Chapter 51 - Hollyn

2093 Words

Torrential rain pounded against the glass. I let out the breath I'd been holding. Thank the stars it wasn't more gods and flaming goddesses. As lightning lit the black skies overhead, a shot of power burst through the room. As if I were walking outside in the storm, I felt the crackling electricity of it surge through me as it raised every hair on my body. I gasped as I felt the wounds on my body close and the pain slide away like water down the window panes. Tag and Tove jerked me to my feet and crushed me between them. Another crash of lightning and magic pulsed through the air as I reached out for Thane. As my hand landed on his scales, the room lit up like it was high noon instead of the dark of a storm. My eyes were blinded for a brief moment. Bright stars flickered in my vision

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