Chapter Fifty-Two: Crisa

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As soon as I answered the phone he started rattling off questions in a worried tone. He was talking so fast that I couldn’t answer one question before another one was thrown at me. When he stopped to take a breath I took the opportunity to say, “I’m okay. I have some stuff to take care of so I’ll see you at my house in an hour or two. Thane will be there to pick you up and take you to my lawyer then my house. I’ll answer your questions when I get there, but I have to go now.” I hung up on him before he could start asking me questions and I went in search of Thane. When I found him he was about to make Stormy something to eat, but I stopped him telling him I would take her to get something and that I needed him to take Storm to the lawyer and my house.      I walked over to Stormy and had her follow me out to the car. Needed to take her to get food, clothes, hygiene products, and get her hair taken care of. When we got in the car I tried to get her to talk to me, but she kept quiet like she was scared of her mom. I picked a diner to get some food for us and I looked at her to say, “I know that you are scared right now. I just want you to know that you are safe. You can speak freely and nobody will hurt you while I am around. Now we are going to go in and get some food. Then we are going to go get your necessities, get your hair cleaned up, and then go meet your father.”  She looked at me as if judging whether she could trust what I said and slowly nodded her head.      We went into the diner and sat down waiting to order. I looked at the menu and noticed that Stormy hadn’t moved so I told her to get anything that she wanted it didn’t matter how much she ordered. She finally picked up the menu and when the waitress came over to take our order she ordered a bacon cheeseburger with fries while I ordered a steak omelette with a chocolate milkshake. We sat quietly waiting for our food. As much as I wanted her to talk to me and trust me I couldn’t push her to do so. I needed to give her space until she felt comfortable enough to talk to me without feeling forced. When the food arrived she inhaled it like she hadn’t eaten anything in awhile. When she was done I grabbed the bill and paid so we could head out.       After we finished we went to the local grocery store to get her hygiene products and any snacks that she may want in the house. When we finished there I took her to the closest beauty shop to get her hair done the way she wanted it. It took awhile to convince the hairstylist to take her since she was about to close, but with the right amount of money she stayed and fixed Stormy’s hair so that it was good for now. We would have to make an appointment for another day so she could get whatever style she wanted. Our last stop was the mall where she got to pick out anything she wanted. We had to stop when we could barely carry the bags. This will be a good start for her and we can add anything else she may need or want another day. Now it was time to head home and introduce her to Storm. I may possibly have to face his wrath because of the way I took off and did a lot more than I should have with my injury. 
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