Step Closer

1893 Words
"It's maybe enough to start my journey." Celyn uttered on herself as she thought that everything she done was enough to use as she about planned to go at the forbidden forest. She stood and took again her things before she made a couple of stepped toward the entranced door of computer laboratory. Without any doubt that might drawn on her mind, she quickly reached the car which Claire and Brian were sitting. She saw the other two quietly waiting her to comeback. "Celyn!, Are you sure you want to go at forbidden forest?" Claire sudden asked as she saw Celyn was walking toward her seemed like a trouble maker that wanted some war. "Yes!" the thrifty words of Celyn sudden heard at the entire place. Claire secretly smiled and nods her head as agreement to the words of Celyn. Brian was listened to the two young lady who throwing up their words on each other. Celyn was not hesitated to go at that place because she wanted to see Jenny alive nor not. She know how good Jenny was for all her time with her but there was a question that sudden appeared on her mind that bothered her. To what Claire told to her, it's seemed like true because Jenny was always at her side everytime and everywhere she was. In her mind, Jenny might curious about the thing that she hid for almost a year because of the magnificent thing that might every people would desire to get it. And one of those people, Jenny was belong to them. " Pstttt!" Brian called up her attention when he saw Celyn looking something in the air. Celyn sudden shocked for a minute as she realized that she was almost a minute standing at the door of the car without opening it. Celyn opened the door and she silently sit at the backseat beside Claire who where deeply possessed by the evil planned that she wanted to execute. "Where we are going now?" Brian asked as he started the car. "We will go to the house of Diana!" Celyn responded. Diana was one of her friend but not more close that Jenny. She was active hiker and always joined some competition about the brave woman that could live at the forest for almost a week. Celyn thought that Diana would had a great contribution to the journey that she wanted to held. Moreover, Diana was smart woman and she able to adopt her knowledge everywhere she was. They arrived lately in the afternoon and they reached the home of Diana. They went to the main gate and how lucky because they found Diana talking her mentor named Will. "Hey Celyn, ahmmm also Claire...and you?Diana did not end up her greetings to her visitor as she saw Brian that so unfamiliar to her. " He was Brian, friend of Claire...he helped her to went back to our town." Celyn uttered. Diana was amazed on what did Celyn told to her. "Went back??... But why?Are you lost Claire?" Diane continued in asking while shrugging her shoulder because she did not reached out on her mind the flow of the conversation that she had together Celyn and Claire. Celyn smiled and stared at Diana,"Ahmm...don't you believe but Claire was the only one who survived on the journey that they made at the forbidden forest." As she continued, she sudden pouted her lips as she stood and walked around while the other four staring at her." All of our friends were lost at that forest and I don't know what happened on them...also Claire did not know where they are." Diane widen her eyes as she heard that story from Celyn." Celyn, did you know that we wanted to have some adventure at that forest...Will and our friends invites me to join their upcoming journey tomorrow good to hear that you wanted to be with us!" She proclaimed as she notice that Celyn was bravely to be with them. Claire and Brian was quite as they sitted at the couch. Celyn walked again toward the seat of the other four and she spoke again."Diane!, If you wish Claire and I will join at your group!" She sudden uttered as she heard that Diane and Will with their group would go at the forbidden forest. Claire sudden shrinked her forehead as she heard her named to the conversation of the two lady. She immediately stood and spoke with high pitch of tone." No!, I will never come back to that damn forest!" She sudden spoke with gritting of the teeth. That moment, the attention of Celyn and the other three were caught by the responded of Claire to the words of Celyn. Celyn stared at Claire doubting, "Why?..." She sudden asked as she heard that coming from Claire who seemed like a hen that wanted to protect it's eggs. "No matter what happened, I will never come back to that damn forest!" She added again. As she continued, she cried and stared at the Celyn begging. " Celyn, please!.. I don't want to go back to that forest...huhuhuh!" Even Celyn did not know why Claire acted like a child begging for something, she let Claire to cried and after that, she give her a free will to choose no matter what she wanted. She thought that Claire might afraid to lost again and she did not want to happen it again to her. " Enough that Claire, ahmmm okay you will if you wish not to be with us on the journey at forbidden forest."Celyn responded. Suddenly, Brian cut the silence as he volunteered himself to join the journey substituted for Claire. "Ahmm...Can I join the troupe?" He suddenly asked. Claire smile as she heard the words that Brian threw toward the two. "If you wanted...why not?" Diane responded. Will sudden jumped the conversation of the two lady and Brian. " Because I'm the leader of the troupe that Diane had, I will be the leader of the journey that we gonna do tomorrow. I will seek some people that wanted to look for the lost members of your research team and everything that may happened is under by my regulation... If there is some issue and concerned let me know it before it's to late." Will proclaimed. Celyn was silent and the only thing she do was to nods her head as an agreement to the statements of Will. Diane and Brian were also nods their head as approval to the suggestion of Will to the journey that they would held. Moment passed and they felt that the sun getting down. They decided to went back to their own home and prepared their things that they might used at the forbidden forest. However, Claire was too selfish to tell everything she know at the forest. She did not make any words that might used to protect the troupe to the things that they did not know. She still quite and kept on listening to the conversation of the four, but instead to make her own opinion, she hid all things and pretend that everything inside was fine and there were no problem that might lead them into the world of death. They were talked about something that might be assured their protection inside the forest. After a moment, they were all went back to the place that they were belong and ready themselves to the another journey to death! *** " Kringggggg" the sound of the alarming tone of the clock sudden heard to the deafening silent of the four sided corner of the room. Celyn awaked and she rubbed her eyes. She looked around ... Everything she saw was the same as she stared on them but even the things doesn't changed, he heart was empty by what she felt. She looking for something that she did not see. Breath inside and out, she was in between of many emotions. She felt something strange on her life might because Jenny betrayed her according to what Claire told to her or might because her day was come without her family and friend. She took her clocked and turned it off. The sound that always waked her up to the nightmare was the sound that she wanted to stop as she about to open her eyes. She sit at the side of her bed and wags her foot under her bed to grope her pair of slippers on the floor. As she reached the pair of slipper,shewore them immediately, then after she stood and rubbed her eyes again . Even now he couldn't sleep very well, there were always bothered him. Something running on his mind but he couldn't figure out what it was. She stood and afterr then, sh walked toward the study table at the left side of his four corner's room. Blaggggg! Her footsteps was the only sound that may heard was the tickle of clock that seemed like the sound of emptyness that covered the entire room. She pulled the chair near the open window seemed like she knew what he was doing, she sat on it as the morning routine she did since when. Another glanced at the place that surrounded her, she saw the calendar hanged at the wall near the clock that tickled every minute and second of an hour. Inhaled...exhaled, she realized that her twentieth birthday would happened on her that morning. She smile bitterly as she felt that she held her birthday alone,without family and even friends. She felt like the was covered by heaven and Earth to the sadness that she felt alone. Her tears flowed on her cheeks but she could not imagine how her tears become her strength in facing off the triumph. "Happy birthday Celyn!" She muttered with low pitch of voice. Her tears were flowed down her cheeks. She walked around swiping out her tears that sudden made her to feel so bad. She quickly took a bath and made her daily routine. A moment passed and she already done on what she needed to do and she went back to her room and finally kissed the silent that embracing her body again She took her phone and called Diane who was busy enough in preparing their transportation to the forbidden forest. However, Claire was gone and they did not know where she was. Might because she was afraid to the things that might happened or might because she had a trauma that she always brought that bare on her mind that could erase by the thousand of treasure but by one words to be done,and it was to revenge. Celyn walked away by how the sun bursting up the sky and scattered the beauty that it had up the sky that many people could see. Her stepped begun to become heavier like how her heart getting to become stronger. The clouds was clear and the blue sky gazed at the wide part of the heaven seemed like giving all it's part to the destiny that might happened at her as she made her stepped on the ground of the forbidden forest .A moment passed and she was ready to step at the next level of her life with another chapters to count.
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