CHAPTER 1: Coming to an End

1287 Words
The first day of the last week of high school dawned, and as I walked through the crowded halls, my heart sank. I could feel the familiar weight of eyes on me, eyes that never saw the real me. My name is Jade, and I've mastered the art of blending into the background, a skill honed through years of navigating the maze of high school as a loner. My long, Jet black curls cascaded down my back, a curtain shielding me from prying gazes. I chose oversized sweaters and baggy jeans, armor against the judgments I expected but never wanted to face. My olive skin seemed to glow beneath layers of bangs I keep in my face to hide it. As I reached my locker, I could hear the distant laughter of Castelle and Rachel, the so-called "Barbies" of our school. They ruled the social hierarchy, their perfectly styled Blonde hair and designer clothes that's stuck to their skin so tight it leaves nothing to the imagination contrasting sharply with my plain existence. I avoided eye contact, busying myself with the combination lock, hoping to blend seamlessly into the background. "Hey, Jade! Still trying to be invisible?" "Do you hear me talking to you, you fat pig?" Castelle's voice, sharp and cutting, sliced through the air. I bit my lip, not daring to respond. Every word uttered by the mean girls was a dagger, and I had learned to bear the wounds in silence. Rachel chimed in, "Seriously, Jade, don't you ever get tired of being so... dull?" I felt the weight of their words, familiar and expected. It was the same routine, day in and day out. I clutched my books tighter, willing myself not to react. The week, however, promised to be different, or rather, worse. Castelle and Rachel seemed determined to make my last days of high school a living nightmare. As I made my way to my first class, whispers and jeers followed me like a shadow, a constant reminder of my perceived inadequacies. In English class, I found a quiet corner and sank into my seat, hoping to escape notice. Castelle and Rachel, however, had other plans. They strategically positioned themselves behind me, their harsh laughter filling the air like a swarm of bees. Mr. Anderson, our English teacher, entered the room, unaware of the turmoil brewing. As he began his lesson, the whispers intensified. My attempts to focus on the lesson were futile; their words buzzed in my ears, drowning out everything else. "she's literally a loser" snickered Rachel "yeah a worthless fat loser" whispered Castelle with annoyance laced on her tongue At the end of the lesson, as I packed my bag, a crumpled note landed on my desk. I unfolded it, revealing a crude drawing of me with exaggerated features and mocking words scrawled around it. My heart sank, and I felt a lump forming in my throat. It was just the beginning of the torment that awaited me. Lunchtime arrived, and I hesitated before entering the cafeteria. The usual spot where I could find solace in a corner had been tainted by the presence of Castelle and Rachel. I took a deep breath and entered, trying to act as if their words couldn't touch me. "Look who decided to grace us with her presence," Castelle sneered, drawing the attention of nearby students. I kept my gaze low, praying for the lunch bell to ring and end this painful spectacle. Rachel joined in, "Jade, do you even know what fashion is? It's like you're stuck in some thrift store time machine." I continued to eat my lunch in silence, hoping that by not reacting, they would lose interest. Little did I know, they were only getting started. Hours passed, each one more challenging than the last. Castelle and Rachel's taunts escalated, their relentless pursuit of my misery reaching new heights. My sanctuary, the library, became a battleground as they invaded my haven with their cruel words and laughter. The breaking point came on after the 3rd period. As I sat alone in the library, immersed in a book, they approached, knocking my books off the table with a force that echoed through the silent space. The librarian, Mrs. Turner, shot them a disapproving look but didn't intervene. "Oops, clumsy much?" Castelle mocked, her eyes filled with malice. My face burned with embarrassment, and I began to gather my scattered belongings. It was then that Mr. Harris, our history teacher, entered the library. Sensing the tension, he approached us with a stern expression. "What's going on here?" he demanded. Castelle and Rachel exchanged glances, momentarily silenced. I hesitated, debating whether to speak up or continue enduring the torment in silence. "Nothing, Mr. Harris," I mumbled, my voice barely audible. Mr. Harris, however, wasn't fooled. He turned to the mean girls with a stern glare. "This is a place for studying, not causing disruptions. Leave, both of you, now." The girls reluctantly retreated, shooting me one last venomous glance. Mr. Harris turned to me, with concern etched across his face. "Jade, is everything okay?" I nodded, unable to find words. The librarian helped me gather my things, and as I left the library, Mr. Harris's words lingered in the air like a lifeline. The last Period Mr. Harris took the opportunity to address the entire class about bullying, emphasizing the importance of empathy and kindness. Castelle and Rachel, though resentful, were forced to retreat for the moment. As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the day, a mix of relief and trepidation filled me. Navigating through the crowded corridors, I couldn't shake the sense of impending doom. Castelle and Rachel, seemingly fueled by resentment, blocked my path near the exit. "Look who's trying to escape," Castelle taunted, a malicious glint in her eyes. Rachel sneered, her words dripping with venom, "You thought you could just walk away without one last reminder of your place?" I tightened my grip on my backpack, bracing myself for what was to come. Castelle shoved me against the lockers, her laughter echoing through the emptying halls. Rachel circled, hurling insults like poisoned arrows. "you want to know why yoh get treated like this?, because nobody likes you" Rachel said. "Nobody wants to be bothered by a nobody whos weak" She said again. The physicality intensified, their actions crossing the line from verbal to hands-on aggression. My attempts to evade their attacks only fueled their amusement. They called me names that cut deeper than any physical blow, yet I refused to retaliate. The bystanders, indifferent or fearful, hurried past, casting averted glances. Despite the pain, I clung to the belief that my silence spoke louder than their hateful words. I refused to let them see the cracks in my armor, denying them the satisfaction of breaking my spirit. As they continued their onslaught, I held onto the promise of a new beginning beyond the oppressive walls of high school. Eventually, a teacher appeared, breaking up the torment. Castelle and Rachel before walking away said something that left me stuck. "This definitely isn't the end Jade, we are going to get you." I stood there wondering what I ever did to them to make them hate me so much. The crazy thing is me and Castelle used to be bffs in elementary school. Up until 6th grade when Rachel transfered from California. After that Castelle started hanging around me less making every excuse to why she didn't want to come over until the 2nd week of school when she finally told me. " Rachel doesn't like you, she said you're poor and dirty" I cried all day that day. I lost my only friend that day.
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