Chapter Thirty-Three: Crisa

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     The lady introduced herself as the doctor and her name was Tara. Apparently we were in her clinic which answered my unasked question. Storm woke up Thane to let him know that I was awake and that they needed to leave for my examination. I didn’t care if they were in here, but the doctor said they needed to go to the waiting room. As they were walking out someone else that I didn’t know walked in dressed in scrubs.      They did their exam and let me know that I lost quite a bit of blood and they repaired the gash on my side. She also informed me that I had been asleep for two days and sent her nurse to get me something to drink. When the nurse left she turned to me and said, “you need to be careful. You can’t just go around smacking Storm. You’re lucky I walked in when I did.” She was serious and I knew she was trying to help which I should appreciate, but I couldn’t help breaking out in laughter. Storm chose that moment to walk in with some water which only made me laugh harder.       Tara looked at me like I was crazy and Storm was looking around the room clueless as to why I had been laughing. I had to stop laughing when I felt the pain in my side reminding me that I had stitches. I took the water Storm offered me and looked at Tara to say, “I appreciate the thought, but I don’t need your advice on that subject. Now when can he take me home?” I intentionally pointed at Storm when I asked about going home. The shock on both of their faces was class and under other circumstances I may have laughed, but I was hungry and ready to go.       She opened her mouth to protest, but I cut her off and said, “look I know that I need to be observed, my wound needs to be cleaned/dressed daily, and that I can’t do anything strenuous. There’s really no need in me staying here and forcing you to keep your clinic closed any longer than necessary. So you can go ahead and write whatever prescriptions and instructions you want so I can get out of here and back to my own bed with my own personal waiter.” She huffed and mumbled something about 20 minutes before leaving the room.       Thane and the boys came in chuckling after Tara walked out. Apparently they thought her expression was funny and only something that could be caused by me. They talk about me like I’m a pain in the ass and irritate people regularly. I just know what I want and I don’t stop until I get it. They know that there was no arguing with me when I made my mind up about something. Thane looked at me and said, “everything is setup up for you to go home and food will be there by the time we get there. We didn’t hire a nurse because Thalia said she would step in when needed. Zanthus, Xander, and Nikita are waiting for us at your house, but will have to leave soon to take care of business.” My brother knew me so well he started making plans as soon as I woke up and I didn’t even have to ask. 
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