Chapter 4 – Sleep my angel

1872 Words
Zenya’s POV. Oh God, I didn’t know that enduring a flight take-off was so hard for a first-time flyer. I breathed deeply as I tightly held on to the arms of my seat. Within few minutes we were up in the air. “Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, you may now remove your seat belts,” the pilot announced before the plane glided in the air smoothly. “Ma’am, good evening.” An air hostess approached me with a food trolley two hours into the flight. A beautiful smile was always on her face as she did her job. I remembered how I crazily wanted to become an air hostess. I even went for an interview, but unfortunately, I didn’t get through due to my lack of the desired height since I was only 5’ feet tall. Such incidents always made me curse my height every. “Yes, good evening,” I replied with a smile. “Ma’am, what would you like to have for dinner?” she asked, handing me a menu. “I would like to have the rice and curry plate without any meat. If you have something with seafood, it would be good too.” I explained, my smile not fading away from my face. She offered me a meal packet with a set of cutlery and I requested a water bottle as my choice of beverage. The hot and aromatic meal packet in front of me made my appetite grow. “Thank you.” I nodded my head gratefully and started to have my meal. It was delicious but nothing could compare to my mother’s cooking. I wanted to watch a movie while having my meal and so, I selected ‘Hansel and Gretel’ on the screen in front of me since I love that kind of movie. After finishing the movie, I felt a little bit sleepy. I had nothing else to do besides to sleep since it was an 18-hour flight from Sri Lanka to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania airport. So, I went to the lavatory and returned to my seat before requesting a blanket. The crew quickly gave me a blanket and the warmth of the blanket immediately lulled me into a good night's sleep. I was sitting on the luscious green grass in front of a beautiful huge lake. The sounds of birds chirping and the breeze from the lovely environment encircled me. Suddenly, I heard a loud growl and as soon as I turned around, a huge animal with black fur and red eyes launched itself at me. Narrowly escaping it, I got up and tried to run as fast I could but it wasn’t good enough. With its long claws, it scratched my leg deeply. Stopping in my tracks, I screamed in pain while holding my leg. The animal prepared to jump on me again so I crouched down and covered my face with my hands, but it didn’t come. Instead, I heard an ear-piercing loud growl, mightier than the first creature and I heard the two creatures fighting. I slowly removed my hands and I saw that second creature bite the first one’s throat, making blood cover them. The first creature started howling in pain, the strength of its voice reducing slowly before it ended along with its life. Who are they? Are they wolves? But these animals are larger than a human. The second wolf has silver fur with chocolate brown eyes and was much larger than the first one. Then suddenly, our eyes met directly as blood dripped from its mouth. “Ma'am, ma’am! ” I felt someone shaking my shoulder and I woke up to see an air hostess next to me. Damn, I looked down to see my palms sweating as I realized it was only a dream. But it felt so real especially those chocolate brown eyes. It had sadness, care, compassion, and many feelings. “Good morning ma’am. What would you like to have for your breakfast?” she inquired me politely. Oh god, it was already morning. I slept for so long. “I’ll have milk, rice or omelet and bread if you have.” I smiled, hiding my confused face. Thinking about the dream, I had my breakfast in silence. Then I thought about my parents and a single tear came to my eyes before slowly rolling down my cheek. I quickly wiped it with the back of my palm and shook the sad thoughts from my head. I was still 5 hours away from my destination. The Head of The Student Committee of the Business Administration Department would be at the airport to pick me and transport me to the university. It was a big relief for me since I don't know anyone in America yet. I visited the lavatory again and decided to watch another movie after returning to my seat. I selected ‘Avengers: infinity war’ and started watching it. But somewhere in my mind, I couldn’t stop thinking about those chocolate brown eyes. I felt like they were trying to tell me something but I brushed it aside. Eventually, time passed and lunchtime came. Once again the air hostess came and asked my desired lunch. I requested noodles with fish curry and a water bottle. I ate my lunch and rested for a while. "Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Kindly fasten your seat belts, we will be landing in 15 minutes," the pilot suddenly announced as I looked out of the window to the buildings below. At last, we are going to land. Trust me, handling the landing was as difficult for me as the takeoff. I hurriedly took my handbag and hand luggage, before lining up with the other passengers to get down from the plane. "Hello America, please be good to me," I muttered in my mind as I stepped foot on the foreign land. I was stunned by the view of the environment. I always wanted to come to America and then my dream came true. Philadelphia airport is located in Pennsylvania. It is the 20th busiest airport in America. So, for security purposes, all the luggage was checked and all the passengers too. I approached the immigration counter line and there was a lovely officer, checking the passports of each passenger. After my turn arrived, I gave them my passport and she served me with a warm smile. "Good evening, ma'am. What is your reason to visit America?" She looked at me kindly, waiting for my response. "I have come to my MBA at Philadelphia University," I answered her with a smile. "Oh, what a great decision. Welcome to the United States of America and have a pleasant stay." The kind officer stamped my passport and returned it back to me. After collecting my luggage and going through customs, I went to sit on a nearby bench. Most important of all, I needed to call to mom. Technically there is a 9.5 hours gap between Sri Lanka and Philadelphia, with Sri Lanka being in advance. I turned on my roaming facility and called home. It was night in America which meant morning back home. I didn’t have to wait long as Mom immediately answered the call.   “Hello mom, it’s me,” I said in a shaky voice due to the cold weather.   “Hello, love! Did you arrive safely?” she asked worriedly. “Yes, mom. Everything is alright here. I got through everything and am sitting on a bench to enjoy the view here for a little bit. How is dad?” I explained as I hugged myself to feel warmer. “We both are fine and missing you a lot, sweetie.” Her voice started to shake and I knew that she was going to cry. “Hey, mom. Don’t worry, okay. I am perfectly fine here,”  I consoled her while trying to control my own tears. Don’t cry, don’t cry, Zenya! My mind warned. “Okay, mom. I got to go now. I’ll call you later, bye and take care.” I disconnected the call and started to cry, covering my face with my palms as my shoulders shook terribly due to my sobs. I just sat there on that bench for around 10 minutes before I decided to wipe my tears and get up from my seat. I looked around at the damn huge airport full of crowds, but no one was looking for each other. Everyone was minding their own business. I was amazed at the environment but while observing my surroundings,  I suddenly noticed two muscular young men looking at me. I thought they were doing so due to my skin color because I have tan color skin as an Asian, and oh, what else? Due to my f*****g height! As soon as they saw me looking at them, they were disappeared into the crowd quickly. I quickly brushed it off without thinking about it further, since I really need to go to the toilet as I drank a lot of water on the flight. So, I hurried to the washroom to pee. Oh, what a relief after the release! I washed my face and hands before drying them with facial tissues. Looking at my messy hair, I took out my comb from my bag and combed it a little bit. The toilets were huge and to my surprise even though the airport was crowded but the toilet was not. They were separated far from the counters, making it look like it an isolated area. Happy with how I looked, I moved to exit the toilet but just as I was going out, suddenly out of those two muscular men I saw earlier blocked my path. I ignored him and tried to walk around him, but then, the second guy also came and blocked my way. They stood in front of me like a huge wall covering my path. My mouth got dry in fear. "What are you doing? Who are you? Move from my way or else I'll scream!" I warned without showing them any fear I was feeling. "Luna, please calm down. You have to come with us," they explained in a pleading manner. "Luna? I am not Luna. There must be a mistake. Now, move and let me go!" I insisted, trying to push my way through them. They didn't say anything but instead suddenly looked over my shoulder. I tried to scream but suddenly a strong arm covered my mouth. I started to throw my hands around and kick my legs in the air. But oddly, at the same time, I felt sparks going through all over my body. All of a sudden, the person who covered my mouth injected me something on my neck. Tears started to roll down my cheeks and soon the darkness welcomed me but just before I blacked out, I heard something. "Sleep my angel, sleep. Soon you are going home, baby girl," a deep husky voice assured.      
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