Chapter 4

1753 Words
I woke up late the next day, so I had to rush to get dressed. I threw on my black sports bra, my active wear red vest and black shorts, before Finn knocked on my door with some toast and a coffee. "I brought you breakfast, figured you would need something after the several glasses of Lycan wine you drank last night. Do you have a hangover," Finn asked. I shook my head, scoffing the toast and coffee, as Amelia burst through the door, singing, "Are you ready?" "Just need to brush my teeth. Thank you," I replied, after finishing the toast and coffee, and handing the empty dishes back to Finn. I rushed into my bathroom to brush my teeth. Once done, I grabbed my airpod and phone, and followed Amelia out. "Come on. Let's go." Amelia and I headed towards the usual jogging trail through the woods surrounding the Lycan pack town. At the entrance to the trail, I turned to Amelia and told her, "I can only work out listening to music, so if you want to talk just mindlink me." "I am just the same," she replied. We began making our way along the trail. I was seriously having to hold back. Amelia was not as quick as me even though she was a Lycan. I felt Amelia opening a mindlink to me. "So, what did Finn mean about you drinking Lycan wine?" "I made dinner for them last night and we cracked open about six bottles of wine, because King Robert and Beta Quinn joined us." "Wait!!!! King Robert and Beta Quinn came over and had dinner with you. Oh my god, you have to tell me what happened?" "Umm, me and Robert kissed. After that, he couldn't keep his hands off me. If he wasn't holding my hand, his hand was on my thigh or wrapped around my shoulder. His touch sends sparks up my arm." "OH MY GOD!!! Do you think he is your mate? That means you will be our Queen. I am best friends with the soon-to-be Queen." We arrived at the end of the trail and at the pack gym. I severed the mindlink. As we entered, I pulled an airpod out of my ear and asked, "What do you want to start on first?" "Treadmills," Amelia replied. I nodded and we made our way to the treadmills. We ran on there for about an hour. When we got off, we grabbed some water and stopped to drink. "Those two guys are checking us out," Amelia whispered. I smirked, "To be honest, I really don't care. I am more interested in someone else." Those two men walked over to us, just as King Robert and Beta Quinn walked in. "My name is Dean. What are two beautiful women, such as yourselves, going to be working out on next? We would love to help," Dean spoke confidently. I looked at Amelia, who said, "I think we were just about to do some weighted squats." I nodded before getting up and adding more weights to the bar. Dean looked shocked, "You can't do weighted squats with that much weight." "Watch me." I began to do the weighted squats. They all looked at me stunned. But, I kept going until I couldn't go anymore, which was after about forty squats. Amelia and the two Lycans clapped their hands. Though I was more interested in the fact that Robert was staring at me. "Right, Amelia, your turn. I need to sit down," I smirked. "You know Robert was staring at you. He didn't even blink," Amelia whispered in my ear. I nodded, as I sat down. Dean sat down next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders, and asked, "So beautiful little wolf, are you going to tell me how your stronger than most lycans?" I sighed, "Nope! That's a secret until my mate shows himself. I don't think you're my mate." "Aww, well, I could be your mate. You know you can choose your mate if you don't find your mate," Dean said flirtatiously. Next thing we knew, King Robert and Beta Quinn were stood in front of us. Robert looked like he wanted to murder Dean and his friend. Quinn sort of did too. I leaned back to look up at Robert and flirtatiously smiled, "Hey Robert, fancy seeing you here." I couldn't help but stare at every inch of his well defined muscular chest and abs. He was shirtless and dressed only in some basketball shorts. He was godlike. We gazed into each others eyes. I bit my lip, remembering how amazing his lips felt on mine last night. "Well, me and Quinn came here to spar with one another. I was hoping to see you though. How are you today?" "I am good. I have been working out with Amelia most of the morning. I think I will go use the punching bags now. Amelia, are you coming," I asked. The moment Robert came over, Dean and his friend seemed to scurry away. Robert smiled at me, "Well, we will be in the boxing ring if you need us." I nodded, still biting on my lips. Then, Robert mind-linked me, "You keep biting those lips and I am going to have to stop you." "Oh yeah, and how are you going to stop me? Because you need to be training, right now." I turned and hurried away. Both me and Amelia began boxing on the punching bags. I was hitting the punching bag over and over. A girl named Skylar came over to us. She was always the stuck up Queen wannabe.As she spoke, I punched the punching bag faster and faster. "Why are we housing pathetic orphaned wolves now? I mean look at her, she probably can't even protect this pack. She clearly couldn't protect her own parents," Skylar antagonized. "Back off, Skylar," Amelia growled. "I don't think we should be taking in stray wolves, especially pathetic ones like her," Skylar said. That was it, I had reached my boiling point. I threw one last punch, which sent the punching bag flying into the wall behind it. With lightning fast superhuman speed, I grabbed Skylar by the throat, pinning her to the wall, my whole body shaking with rage. I was trying hard not to shift. I glowered, "You had best shut it. I am far stronger and faster than you will ever know. If I was there and hadn't promised my parents to leave if anything happened to them, I would have ripped apart the people who tried to harm them. But, I gave my word and I keep my word. Try to antagonize me again and I will kill you." She was scratching and clawing at my arm. She crooked, "I will kill you for this. You're a pathetic little wolf who doesn't stand a chance against me." I snapped, I threw her across the room like she was a rag doll. My body is shaking worse than before. Finn burst through the door, and we locked eyes. "Get home and get to the basement, now," Finn mind-linked me. Before I could move, Skylar tried to attack me. Robert and Quinn were by my side, quick as a whip. Quinn had grabbed Skylar and restrained her. Robert tried to touch me and I backed away shaking worse than before. I turned on my heels and ran. "Robert go to her. She will only listen to you. I will put Skylar in the cells," Quinn said, as I got to the gym doors. I kept running. Snow was trying to force her way out, she wanted to shift and tear that stupid girl apart. It was becoming harder to prevent the shift. "Don't you dare shift, Snow. We will be torn apart by the unmated lycans," I snapped at her in my head. I could hear Robert's footsteps behind me. He was closing it. Just as I got to my front door, my bones began to break. I dragged my broken, reforming leg behind me and into the house. I threw the basement door open and tried to walk down the stairs. But, my other leg broke and began to reform. I fell down the stairs and I crawled further into the basement. "Violet," Robert shouted, worry in his voice. He was at the bottom of the stairs, and I looked at him. Screaming in pain, as more bones in my body broke and reforms. "Violet, do not fight your shift. Let it happen. I will protect you, I promise. I want to see you Wolf," Robert reassured me. His reassuring words allowed me and Snow enough to calm and shift. Now I was not fighting the shift, it happened without pain and a lot faster. Snow stood up on all fours and from in our minds, I watched as she looked at Robert. Robert was mesmerized by me. "You are beautiful. What are you called," Robert asked. "My name is Snow. You are the one with our mates' touch," Snow said in a mindlink to him. He smiled, "You know that, aye. Well, you are right." "What is your Lycan's name," Snow asked. "His name is Night. Snow, how about you let Violet come back out now," Robert asked. She nodded, and threw me to the front of my mind. I shifted back into my human form. I was completely naked. I covered myself with my hands. Robert smiled at me. His eyes wondered up and down my naked body. " You're so perfect," he muttered. "Could you pass me that blanket," I asked, blushing and chewing my lips. He nodded, handing me the blanket. Once, I wrapped the blanket around myself, Robert pinned me to the wall, pressing his lips against mine. Our lips moved in sync for a few moments, before he sunk his teeth into my bottom lip, causing me to gasp. He pushed his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues battled one another, as our kiss grew deeper and more passionate. He pressed his body against me harder than before. The sparks that coursed through my body made me aroused. I wanted him so badly. "Violet, Robert," Finn and Amelia called. Robert pulled away from me and smiled. I smiled, "Come up to my room. We can talk and get to know each other, if you are free." He nodded and we lowered me down to the floor. Then we walked together to my room.
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