return to the land of the living, Vito slips slowly into insanity. He can try so hard to forget what happened and he plays the careless alpha good, but at night his nightmares return all that he tried so hard to forget. He relives the island every night and wakes up in the morning drenched in sweat. And every time during the day, when he slips up and thinks about the island, he finds himself shivering in cold sweat. So he gets busy with everyday and most miniscule things in his pack, just to not think about the island. He literally throws himself into all matters of the pack members and not just running the pack. He has great plans and he holds meetings with the clan elders every day. Most of the elders are too afraid to oppose him, but some share his ideas of more traditional ways. Even bringing back arranged marriages and death penalty for every offence to the alpha. Warning: This book starts about halfway into the first and second one. There are no spoilers in case you haven’t read 1.Fire and tears or 2.Fire and blood. And you will not get the answers to the questions that were left open in the first two books. This one will only add a few more. Welcome to the crazy world of my imagination and the messed up wolf pack of Milano. I want to give you a reminder on who is who and their family relations: Vito - pack Alpha, crazy as hell and in everyones hair Ellena - Luna of the pack, very unapproachable, cold, and distant to all Marra - Beta of the pack, mother of Kara, Massimo and Teo. She is Vito’s sister. Kara - our very own pastry chef and hobby painter Massimo - the mayor’s right hand guy, brother of Kara Teo - Kara’s little brother and PR agent. A very important job for a 16 year old nerd. Vittorio - Vito’s son and Chief of the professional firefighters, Kara’s cousin Mateo - Vittorio’s brother, son of Vito, cousin of Kara, nobody knows what he’s doing Alessio - firefighter, Kara’s cousin Allegra - the sunshine of the family, also Kara’s cousin Alessandro - brother of Vito and Marra, father of Alessio and Allegra, elders council member We will also see more of my dear gods: Veles - Slavic god of the Underworld, water and cattle Vesna  - Slavic goddess of Nature, Spring and growth Devana - Slavic goddess of the Moon, the hunt and childbirth I hope you enjoy this mess I created :)
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