Chapter Thirty-Seven: Storm

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   When Tara came in with the paperwork Chris and Tyler took the prescriptions to get them filled. Thane handed her a bag of clothes that Thalia had sent over. After she looked at the clothes in the bag she had a strange look on her face like she was trying to figure something out. She looked me over a few times before I asked her what was wrong. She took a moment before she said, “can you give me your shirt? I’m not going to be able to wear the clothes Thalia sent me comfortably due to the placement of the wound and form fitting nature of the outfit.”        I smiled and quickly removed my shirt for her to wear and thankfully I had a tank top underneath it, but I wouldn’t have minded either way. When I handed her the shirt I turned around so she could put it on, but I heard her clear her throat to get my attention. When I turned around I was confused that she still hadn’t changed. At least until she said, “can you please help me get the gown off and put the shirt on? I can’t move my arm the way I need to get changed.”       Without responding I walked over to me and gently untied the gown and slipped it off. As I was putting the T-shirt on her I noticed the wound on her side and gently ran my hand over it. I could tell she was hungry when her stomach let out a loud growl making Me chuckle and say, “let’s get you out of here so we can feed the monster.” Little did we know how true that statement was. She just laughed while I put her shoes on and and made sure that we didn’t leave anything in the room. When she went to stand up she swayed a little bit so I picked her up ignoring her protests.       Thane was waiting for us outside in the car ready to go. When he saw me carrying her he jumped out of the car and opened the door. I put her in the passenger seat and climbed into the backseat sitting behind her while Thane drove to her house. When we got to her house I could see that there was a lot of people there and I had to fight with Crisa because I wanted to carry her, but she wanted to be able to walk on her own. We  settled for her using my arm for support.       When we finally made it inside the girl from the clinic rushed up to hug Crisa . Thankfully I was still next to Crisa and was was able to stop her before she hurt Her. Thalia was right behind her and was the first to notice that Crisa wasn’t wearing the clothes she packed for her so she loudly said, “that’s not what you were supposed to wear. Where are your clothes? Who’s shirt is that? Why aren’t you wearing any pants?” I guess her patience had worn thin so before Thalia could continue with her rant Crisa cut her off and said, “if you had considered my wound then you would know that I wouldn’t be able to wear what you packed because it’s too tight and would cause me to be in pain. So I borrowed the T-shirt Storm had on. Now Storm help me to my room and can someone f*****g bring me food!” Everyone was staring at her shocked by her outburst and I really don’t know why. 
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