Where Are You, Venom?

1308 Words
After a moment of paused, and she fortunietly reached the place where she left Venom laying on the ground. She happily took the way through it and she was gladly to know that there were almost a light rains that poured down. She stopped at the place that she could view Venom. She was happy as she saw from afar the bed that she made for him. "Hystttt thanks God!" She muttered as she make a deep breath as she took up her rest. She turned around and she stared at the peak of the mountain where she came from. She saw the darkness that covered the summit and the roaring of thunder and lighting echoed even she was afar from it. She bites her lower lips as she realized how danger the situation that would faced her if she choose to stay rather than to scape from that phenomenon. "Thanks!" Celyn briefly said while moving forward for that terrifying things that she encountered. Suddenly, she thought about Venom, her only reason why she went down the heart of the forest. "Venom!" She added as she remember her only motived. She made a couple of stepped and went to the direction where she left him. Suddenly, she was immediately stopped as she saw something that she never expected to see. Her heart beats abnormaly seemed like it's more terrifying to see rather than the storm that happened a moment later. She felt that her little bit of strength were scaping out on her body. She was suprised and she could not speak for a moment. She walked slowly toward the bed and even her knees where shivering in fear she forced herself to make it. She kneeled on the ground slowly while her body was shaking not only because he felt the coldness of the surrounding but because of what she see. When she already kneeled on the ground, she wags her head and started to ask. "W-where are you dark prince? Where are you Venom?" Celyn asked trembled in fear as she saw that the only thing that left was the bed made by the dry leaves and the cottony buds of the flower. She looked around to know if Venom was still there but even how many times that she let her eyes to visit every corner of the place as long as her sight could reached. However the presence of Venom was not there. She was shaking as she picked the things that remained on the ground while kept on looking around to look for Venom. The light rains were still dropped on her body and even she felt the coldness, the warmth tears that flowed on her cheeks were the things that made her to felt something heat. She slowly stood while keeping her eyes observing the place inside the forest. "Venom? Are you still there? Come on please!where are you?" Celyn uttered while soothing her arms. As she added, she was wandering why Venom was gone. She thought that Venom was carried by the enemies that Venom told her. "Don't tell me that you are carried by the enemy!" Celyn said while her tears suddenly flowed down her cheeks. She cried a lot as she never get any responsed to anything around. Only silence were covered the entire forest excepted the dropped of the heavy rains at the peak of the mountain and the roaring sound of the thunder. Suddenly, she felt the wind that whispered on her earlobe. She stopped crying and looked around as she heard something stranger things that seemed like wanted to speak with her. She stopped for awhile and know who and what that whispered coming from. "Shiissssssssshhhhh...shhiiiiiissssshhhh!" The unknown sound came from the unknown things were become louder and louder as Celyn stopped in crying to hear the whispered very clear. " Who are you?" Celyn asked wandering who was the person making that unknown words. "Come on!" Celyn added while rotating her head around to know it. However, it seemed like a wind that passed by and did not mind her asking because she did not received any response on it. She stepped slowly backward while looking around. Her eyes were opened wide and her ears was sharpened but the sound that still bothering her were still heard. "No matter who you are! I don't know you!" She muttered as she about to get ready herself to ran away. Celyn stepped forward and she ran very fast. However, even how fast she made to ran away, the unknown sound were still heard seemed like remained inside her brains to act her abnormally. She kept on running and she did not mind that voice inside her mind. E "Shhiiiíiiiiiiiii...shhhhiiiiiii!" The voice still bothering her that made Celyn to ran as fast she could. She covered her ears and stopped for a minutes. She kneeled on the ground covering her ears while screaming. "Stop it! I don't know what you wanted to say! Please!" Celyn said begging for the voice to stop. However, the voice seems like annoying her because it still bothered her. Suddenly, Celyn opened her eyes and clenched her fist and ready herself to scape from the voice that seemed like it have no time to stop bothering her. She ran and she was diffenietly agree to the plan that she wanted to do and it was to look for Venom instead listen to the voice that she did not actually know yet what it wanted to say. When she about to ran, she felt that every thing was fine, she never heard again the unknown voice. She looked around and she was now actually felt that every thing was fine. " Thanks you stop making that nonsense words." Celyn muttered while rolling her eyes as she did not heard again the voice. She made another couple of stepped and decided to find where was Venom. Even Celyn felt slightly frightening, she know that it's more terrifying if she was now alone in the place that she did not know actually. She went in the middle of the place to know where Venom really was. She decided to go to the tree on the edge of the ravane to look for Venom easier no matter where he was. Celyn did not wasted any time to go quickly at that place and when she was already reached the tree, she quickly stepped on it's branches and stooped on the place below the ravane. She saw the bluish color of the river seemed like not affected by the heavy rains made by the storm at the peak of the mountain. "Where are you Venom! This kingdom needs you!" Celyn muttered as she kept on bringing her eyes every where that she could be reached by her sight. More than a hour of looking for Venom, she was failed for making her planned. She bites her lower lips and she kept on clenching her fist as she did not find Venom every time she wanted to look for him in every corner of the forest. She jumped on the tree and decided to look for Venom somewhere in the forest. She was on her way as she sudden heard another unknown sound but it was clearer than before. "Shhiiii...Desdemonian!" The unknown voice said. Celyn was shocked as she heard that and when she felt that there were something that forcing her to listen about that words. She stopped for a while and closed her eyes, she know that there were a important thing the unknown voice telling her. She opened her eyes and looked around, she stared at the slowly and looking for the signed. The sun emerge between the dark clouds. The storm was gone, seemed like giving her an opportunity to explore more.
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