Chapter Three: Crisa Rose

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The night was going great. It was looking like there wouldn’t be any issues, but no sooner did the thought cross my mind I hear a males voice starting trouble. I make my way over to the voice and find the man harassing one of the waitresses while one of the bouncers just watched. I made a mental note to have him fired and put myself between the man and the waitress. She looks as if she is about to cry and is grateful to not have to face the man alone anymore.     The man is furious that I have just come in the way of his chances with the waitress and starts yelling, “do you know who I am.” Out of the corner of my eye I can see Thane has made his way over and fired the bouncer that was just standing there watching. I needed to shut this down now because it was escalating quickly and I didn’t know if he had any friends here with him.     I knew that this wouldn’t be easy, but I needed to follow procedure and I asked him to leave. He wasn’t having it and decided to get in my face to call me every name he could think of. He reaches out and pushes my shoulder trying to get to the waitress behind me and I lose all sense of calm. I can see Thane start to move my way, but I hold up my hand to stop him. I can also see some other men making their way over and they look to be friends with this guy, but I don’t care at this point. Before the guy can blink I’ve grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back at a painful angle.      I lead him to the doors and push him out into the parking lot. He lunged at me and took a swing. I easily avoided the hit and took a well aimed swing of my own. One right hook to the jaw and he was down like a baby. On another night I may have drug it out a little bit, but tonight I was exhausted and I was almost done with my shift so I just wanted it over with. His friends ran over to help him up and get him out of here.     With that I turn around to go back inside, but I run into someone. This man has to be 6 foot 4 inches tall and made of solid muscle. His skin was a deep chocolate color, shoulder length dreads, and eyes that are gorgeous shade of green. It feels like his eyes are staring into my soul as we stare at each other. The crowd around us gasped and started backing away. This man was feared by everyone here and you could tell. When he spoke to me it broke the trance that I was in. He said, “I’m sorry for Deacon’s actions.” So that’s the guy’s name, but it’s not his name I want to know. So I find myself saying, “it’s not you that should be apologizing. My name is Crisa Rose. What’s yours?” He actually smirks like he just won a prize and he has me where he wants me as he says, “I’m Vincent, but everyone calls me Storm.” With that he turns to take care of his rowdy friend Deacon who has woken up and is ready to scrap.      I look around and find Thane standing by the entrance of the bar watching with a know it all look on his face. I decide that I can’t deal with him tonight so I throw my hand up and wave goodbye and make my way over to my car. If I hadn’t shocked everyone before with that physical display getting into my Nova was the icing on the cake. When I get home I kick off my shoes and crawl into bed not caring that I’m still wearing my clothes. 
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