Chapter 1 - Caught off Guard

1911 Words
......... Kyra ......... The DJ's beats rumble through the VIP lounge, pulsating like a heartbeat that sets the entire room ablaze. I weave through the crowd, trays of drinks held high above my head as I navigate the sea of bodies. The energy is contagious, and I can feel the bass vibrating in my chest. The group of young men at the corner table, caught up in their own world, hardly notice my offer of assistance. But it's okay; I'm used to the excitement of the night consuming the patrons. "I'll be over there when you need me," I call out over the booming music, but my words vanish into the chaos. I walk back to the bar, dodging through the crowd of enthusiastic party-goers, my feet moving in sync with the lively melody, despite mentally scolding myself for wearing these new heels on a hectic Friday night. A part of me hoped they'd give me an extra edge of confidence, but right now, it feels like a daring gamble. And I have no one to blame but myself. I finally reach the bar, but there’s no time to reset as Justin taps me on the shoulder the moment I get behind the counter, his voice barely audible over the music: "Can you take over for a bit? I've got to run to the men's room." "Sure thing!" I shout back, nodding and flashing him a quick smile while grabbing a fresh cocktail shaker in one hand and a bottle of vodka in the other. The bar is a hive of activity, and I immediately jump into the rhythm, taking orders and mixing drinks. The bar's energy is different from that of the VIP lounge; it's more intense, raw, and unfiltered. Here, the conversations are louder, and people are unabashedly letting loose. And as crazy as it might sound, it’s been therapeutic for me. Hearing other people's problems makes me feel like mine aren’t that big. I know Justin is going to be there for a while because a smoke break is automatically included in that leak break, so I slide down the row of bottles and perform a quick mental inventory to ensure we're well-stocked for the busy night ahead. Satisfied, I stand upright with a little nod, lifting my eyes, but my heartbeat quickens, my breath catching in my throat as I meet the piercing gaze of Chase Kingsley, and the energy of the club momentarily fades into the background, leaving just me and him. The man is a vision in his blue tuxedo. His chiseled jawline is accentuated by a subtle stubble, while the steel gray eyes with hints of stormy clouds draw me in like a moth to a flame. Staring is rude, and I know I should say something, but my lips go limp, a strange warmth creasing my cheeks as the man's gaze elicits goosebumps across my body, leaving me breathless. But just then I notice a hint of red mixed with the stormy gray in his eyes, and I realize something is wrong. My gaze shifts to his jacket, and I notice that his sleeve is torn, and that finally snaps me out of the trance. I open my mouth to greet him and ask for his order, but he beats me to it. "Kyra Sultan?" he says, and in that split second, his words echo through my mind like an electric shock as the realization of his recognition hits me like a tidal wave. He recognizes me. The realization is both exhilarating and nerve-wracking, and I freeze as memories of our shared past flash before my eyes, transporting me back to the days when I was carefree, living in the lap of luxury. The initial butterflies of excitement that fluttered in my stomach, quickly give way to discomfort and embarrassment, and a strained and inauthentic smile spreads across my face, no longer able to meet his gaze. "It's been a minute," he says, breaking the awkward silence, and I nod, trying to maintain composure while wishing I could disappear into thin air. I ask him how he’s been, and his reply carries a hint of bitterness, making me realize he's had quite a few drinks already and, by the look of his jacket, a bad day too. Despite the awkwardness, I manage to respond with an awkward smile before hurrying to inquire about his drink preference, secretly praying that Justin returns from his smoke break now. Chase states his drink, and I quickly get it for him. Placing it in front of him, I feel the tension in the air, almost as if time has slowed down, and I can sense his eyes fixed on me, adding to my discomfort. Just then, my prayers are answered, and Justin returns to the bar. I hand everything over to him, hoping he can sense the urgency in my eyes, and by the time Chase shouts his thanks, I've already retreated to the other side of the bar, desperately trying to escape the intensity of the awkward encounter. As I weave through the crowd, his penetrating gaze lingers on me, making each step towards the sliding door feel like an eternity as the intensity of the moment amplifies the distance between me and the exit. Finally, I break free from the crowd, and the cool night air greets me as I step out onto the balcony. Leaning against the railings, I welcome the rush of cold air on my face while watching the city below, its lights dancing in the darkness. I've accepted my life as it is now, and I'm not ashamed of it. I've encountered many people who recognized me from my past life as an heiress, and even when some of them threw jabs at me, I stood my ground. But this encounter with Chase feels different; it brought back all those feelings of shame and inadequacy that I thought I had overcome after losing everything. Chase Kingsley, the son of a business tycoon, Tony Kingsley, is known for his extravagant lifestyle and his family name. There are rumors about his family's involvement in the mafia, but nothing has ever been confirmed. All I know is that they're very wealthy. Back in university, Chase was the popular boy on campus, and I had a massive crush on him. My friend used to tease me about it because I was so scared of him finding out and embarrassing me. I didn't stand a chance with someone like him. I was rich too but he was way above my league and it didn't help that I wasn't popular. I was reserved and kept to myself, avoiding the popular crowd. My only friend and I preferred to stay away from the spotlight, which is why it came as a shock when he recognized me now. He never gave me a second glance back in university, and a moment ago, a part of me was thankful for that. It spared me from the awkward pity looks and feeling like I had to explain myself. But now realizing that he knew who I was all along, I wished the ground would open and swallow me whole. A sound of laughter snaps me out of my thoughts, serving as a reminder that I need to focus on my job. My tables must be looking for me, and I can't afford to get into trouble. Rushing to the lockers, I retrieve my makeup bag and take a moment to retouch my face, ensuring that my worries don't show. My heart flutters as I glance at my favorite picture displayed below my mirror. My son is my world now, and making sure he's got everything he needs is the only thing that matters. Daycare costs have gone up, which means my focus must be on bagging those tips tonight. Nothing else. With renewed determination, I step back onto the floor and when my eyes travel to the bar where Chase sat earlier, he’s gone, and even though I told myself he didn’t matter, I’m glad. Just then, a new set of couples arrives, and I escort them to their designated tables. But as I begin to take their order, someone taps me on the shoulder. When I turn around, I see Tammy, another waitress, standing there. She tells me that I'm requested in the office and that she'll take over my tables. Curious and slightly concerned, I ask her if she knows what it's about, and she says it's something regarding Lu, one of the dancers. My job description in this club is a dancer, but tonight they needed someone to cover a waitress shift due to the unexpected rush of customers. I was off, and I always need the money, so I took the shift. A big smile spreads across my face as I hear the news about Lu, mirroring Tammy's own smile. She knows how happy this news makes me. Dancing brings me three times more income than waitressing, and that's not even counting the tips, which are usually much more substantial than my wages. I quickly make my way to the office, and as I enter, I find Jules sitting there with a concerned expression. She explains that Lu isn't feeling well and won't be able to perform tonight, and everyone else is already scheduled. Before she’s finished, I tell her I will do it, and she says, Great, springing to her feet. She thanks me for being flexible and understanding, assuring me that they'll make it up to me for covering the last-minute shift. I nod and she gives me the room number. I head back to my locker, take a quick shower, and slip into my little number. Satisfied, I make my way to the private room. Only the stage is illuminated by soft, seductive lights, as I step into the dimly lit space, and the soft glow creates an aura of mystery, giving me a rush of excitement as I prepare to captivate my audience. Taking a deep breath, I let the music guide me as I approach the stage, subtly swaying my hips to the rhythmic beat. The familiar rush of adrenaline surges through me, making my movements feel fluid and effortless in the intimate and hushed atmosphere, while the soft lighting caresses my skin, giving me a radiant glow. But just as I immerse myself in the rhythm, the sound suddenly stops, and a voice emerges from the dark end of the room, breaking the spell. "I don't want you to dance. I want you to f**k me," the voice says, and my heart skips a beat as I process the unexpected request. Caught off guard, I stammer, explaining that I don't do that. But then the owner of the voice steps out from the shadows, and my eyes widen. "Chase?" I whisper, my voice barely audible. ................................................................ ⚠️ Before you start with the story, please be aware of a few things: • This book is going to be about 95 chapters long, so if long books are not your thing, rather pass this one. • It's not a fluff romance but a romantic suspense book. It will take you on a rollercoaster of emotions, so if you know your heart can't take it, be warned. • The story has multiple POVs. They don't repeat the same thing, but if you don't like multiple POVs, again this story is not for you. .................................................................
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