Chapter Forty: Storm

747 Words
   I was startled awake by a pain filled groan which caused me to jump up and start asking questions, “are you okay? What hurts? Do you need anything? Did I hurt you?” She just shook her head and smiled at me before saying, “yes I’m okay. I accidentally tried to roll onto my injured side. You didn’t do anything to hurt me. Although some Tylenol, water, and food sound good right now. Well maybe after a bathroom break.” I jumped up and grabbed some Tylenol and water handing it to her to take. After she took the pills I helped her over to the bathroom and she literally had to kick me out so she could use the bathroom alone because I was worried about her being in pain.     When she opened the bathroom door I was standing next to it ready to help her back into bed. Before we got to the bed she said, “can you take me to the living room and maybe watch a movie with me? I’ve been sleeping for damn near three days and I want a change at least for a little bit. We can order food and watch a movie.” I contemplated her request because I wanted her to be able to do what she wanted, but I also knew that she needed her rest. I caved when she gave me puppy dog eyes and said, “ okay, but there are conditions. Condition number one no girlie romance movies. Condition number two no sleeping on the couch. Condition number three you can order whatever you want to eat, but I’m paying.” She thought about it for a second before nodding her head yes so I helped her out to the living room. As soon as we made it to the living room i ordered a pepperoni pizza and a meat lovers pizza. After the food order was placed I went to grab some drinks from the kitchen while she picked out some movies to watch. When I got back she showed me her choices of Candyman, John Wick 3, King Arthur Legend of the Sword, or Gunpowder Milkshake. I ended up choosing Candyman hoping that she would get scared and curl up next to me. Right before we started the movie the doorbell rang which meant the food was here as nobody was supposed to be visiting. I was surprised to find extra food being delivered along with the pizza I ordered. I was kind of hurt that she felt the need to hide the fact that she wanted more than just the pizza.     When I walked back to the living room I looked at her for a moment before saying, “ you ordered extra food secretly. Why didn’t you just tell me so I could pay for it? I would have bought you anything and everything that you wanted.” She looked at me with what looked to be regret on her face as she contemplated how she wanted to respond. After taking a moment she looked at me and said, “I’m sorry. I’m not used to relying on anyone other than my closest friends and family. Even the short relationships that I have had I always ended up buying stuff for myself. I will try to let that go and allow you to pay for things when you want. Now can we eat I’m starving.”    I set the food down on the coffee table and went to grab extra drinks, plates, silverware, and napkins. When I got back in the living room she was arranging the table and setting up the movie. I’m not going to lie I picked the scary movie hoping she would get scared and cuddle up to me. I’m acting like a teenager and I don’t think I care at the moment. I took a seat next to her and handed her a plate and set of silverware after placing the extra drinks on the table. She gave me a small smile and asked me if I wanted any of the food she ordered. Before I could answer she said, “I ordered three orders of Mexican shrimp tempura sushi with some shrimp fried rice.” When I nodded my head yes she filled my plate and we both sat back ready to dig into our food. She reached over for the remote and hit play before reaching for another remote dimming the lights.
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