Chapter Seventy-Two: Crisa

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I was still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I was indeed pregnant and that I was carrying twins when I got the call from Stormy’s school. They wouldn’t tell me what happened and that was worrying me. When I got to the school I ran into the office and was lead into the principal’s office where I found Stormy sitting quietly while the principal was threatening to expel her if she didn’t talk. I was livid at the fact he threatened her without knowing what happened or having anyone else in his office to question. I wanted to be calm about picking her up, but seeing the picture in front of me made me forget that. Before the secretary could announce my presence I looked at the principal and said, “who the hell are you to be questioning my child without a parent present? Not only are you questioning her without me here, but I walk in to find you threatening her. Where are the other kids and their parents or are you just singling my child out? Now I’m going to give you ten minutes to do three things and you will do them all or I will have your job. First thing you are going to do is apologize to my daughter. Second you are going to get all parties involved in this office. Lastly you will get there parents in this office as well. Time starts now!”      He looked from me to Stormy as if weighing his options. He tried to tell me that I couldn’t have his job, but the look on my face assured him that I most definitely could. He told his secretary to call the kids and their parents. He made sure that the secretary knew to tell the parents that it was an emergency and they were needed here immediately. The clock was ticking down and he was trying to ignore my first demand so with one minute left I picked up the phone to make the call, but he apologized last minute. We were interrupted by the secretary letting us know the kids were here and the parents would be here shortly. About ten minutes later the parents and children were coming in to the office. I noticed that the other kids parents were the same two that were fired from the diner yesterday. The kids and the parents all walked in with smirks on their faces like they couldn’t be touched. I sent a text to Storm letting him know that I needed him or Tristan to come to the school and meet me in the office to walk Stormy and I to the car because I didn’t want to take any chances. He let me know that he was on his way and would be there in less than five minutes.       According to the principal there was a fight in one of the classrooms, but nobody knew who started it so they automatically blamed it on Stormy. So without any facts he was ready to expel her. Now I was even more pissed off and these hormones were not helping. The other kids and their parents automatically started pointing their fingers at Stormy saying that she started the fight. When I looked at Stormy I could see that she was shaking and she hadn’t been shaking before the other kids walked in. I looked up at the parents and said, “so your kids are just like you huh. That’s a shame because we don’t need anymore of you two in the world. I can guess that those two started the fight thinking that they wouldn’t get caught. All three are somehow involved so all three can walk out suspended the rest of the week and back to school on Monday. By then I expect you to do your job and review the camera’s to find out who started it.”        Storm walked in the door without even knocking and I watched the blood drain from the principals face. Storm made his way to Stormy and I without saying anything. He looked at me to make sure I was okay before looking at Stormy to make sure that she was okay. By this time the principal was stuttering apologies to Storm and agreed to the terms that I laid out. However the other two parents were ready to fight me over the turn of events. Storm stepped in front of me as Tristan walked through the door and took his place in front of Stormy. While everyone was distracted Storm swapped keys with me so Stormy and I could leave quickly. When we made it to the car and drove through the gates Stormy broke down in tears. 
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