Chapter Fifty-Eight: Crisa

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      I can’t believe that doctor that tried to warn me about Storm thought she was being discreet about the looks she was giving Storm. When she was changing my bandage I noticed that she was looking for new injuries on me and that she was looking at Storm like she had something against him. When it was Stormy’s turn he stepped outside since she was getting a full physical and him being male he wanted her to have some privacy. I could see her looking for injuries on Stormy as she examined her and thankfully she had none. I would have hunted down Paige if she did. When we were done Stormy was given a clean bill of health and the doctor once again tried to warn me to get away from Storm because he was dangerous. She just didn’t know that I was more dangerous and had more connections than he does. I felt Stormy grab my hand and knew that I had to keep my cool so I didn’t scare her again.     When we walked outside Storm was just getting off the phone and by his body language I knew he could tell that I was furious. So we went to the hairdresser for me to get my hair washed first since that may calm me down a bit and while they were waiting they picked out where we were going to go get lunch. I could hear Stormy talking animatedly about school and being able to take an art class. Apparently her mother never let her do anything that may cost more money than necessary. When I was done we went to a seafood restaurant near the mall which churned my stomach, but this is what they wanted to eat so I just ordered some soup and dealt with it. Seeing them interact with each other was worth it in the end, but when we were done I practically ran out of the place. I could hear them laughing behind me and I didn’t even care I just wanted to get out of there.      We decided to go to the mall so we could order the desk, dresser, and TV in one place. Then we got Stormy more clothes, shoes, laptop, tablet, and phone. While they were looking at the electronics I looked up an art store nearby so we could get her what she wants or needs from there and I couldn’t wait to see how she reacted. While I was looking up the art store I wondered off to the food court to get something I actually wanted to eat and sat down to eat it. I finished just as Storm started to call and ask where I was. I’m lucky I didn’t wonder off to far or he may have actually been mad at me for taking off two days in a row. It was already bad enough that he wouldn’t let me carry anything. Since we were done we made our way to the car and I showed Storm where to go.      When we got to the Art store Stormy’s eyes lit up and she was so excited. It was like watching a little kid in a candy store. I told her to get whatever she wants and she drug Storm through the entire store. I called Thane to bring his truck just in case because I had a feeling that she was going to get more than what would actually fit in the car. I gave the clerk at the register my card and had him run it for  ten thousand dollars in gift cards so they could use that to pay and whatever wasn’t used today could be used at a later date. After I was done with that I went out to the car and waited for Thane to show up. He managed to show up just in time to because they began walking out the door with four carts full of everything an artist could want. Storm was holding the remaining gift cards and had a look on his face that told me I was in trouble for paying. Thank god he didn’t know how much I paid for him to have custody. I knew he had his own money, but in all honesty I had more than he did and I wanted to spoil Stormy. 
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