Chapter Fifty-Nine: Storm

756 Words
I wondered what was wrong with Crisa while we were eating because she was trying to hide the fact that she was feeling sick, but I could tell by the way she only ordered soup and barely ate half of it. I would have to wait to ask her. It took forever at the mall and while we were in the electronics store Crisa wondered off on her own. When I called her she said she was in the food court which didn’t make sense to me because she wasn’t interested in eating when we were at the restaurant like she was sick. When we got to the car Crisa showed me a store she wanted to take Stormy to so that’s where we headed.         I smiled when I saw Stormy’s reaction to the store. She was so excited about buying art supplies. When Crisa told her to get anything she wanted she took it to heart and grabbed my hand taking off. I don’t know how we are going to get this stuff home, but we will make a way. After Stormy filled up four carts we made our way to the register where the clerk waited with a stack of gift cards. He explained that Crisa purchased them and he was to use them to pay for the purchase. After he rang everything up and bagged it up he used the gift cards until the order was paid for and then gave me the remaining cards. I was upset that Crisa paid for the art supplies and even bought extra cards, but I couldn’t say anything right now. When we walked outside I saw Crisa talking to Thane waiting for us and the moment she saw me I could tell she knew I was upset.       Thane helped me load everything up into his truck and Stormy ram over to Crisa and gave her a hug profusely thanking her for everything. Crisa told Stormy to get in the car as we were finishing loading the truck up. She walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me standing on her tip toes to give me a kiss as if that was her way of saying sorry. I’ll be damned if I didn’t melt right then and there. I couldn’t even be upset anymore and she knew she won that round as she turned around to walk back to the car.       When we got back to Crisa’s house she told us to wait to unload for a few minutes and then had us follow her to a part of the house I haven’t seen before. She in the middle of the hallway and turned to face Stormy and I before saying, “every artist needs a place to create and get away for awhile. My escape is my gym behind the door at the end of the hall, but Stormy this room right here will be your escape. We will get shelves and a desk so you can set it up however you want to and be able to store everything that you need.” She opened up the door she was standing next to and stepped back for us to enter and my jaw almost hit the floor. The room was huge and would likely be more than enough. Stormy was so excited she ran to hug Crisa without paying attention and almost knocked her down causing her to cry out in pain because Stormy hit her wound. At that Stormy got scared and went to let her go, but Crisa just hugged her tighter telling her it was okay.       We heard voices coming down the hall and turned to find the guys coming with their arms full of stuff. When Thane saw the look on my face he said, “I figured that Crisa would make this room the art room and these two were on their way to use Crisa’s gym so I forced them to help me. We grabbed as much as we could, but we still need to make a couple more trips. Are you ready to come help.” With that they set their stuff in the room and we went to get the rest of the stuff. While Crisa and Stormy stayed inside to order the cabinets, desk, and school supplies that we didn’t pick up. By the time both cars were unloaded I was tired and hungry so I went to find Crisa and Stormy only to find Stormy watching a movie next to a sleeping Crisa. 
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