Chapter 42 - Thane

2443 Words

I pulled Hollyn's limp body up into my arms. She'd crashed into sleep as soon as we were ensconced in the car. Tove jogged forward, hit the button for the elevator as Tag parked the car. "When do we start the campaign?" Tag asked softly as he joined us in the elevator. "Tomorrow. We need to figure out what they want the land for. There's no way they went to this much trouble just for a buried communication line or the right thereto." Stretch wrinkled her nose as she settled herself deeper into my arms. "Did you see her when she stepped up to that douche, Patrick?" Tove asked Tag. "I about blew my load right then and there. Nothing sexier than your woman getting all feisty." "Or when she cowed Ainsley," I said. "As soon as we were out of eyeline, she dropped me like a hot potato. K

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