Desdemonian Kingdom

2028 Words
CHAPTER 81: DESDEMONIAN KINGDOM: The first Step As Celyn saw the mysterious palace in the midst of the darkness which enlighten by the blue huge moon, she was suprised as she saw the wonderous place covered by the darkness that protected by the strips of lights came from the moon. She could not moved her feet or even spoke because she was totally amazed on what she see as she moon getting higher and become more brighter. The entire place was shown, the marble like ground she thought was a dry ground with shining glittering golden tiny sand that poured out a moment ago. She saw that there were a few of trees but they were looked like terrifying because of the wide range of their branches that reached the another trees because of the shaggy leaves and the huge and upright growth roots. That was the reason why she could not see anything in the sky and the only thing she saw was darkness. Those shaggy trees were lined very well to make a path-like way down to the kingdom of the Desdemonian which Celyn did not know. And under those trees, there were a thousand of tiny and glamorous stone that shining every time the light rays of the moon touched them. There were a tiny golden strips that kept on falling and Celyn's body was wrapped by excitement and fear because now she saw the unknown place at the front of her. She kept on staring at the palace and her eyes were filled of something that could be tell her that she slightly frightened but there were a hint that sudden appeared on her mind to know what would be things that could be found inside that mysterious place. Celyn decided to make a stepped toward the direction where the palace standing. She forget about Venom and even a little bit of his named was not present in the mind of Celyn as she continued walking toward the location of the palace. She was totally charmed and hypnotized by the shining things that scattered all over the place. When she about to step, her bare foots felt the tiny golden glitters that sometimes left over her foot that carried away by the wind as it blown away them. She did not mind how long and how unfamiliar place she walking because on her mind, she wanted to listen to the words that the unknown voice told her. As she wind touched her body, the unknown voice sudden heard that made Celyn to stop and listen. "Go!" The voice said seemed like it excited to let Celyn go for more exploration toward the mysterious palace. Celyn smiled and happily took the way never thinking the danger that might faced her. However, in the darkest side of that place where the moon did not reached, the Halloxian armies waiting the right time to fly away and told to their Queen Senophie about the woman that loves shining and glittering things. They were no idea that the woman that walking on the bait they made was the Princess of the moon that the Chantria guided her to look for the destiny that she have. One of the Halloxian army flew away toward the palace and the other two waited Celyn to reach the most easy way to enter the palace without any distraction which guided by the powerful witchcraft user named Deimos. When Celyn was closer to the entrance, one Halloxian army flew to tell Deimos not to harm the beautiful young lady because they were needed a beautiful and innocent lady to become their sacrifice for the nearer blood moon to enhance the power of their Queen Senophie. The Halloxian army flew very fast toward Deimos to tell him about the good news about the coming of their sacrifice. Deimos was the powerful witchcraft user that have ability to disguise himself as a raven. He was the right hand of Senophie and the only Halloxian who trusted by Senophie. Deimos have a son named Porcupine. He was the good looking man but he have ability to have a thorny pointed objects that appeared all over his body excepted on his face. He have nice cut hair and there was a halves moon marked below his collar bone symbolized for his being Desdemonian and a such Hallox under the ruled of their Queen Senophie, the most powerful witch that killed Severous hundred years ago. Porcupine was powerful too but he was just a wizard that trusted by Senophie to do a devil things toward the things that live inside the Monandria and to Venom. He was commanded to follow every thing that Senophie wanted to do. Because he was born by the ruled of the cruel Queen Senophie, he was a mind that only thing to do was to kill and become a ruler too same as Senophie. His father Deimos was a powerful too but he was the heart that reminded him about the past that even hundred ago passed, he was certainly finding the woman that he needed to find. There a part of Deimos life that he kept as a secret for the sake of his position to the kingdom of Desdemonian and even for his son Porcupine, he kept it a deepest secret that only he could be know. Deimos was silent, he reading the language of the mortal one like him to enhance his ability while his son was at the palace making his responsibility as a trusted army of Senophie. Suddenly, the gasped of the wind was heard and even Deimos was busy reading, he know that his colleagues was behind him. "Why?" Deimos asked while looking at the thick book full of the unknown language that he was the only one who could read because in the law of Halloxian wizard, the book choose the readers that matched on their ability and how they related on what they read. Because the thick book that Deimos have was connected to him he was the only wizard that could be read the content of the book expect the royal blood of the Halloxian like the queen Senophie and her blood line. When the Halloxian army heard the words of Deimos , it quickly responded and said, "Deimos! Don't let the young lady to untrust you because she will be the key to lbe the sacrifice for our Queen Senophie during the bloody moon for the enhancement of her power." The Halloxian stated. Deimos closed his eyes and said, "I know it! Go and protect the entrance." He said while slowly opened his eyes. As the Halloxian heard that command, it never spoke again but it quickly flew faster like wind and it never leave any mark that it was stood behind Deimos. It flew again toward the location where it needed to do "Sacrifice...!" He briefly said while making a decietful smile while kept on reading his book. "Snifff...snifff..." He smell something...he smell something that familiar to him. "Natural blood of the chosen one." Deimos said while billowing his eyebrows as he felt something that he could not felt for the other visitor like Celyn. Deimos moved for a sudden, he needed to disguise the place to attract Celyn to enter the place where he was. He opened his palm and for the instant of time, the wooden house become a colorful one that shone as the moon enlighten it. The wooden house that transformed as a cute home that have a expensive stones that Celyn loved to see. Deimos opened the window and the light rays of the bluish moon passed through it. He stared at the moon and he was happily saw the huge moon that enlighten the surrounding was getting bigger seems like it telling him that there was a special visitors that come in the Desdemonian kingdom by the guide of the Chantria. However, after Deimos transformed his home as a beautiful one, Celyn kept on walking as she could to know the end of that path way. She did not stopped walking eventhough she felt the aching of her bare foots. She did not wanted stopped because on her mind, the curiosity was the things that always win. Even the surrounding was dark and the only light was the moon, she saw the shining and beautiful home that standing in the middle of the towering trees. She was happily walked toward it and she made her stepped faster to reach the distance that she needed. "Wow! Amazing..." She briefly said while she staring at the beautiful house that built by the numerous of stones that she found in the dark path way. She was amazed to what she see and she did not wasted any time and she quickly ran toward it seemed like that bike charmed and caught her eyes to enter it not knowing the true owner of that house. However, Deimos sat on the seat and kept on reading his book while waiting Celyn to come in. Celyn was close in the little beautiful house made by the shining stones and she stopped for while to look around and bring her eyes to stare at the house to know the true appearance of the house entirely. "Wow...very beautiful..." Celyn added as she kept on staring at the shining house. Suddenly, she decided to enter the house because she could not stopped herself to went inside. She was very happy seems like she was a child that saw a beautiful doll house and she wanted to be a doll to enter it by her curiosity that over filled herself. She moved closer to the front door and when she raised her right hands and clenched it very tight to ready herself to knock the door, but when she about to knock it, the house become brighter when the lamp made with the fire and some fireflies that attached on the clear bottle feds with some golden glitters that made it to become brighter as the true lamp. The entire house become brighter because of the witchcraft that Deimos do to awake the fireflies and turned the fires to burn the woods. "Huhhhhhhh!" She said as she shocked on what she see. She stepped back and looked around. Suddenly, she heard a calm voice calling her to come in. "Don't be afraid...come in beautiful young lady." Deimos said while kept his eyes reading the book. Celyn was shocked as she heard that invitation. "Ahmmmm...w-who are you?" Celyn asked standing at the front door. "You don't have to ask more beautiful lady...I'm a friend and if you wish, enter my home to take a rest. The surrounding is cold and staying outside can make you chill." The voice said that made Celyn to think better. "Ahmmm...thanks you...b-but how I enter if the door is close?" Celyn said wandering how she could entered the house while she felt the coldness of the surrounding that wrapped her whole body. "Ohhh...sorry for that hehehehe..." Deimos said and as he continued, he moved his fingers and the wooden door opened without difficulty. "The door is open, you may come in." Deimos added. "krrriiiiillkkkkkk..." The sound of the opening door was heard and the wind blown on the face of Celyn as the door opened very wide. She was suprised because there were no one she saw as the door opened. She smell something inside,she looked around and waited for the permission of Deimos again. "Come in beautiful young lady." Deimos said. She made a couple of stepped and when she entered the house, she was shocked as he heard the terrifying sound behind her. "Blaaaaggg!" The sound of the door was echoed the entire home as it closed. "!" She muttered holding her chest. "Hehee sorry for that, I thought that it was been little stronger hehehhe." Deimos stated. When the door was closed,the darkness overfilled the entire home. Celyn eyes get wide as she rolling it every where to know what happening around. "Ahmm, why there were no lights? Celyn asked as she standing in the place that so dark.
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