Chapter Seven: Crisa Rose

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It’s been three days since I was taken from the bar. I have been waiting for him to slip up so that I can escape and take the other girl with me. I don’t know who she is, but I can hear her screams at night. I have been locked in this room and the only time the door opens is when he throws in food. The guy from the bar is the one who took me and I plan on making him pay for it. This time it will be more than his pride that suffers.         It took until today for him to mess up by not locking the door. I wait until I hear his motorcycle leaving the house before I make my move. First I make sure the house is empty and then go to the room holding the other girl. She is curled up in the corner of the room when I open the door.  When she looks up I see that it is the waitress from the bar. After the incident at the bar she was given a paid week off and by the looks of it she has been here for at least a week. It will be difficult to get her out of here, but I refuse to leave her behind.      The car he brought me here in is still in the garage and that is the only way to get her out of here. I put her arm across my shoulder to help her to the car which took too long and I was running out of time. This guy might be the dumbest kidnapper that I have ever encountered because the keys are in the ignition and the car starts right up. I may not know exactly where I am, but as long as I get to a store I’ll be able to find my way back home.       After driving for 20 minutes I finally came across a truck stop and find that I’m not too far from home, but I also don’t have any money on me to get enough gas to make it there. I decide to take the car as far as it will go and get her to a hospital. From there I call Thane and ask him to come get me. I’m sitting outside when he shows up with an entire entourage and I’m furious that he did, but that can wait because my eyes land on my kidnapper.         The look on my face must be murderous because the look on Thane’s face is a look of shock. Before I can think about it or anybody can react I launch myself at Deacon, but before I get to him arms of steel lock around me. At first I struggle to get free and then a sense of calm envelopes me. When I finally relax I’m released and all I can think of is to get out of here as fast as I can. There’s a motorcycle next to me and the keys are still in it so without thinking twice I jump on it and haul ass out of the parking lot. I can hear people yelling for me to stop, but I don’t care I just need to get home and I need to get there now.       The first thing I do when I get home is take a long hot shower to wash the last three days off of me. I don’t get out until the water runs cold and put on some workout clothes. I need to blow off steam and if I can’t get my hands on Deacon right now the gym is going to have to do.       I’m working on the punching bag when I hear the door open and Thane walking in. I really don’t want to talk right now and I know that he is here to find out who took me and what happened while I was gone, but he’s just going to have to wait. He sits down and just watches me for a while before realizing that he won’t be getting anything out of me. We work out in silence for a while before I am exhausted and ask where everyone is trying to figure out how I’m going to get to Deacon.          He eyes me suspiciously before telling me that everyone else has business to take care of and there would be a business meeting in the morning.  I may not like the fact that I have to be in a meeting in the morning, but it’s an opportunity to get at Deacon and I’m not one to pass up an opportunity. I will make him pay and he will suffer every step of the way. I spent the last three days thinking about everything I’m going to do to him. If he had just taken me I wouldn’t be furious right now, but he took that waitress and I could hear her screams every time he walked in that room. Why do all of that? Was it because she said no and he was taken down by another female in front of his boys? Was it a pride thing that made him do it all?  
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