Chapter Forty-Two: Storm

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    I was trying to be a gentleman by making sure she had everything that she needed, but the distance was driving me crazy and I couldn’t help watching her when she wasn’t paying attention to me. She sure surprised me when she ate half of a pizza and her portion of the Chinese food, but I didn’t mind. I actually liked that she ate what she wanted and wasn’t self conscious about it. She startled me out of my thoughts when she said, “can you adjust the center sections of the couch? I want to cuddle into you, but with my side being injured I can’t without hurting myself. If you adjust the couch you can lean against it and I can lean against you.”      I embarrassed myself by jumping up like an eager teenager and I could hear her try to stifle a laugh, but I wasn’t going to let that bother me. I managed to get the center pieces set up while she guided me through the process. The couch was definitely cool as it almost doubled in size and looked like a huge bed. I definitely needed a couch like it. She smiled and told me to grab a blanket and a couple pillows out of the closet by the entrance from the kitchen. I looked at her suspiciously and said, “we aren’t sleeping on the couch you know that right?” She  looked at me and said, “the pillows are for your comfort and the blanket is in case we get cold. While you are getting that I’m going to use the restroom. You may want to as well because once I get comfortable and restart the movie I’m not going to want to move.”     We both went to the bathroom and when I made it back to the couch she was still in the bathroom. So I switched our drinks into bottles so they didn’t spill and set them on the couch. I even grabbed some snacks in case she gets hungry again and put them on the couch, with the blanket laying out, and the pillows propped up where I wanted to sit. I heard the bathroom door open so I rushed over to help her back to the couch before I got settled and waited for her to get into position. She carefully crawled up in between me legs and sat down leaning back against my chest. Even after She got comfortable I kept my arms up on the back of the couch because I didn’t want to hurt her, but I wanted nothing more than to wrap my arms around her.      She moved her head to look at him and said, “I didn’t want to sit like this so you could keep your arms up there. Give them to me.” I held out my arms for her to place them where she wanted them. When she gently placed them around her waist trying avoid her wound as much as possible I damn near sighed in content. When she was satisfied She grabbed the controllers to hit play and hit the dimmer on the lights again. As the movie started again I realized that I felt comfortable around her. Like I could let down my walls and be myself. I didn’t have to be Storm the big bad biker all the time. I could show her who I was in private without judgement and I haven’t felt this way about anyone other than Tristan. After tonight I would definitely have to ask her to be mine officially.
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