Chapter Eighty-Two: Storm

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The party was a success. Stormy made friends with all of the kids from the club that go to her school. A couple of the boys come into the shop on weekends and help their dad so I know that I can trust her with them. When she came over and called Crisa mom I was elated. I don’t think the club has ever seen me smile as much as I do now that I have Crisa and Stormy. For the most part everyone supports the change, but there are a couple of guys that think I’m becoming too soft and will probably try to over throw me soon. They were dumb enough to try and recruit others to turn against me, but it didn’t work. Crisa and I ended up getting separated when one of the guys wanted to pull me aside to talk to me about getting his wife a job. Apparently the daycare she was working at was going to close down due to financial difficulties. I told him that I would take care of it and she would get a job as soon as I could work it out.      When I went to find Crisa I saw her messing with the food tables and was going to run over and stop her , but Thane beat me to it so I let him have his moment with her. I ended up talking to Tristan and Taylor about the guy from this morning. We needed to figure out how we were going to handle the situation before it got even worse than it already was. I already talked to the gang leader and found out the guys had gone off on their own. He let me know that he wouldn’t retaliate for anything that happened to them. Taylor felt that we should take care of them and the members that were planning to go against us at the same time. Which actually was a good idea.       As we were getting into the planning I saw Thane take Crisa in the house. He sent me a text telling me that she was tired and he had to pretty much force her to go to bed. He also told me that we should probably get the party wrapped up soon. I let Tristan and Taylor know so they could help spread the word. Everyone immediately started to help clean up and we made quick progress. As everyone was getting in their cars to leave Stormy approached me with her new friends and asked if they could stay the night. Thane answered before I could and said, “if it’s okay with their parents then they can stay. We can set up the living room for you guys. You guys have to keep it down and not wake up Crisa because she’s not feeling well. Can you accept the terms?” They all said yes and ran off to ask their parents.       Thane pulled me inside and showed me where everything was and how to setup the living room. When we were done he looked at me and said, “hey man I’m sorry that I answered for you, but knowing my sister if you had said no you would be in the dog house. With her hormones going off the charts she may try to fight you. In the morning if she happens to be upset that they are here which I highly doubt then you are off the hook because I was the one that said yes.” I laughed at his explanation, but had to admit that he was right. All the kids except Paige came running back in and explained Paige couldn’t stay because they had important plans tomorrow, but hopefully she could next time. When we were all back in the living room I looked at them all and said, “alright you know the only rule is don’t wake Crisa up. If anyone wakes her up by being too loud everyone goes home and Stormy’s grounded until Monday. Now let’s go out to the garage so you can stock up on snacks and I can set the alarm. Any mess you make you will be responsible for cleaning.” Once they were settled in I went back to our room , quickly changed my clothes, and crawled in bed wrapping my arms around Crisa making her stir in her sleep before settling in the crook of my arm. As I fell asleep all I could think was I could fall asleep like this every night. 
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