Chapter Fifty-Five: Storm

752 Words
     I had gone outside to clear my head and calm down a bit. I can’t believe that Crisa did all of that for Stormy and I. I’m not sure how I feel about her doing it without talking to me, but I know that I appreciate her for it. Now I get to spend my time getting to know my daughter and not having to worry about where she is or when I can see her. I was angry at Paige for using my daughter as a money machine and for the way Crisa found her. She seems like she is scared of everyone except Crisa. I’m glad she feels safe with Crisa and I can’t wait until she feels safe with me. Part of me wants to track Paige down and make her pay for what she has done, but Crisa already took care of making her leave so I will leave it alone unless she comes back.        After being outside for an hour I went into the kitchen to get a drink and I found Stormy trying to get something to eat from the top shelf of the pantry so I walked over and grabbed it for her. She quickly backed away cowering in the corner and covering her head with her arms. I gently moved her arms so I could look at her when I said, “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have snuck up on you. Here you go you can eat this and then go to bed. I don’t want you to ever have to worry about what you eat and drink or when. You can have whatever you want anytime you want. I will never hurt you and will always do my best to protect you. You will never want for anything again and I want you to always feel safe. There are so many people that would put their lives on the line to keep you safe.  I am going to go to bed, but know that I am always here for you and when you are ready to talk I’ll be ready to listen.”       She looked at me for a minute before she took the food out of my hand and mumbled a thank you before returning to her room. When I heard her door open and shut I made my way to Crisa’s room to get some sleep. When I walked in I could see that Crisa was asleep curled around the pillow that I normally used. I gently pulled the pillow out of her arms and laid down next to her. She instantly wrapped her arms around me and snuggled into my side as if she had missed me being next to her. I was so thankful for her and the fact that she chose to stay and help instead of running for the hills. Not many women would stay after being together for one day and finding out he has a child nobody knew about. He slowly fell asleep running his hands through her hair.   Not long after I fell asleep I was woken up by a knock n the door. I gently got up and found Stormy at the door crying and shaking. As soon as she saw me she threw her arms around me which stunned me. I was kinda of happy that she came to me when she was feeling sad and needed someone, but my heart hurt that she was crying.  It took a minute for her to calm down and when she did I took her into the kitchen. I got us both something to drink and sat down waiting for her to tell me what was wrong. After sitting in the kitchen for a few minutes she looked at me and said, “I’m sorry. I had a bad dream and thought that I was alone. Mom would always leave me alone and I don’t want to be alone anymore.” My heart broke for her and I walked around the counter wrapping her in my arms before saying, “I will never leave you alone. I will always be there for you. Don’t ever apologize for coming to get me when you are scared or sad. Why don’t we go back to sleep. I will come sit with you while you until you fall asleep.” With that we walked back to her room and she laid down on the bed while I sat next to her stroking her hair until she fell asleep.
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