Chapter 4: The blackmail - Bitter, scorned, vengeful

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Friday 25th March 2017, a day forever carved in her memories, the worst day of her life, inimitable even to the day she was made to believe her father rested a corpse in the graveyard. The day her impulsive nature led to her committing the worst betrayal, the worst mistake of her life.   She wasn't 16 anymore, and she'd changed a lot since then, but the events of that night, couldn't be undone. As much as she wished she could erase the memory from her mind, she couldn't, but having Jason away had nullified her self-beration and disgust. Now that he was back, she relived that fateful night every time she looked at him, every time she heard his voice.   Unlike all the other times she'd landed herself in hot water, the course that  night had taken, wasn't due to her planning or liking.   She was prompted, spurred on by emotions.   Jealousy, bitterness, contempt and rage, to be precise.   The day had held so much promise of good, and harmless fun, it was her then friend, now sworn enemy, Stacy's birthday and  she'd thrown a huge, boisterous sweet sixteen party at her house, while her negligent parents were overseas on business, like they always were. Her father had permitted her to go to the  party, on the terms that she'd not drink, she'll party responsibly and her curfew was midnight, not a minute after that. Bianca had of course rolled her eyes before she promised him to do her best to adhere to those terms. She could've assured him that he had nothing to worry about, but she didn't want to- he knew that he'd instilled his dislike of alcohol into her and being a virgin at the time, she really wasn't going to allow a crud,uncouth, immature, drunk teenage boy to stick it in her. Despite the turnout, she at least took pride in the fact that she's always had high standards, she'd always known her worth.   The first mistake she made, was to succumb when Stacy urged her on  to drink and let loose, "to live a little" and the only reason she'd been easily swayed, was because she already was looking  to squelch the worry she had about her father's relationship with Ashley, which contrast to those prior to it, had survived for more than two months, and seemed would only escalate further. Back then she didn't know the root of her hatred for the woman, she didn't understand why the woman aroused such aversion in her, when there was nothing wrong with her- she wasn't the wicked witch of the West, she wasn't Estella, she didn't mistreat her or regard her as any less than she deserved, she was just sweet, kind, benevolent Ashley, who could do nothing wrong. According to what she'd gathered, Ashley was a smart woman, yet she wasn't smart enough not to invade her territory. The most frustrating part was, all her trusted tactics were futile at breaking them up. She was at a party and she couldn't enjoy herself because of the reoccurring nightmare in the form of a green- eyed, tall, dark haired woman, that just wouldn't let her be.   She was a first time drinker, so she'd exaggerated the damage a single sip could cause, but she also wanted to be taken on a high, to forget for a little while that someone was taking her place right in front of her eyes. So she drank,and released all her inhibitions.   But she also overdid it. She drank herself to the point where the alcohol clouded her judgement, and she wasn't a lightweight, so her drunk state wasn't a result of two or three glasses of Margarita. Having had too many annoying encounters with drunk boys trying to get into her panties, the alcohol, she'd hoped would be her 'happy pill' having left her more annoyed and aggravated than before - she decided to ditch the rowdy party early, rejecting Stacy's pleas for her to at least stay for another hour.   At 22pm she stepped into her home, thinking she was rectifying the first mistake by fixing herself a detox juice and giving her liver time to break down the toxins by sleeping. She had of course checked if the coast was clear before getting inside and plopping on the couch. She didn't want her father seeing her in the intoxicated state she was in, especially after she'd promised him not to drink.   Had she known the nasty surprise that awaited her, she would've listened to Stacy.   Mincing to the kitchen, she stopped in her tracks when she heard mumbling coming from the kitchen. Jason and her father having a rather serious least she assumed basing herself on the austerity of their tone.   And then she heard the words she never wanted to hear her entire life.   Her biggest fear configured to reality.   "I'm thinking of asking Ashley to marry me." Her entire universe was rattled to disarray.   "I don't know man, it's not even been a year yet, are you sure she's the one? Are you sure you're not jumping into this too quickly? You don't want to make the same mistake you did with Estella." For once in her life, Bianca was on her uncle's side, she prayed and prayed that his decrying words dettered him.   "Ashley is nothing like Estella, Estella didn't even want to get married and I know she's the right mother-figure for Bianca." Her father had argued, and it was taunting just how convinced he was that he was making the right decision.   In her drunken state, she almost found herself barging into the room and spitting out an interjectional, "I don't need a f*****g mother-figure, and don't you dare marry that bitch."   Her spirit crushed and engulfed by the mother of all outrage, Bianca walked away, locking herself in her room.   She didn't want that woman tying herself permanently to her father, and there was no unifying bond quite like marriage. That, she couldn't steer to doom like she did the meaningless relationships.   Ashley was going to be her stepmother. She was going to gain the right to be in her life forever.   But how could he do this to her? He knew that she didn't approve of their relationship and now he was planning on asking that woman to be his wife, without asking for her opinion on the matter.    What did he even see in that woman?   It's not like he was in love with her. He couldn't be in love with her.   A series of emotions ambushed her all at once, she went from simmering with anger, to wanting to breakdown in tears, to plotting revenge.   The alcohol distorting her thinking to versions she wanted to see, and burying all the implications and ramifications, under the promise of self-gratification - Bianca became irrational and impulsive.   She wanted Ashley to get her heart so fragmented, she'd  sink into a bottomless well of depression and never think of ever dating again.   She wanted her to die miserable and alone.   She wanted to unearth all her insecurities and use them to squelch her self-esteem.   She wanted to hurt him the same way he hurt her.   To  make him feel how she was feeling.   She wanted him groveling, begging her for attention, begging for her to go back to wanting to spend time with him and do things with him. And then deny him.   She wanted that intrusive pest  Sharon to just disappear.   She wanted her trashy Chemistry teacher Mr Hemisbirg to choke on his own s**t and die for grading her A+ worthy experiment a B+.   She wanted the whole world to burn to ashes.   In the midst of her volcanic rage, life just couldn't wait to provoke her further -the lights suddenly went off. There was a power cut. The worst day of her life, just had to get worse.   Reaching for her phone and turning on the flashlight, she'd lit her way to the third mistake  of the night.   She walked over to the guest bedroom and knocked on the door, the aim being to get her uncle to go to the garage and turn on the generator- so how she ended up beneath him, twenty minutes later, eluded her.   "Uncle Jason," she stepped into the dark room, shining the tiny beam of light on his figure, "may you please go get the generator started?" Her speech wavered, giving away that she'd had a few to many. At least she wasn't in the state she was in when she left Stacy's house, the effect was wearing off.   "Turn off that thing and come join me," he patted the spot next to him. It was peculiar that he'd left the comfortable bed and choosen to lie on the floor and Bianca wasn't  in the mood to entertain conversation with him,or anyone for that matter, "come, you know I'm a cool uncle, I won't tell Mike you were drinking, come." Jason urged on and despite every thought telling her to turn down his offer, she fell into the trap of mistake, by listening to that little, insignificant, "just do it, it's better than locking yourself up in your room and wallowing in misery."   Had she been in her full thinking capacity, she would've overanalyzed the situation and realized that the entire setting was too inspiring of ...wrongdoing.   She shouldn't have accepted the drink he gave her, more alcohol wasn't necessary, but then again she thought "why not, I'm already drunk anyway." With her face scrunched up to a bunch, she swallowed the hot, bitter liquid, feeling it trail flames all the way down to the pit of her stomach.    He'd given her whisky. The man was insane, was he trying to kill her?!   "Too strong for your liking? 30 year old scotch, it's an acquired taste."   "Will have to miss out, I'm never taking that poison into my body again." Bianca remarked, setting her gaze upwards, there was something calming about the darkness.   "Peaceful isn't it?"   "Yeah."   "You know I once travelled into the depths of Indonesia, spent an entire month in the rural areas, no electricity, no hot water, it was a humbling experience, and it was refreshing to leave the superficial city life."   "I wouldn't have survived," Bianca muttered lowly, her mind slowly drifting away, "I'm too much of a city girl, I prefer the simple way of tending to everyday needs."   Although the reality of now, saw them as fire and water, Bianca and Jason used to get along better, yes he still made a hobby of provoking and teasing her, but she didn't resent him then. Back then, he wasn't what he is now, he wasn't a certified druggie punk, he used to have a job that actually paid his bills. He still had a purpose. He used to work as a Consultant for a big business consultancy firm and though he still smoked and had a tendency of not controlling his alcohol consumption, he was still better compared to now. She could have long conversations with him and enjoy his company.   Bu then again,she hadn't slept with him then.   And she was about to.   "Do you mind if I take a smoke?" Jason asked.   Bianca whipped her neck to his direction, ready to snatch the cigarette from his lips if need be, "Yes, I do mind, you're killing yourself, those things are..very bad ..for you." Words weren't coming to her as easy as before and her head was surprisingly gaining weight.   Her uncle chuckled, "You're just like your father."   "When do you think he's coming back?" Bianca asked, knowing it must well be approaching midnight, yet he wasn't back home - what was it he was collecting from the station that was making him take so long?   "He's not coming back until the morning, he's spending the night with that girlfriend of his.." Bianca could feel his eyes on her, "tell me, how do you feel about Ashley becoming your stepmother?"   "Huh!...That will never happen," Bianca stated bitterly, "daddy will never marry her...because she's just like all the other whores."   "What makes you so sure, he seems to be in love."   "With her, oh please! Even a baboon wouldn't want her." Bianca swung her arm down, knocking down the bottle of scotch, the whisky spilling on her neck and running down her breast, " s**t! f*****g hell, now I'm wet." She sat up, trying to wring the liquid from her favourite shirt.   "Let me help you." Jason took off his shirt and patted her chest with it.   Bianca hadn't even  realized  that he was actually touching her breast, by patting her, hadn't realized then how close he was.   She didn't even know how was happening with her. Why her mind was floating with the clouds.   Out of know where, she was engulfed by mirth and amusement and she suddenly broke out in contagious laughter.   "What's so funny?" Jason asked, though he was laughing himself.   "It's in my vagina." She continued with her cackling.   "What's in your v****a?"   "The whisky, kinda tickles, I'm never drinking whisky again." Bianca brought her hand up to her heavy head, only then, Jason's proximity, sparking her attention. He was so close she could smell his last smoke on his breath. But she couldn't take anything seriously.   "Then let me help you remove it."   He shifted. She shifted, ba- da bing, ba-da bong, next thing she knew, she woke up on the floor, with a splitting headache from hell, a tense neck, and an extremely sore v****a.   She told him it was a mistake. That it shouldn't have happened and would never happen again. He pretended to understand and agree with her.   She was disgusted by herself. She hated being in her own skin.   That morning she swore to never drink again, to destroy her father's relationship, even if it's  the last thing she does.   A week later Jason left, and in a few months, she'd recovered from her shame and had accepted that she'd made a mistake, and learnt to love herself again.   That was nearly three years ago and  she didn't think, never could've foreseen her sins coming back to haunt her this soon.   Jason was not only back, but he was relentless in his pursuit of her to "give him a chance"    All those drugs had clearly eaten away all of his sanity.   "Would you f*****g stop touching me! Are you out of your mind, me and you will NEVER happen..Uncle Jason stop! Just stop it!" Bianca yanked his hands off her, shoving him to the ground as he reached out for her waist.   Just as he met the floor with a mild thud, her father walked into the kitchen, eyeing them questionably. Before he could speak, Jason had removed himself from the floor and stormed out of the room.   "What's going on between you two?" Her father asked, Bianca already burdened by guilt, stuttered foolishly.   "W-w-What do you mean what's going on between us?" Bianca covered up her suspicion arousing response, with her casual satire. "I need to get out of the house more."   "That bad?"   "You have no idea," she began listing all the things Jason did that got on her nerves, "he snores like a grizzly bear, he always uses my favourite coffee mug to drink his whisky then leaves it there dirty, he leaves his dirty clothes scattered everywhere, the lounge, the porch, the kitchen, I even found his dirty shirt hanging from the oven handle this morning! He leaves a mess wherever he goes and doesn't clean it up, he thinks he can order me around like a mad, the house now smells like tobacco because of him- he just GETS ON MY NERVES, I CAN'T STAND HIM."   Michael sighed wearily, "I'll talk to him."   "Good luck getting through to that junkie head of his, I doubt there's a brain left in that  skull." Bianca gibed, plating the breakfast she'd been making for him, before Jason interrupted her.   "Here you go daddy, bon appetite." Bianca gave him a chaste peck on the cheek,before turning to leave.   "Where are you going?" Michael managed to slip in the question before she could exit the room.   "I'm going to take a shower, I'm going to Chey's cousin's baby shower, it's a surprise so they need help with getting everything ready on time."   "Still, it's only nine, why must you leave so early?"   "We still have to go to the mall first and buy gifts, you'd be surprised just how much of a Herculean task it is to organise a baby shower."   "Ohh?" Her poor father couldn't disguise his disappointment. "I was hoping we'd spend the day together."   "Get rid of your brother first." With a smug smirk, Bianca blew him a kiss, spun on her heels and strutted out of the room.   His growing neediness sure was going to work in her favour.   If everything went according to plan, Jason would be out of her life in a week..or so.       ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤   "Let me help you." Bianca flipped Chey's hair to the side, her fingers working to tie the strings of  her bikini top. "There we go." She whispered near the nape of her neck, Chey lightly shivering from the unexpected gush of hot air to her skin.   "Stop seducing me please, or  I'll get a restraining order against you."  Chey warned playfully, examining herself in the full length with a satisfied grin.   "Okay ma'am, I'll keep my hands to myself, but maybe you should stop flaunting your sexy ass in front of me." Although she'd decided not to tell her father about her new found desires for Chey, Bianca hadn't ceased in teasing her, it was too enjoyable of an activity. She just couldn't help herself. She just wished she'd worked up the courage to test the waters a bit, when the opportunity arose this morning.   But instead, when her father asked her what it is they needed to discuss regarding Chey, she dismissed the matter as "not that important anymore", and swerved the conversation to Prague arrangements and her upcoming birthday.   The day was going fantastic so far - the baby shower was a great success and she'd  enjoyed herself far more than she'd expected to surrounded by people she didn't know, after the emotional party, they stopped by their favorite cafe and indulged in some delicious baked treats, once she could've enjoyed better had her nausea died down. After the cafe, she was exhausted and they headed home, spending only an hour in her room talking about their future plans, before she suggested they took a swim in the pool.   "Tampons can get so uncomfortable sometimes." Bianca grumbled, pushing the sliding door aside and stepping outside, Chey following behind her.   "The perks of being a girl." Chey remarked sardonically, taking peeks of Bianca's ass, which bounced graciously as she walked.   "Stop staring you perv." Bianca used her own lines against her.   The day was beautiful and the weather was lovely, sunny and the blue sky only spotted a few clouds. Unlike in most of the US, the weather in Miami didn't vary much from season to season. Its subtropical climate meant that summers are hot and humid, while winters are mild and slightly chilly, with warm days. Winter was as lenient as it could get, day-time highs could range from 18 degrees Celsius to 26 degrees Celsius, experiencing a small drop to 15 degrees Celsius on the coldest month January.   The conditions were just fitting for an afternoon dip in the pool.   "Oh god," Bianca began, feigning shock, "what the hell is that?" She diverted the girl's attention to the house, before pushing her into the water.   "Sneaky little-" Chey scooped up the water, throwing it at her.   Giggling, Bianca dived into the pool, the cool water making her squeak and squirm.   "Don't you just love the Miami weather!" Chey exclaimed, paddling her feet childishly.   Bianca sneaked up behind her, spanking her.   "Aww…" Chey cried out, giggling as Bianca wrapped her arms around her waist and drew her close. "Get away from me you horny perv."   "Give me what I want and I'll leave you alone."   "No!" Chey refused to give Bianca the satisfaction of hearing her squeak ridiculously like a cartoon hamster.   "Are you sure you want to go down this route?" Bianca challenged, tightening her grip.   She was proficient at handling the "hard to gets"   It wasn't long after she started nibbling on her shoulder, that Chey gave in.   "B stop.."   Bianca liberated her from her grip, having remembered that she hadn't inserted the front door lock code when they came in. Not wanting to have another talk with her father about her carelessness, she decided to leave the pool and "put her safety first" as he liked to put it.   "I'll be back." She notified Chey and headed back to the house.   The last thing she expected, was to bump into her "darling" uncle.   "I'm sorry pumpkin, are you alright?"   Pumpkin?   Seriously, this was getting old.   "I'm fine." Bianca replied dryly, not hiding how displeased she was she'd ran into him.   "I just want us to talk Bianca," he reached out for her hand, but Bianca was quick to jerk away, "I tried so hard to forget, but  i can't, that night meant something to me and I know it meant something to you too."   Delusional. Absolutely delusional.   "Are you listening to yourself right now? You're my UNCLE, you shouldn't even be-"   "I know you're not really Mike's daughter and he's been keeping it a secret from us- please give me a chance, just one, I promise to make you happy."   "What is wrong with you? Get it through your thick skull, me and you, will never happen, I don't like you that way, will never like you that way- I don't even like you, every time I look at you I see my worst mistake, I wish I didn't have to see your stupid face everyday,at every turn I take,  deal with you everyday. I thought we'd agreed before you left that we'd never bring this up again." Bianca expressed bluntly, shoving her shoulder into him as she walked past him, not getting far before his words had her limbs going rigid.   "If you don't want me telling Michael, you're going to have to do everything I say."   "Huh!" Bianca scoffed."you must be insane if you think I'm going to take orders from you."   "Then I'll just have to tell Mikey that I f****d 'his little girl' and popped her cherry."   "You wouldn't dare!"   "Try me! I gave you my love and you spat it back in my face, so take my hatred instead- from now on, you and that voluptuous friend of yours, are my s*x toys, I do whatever I want with you two, whenever I want."  
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