Chapter Twenty-Seven: Crisa Rose

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We were in a rhythm and I was dodging all of his punches. That is until I was distracted by someone calling my name as they were looking for me. I really shouldn’t have run off on my own without them knowing which way I was going, but it is what it is. Jonathan used the distraction to his advantage and managed to hit me in my knife wound. I’m not gonna lie it hurt like a b***h and just about brought me to my knees, but I knew I couldn’t fall and give him an advantage over me. It’s a lot harder to block punches when you are on the ground and with my knife wound I knew I didn’t have the strength to switch positions.    When I didn’t give him the reaction he wanted to the hit he became even more pissed off. As he threw another punch at me I dodged it and threw a kick to his ribs while saying, “Come on is that all you got? No wonder you sent a b***h to try and kill me. You don’t have the ability to even land a solid punch without a distraction. Doesn’t it get tiring acting like someone you could never be? You act like a tough and badass leader, but you will never be either. You will die at my hands today and forever be known as having lost to a girl. How does that feel?”      He was blinded by rage now and that’s exactly what I needed. He blindly swung at and I ducked the blow moving to get behind him while delivering a solid punch to his right kidney causing him to let out a grunt of pain. He went to spin around and swing on me again when I dropped down and swept his legs out from under him. He hit the ground with a loud thud and I could almost swear he bounced a little bit. I didn’t waste any time and immediately jumped on him delivering strategic blows that were going to cause enough damage to keep him down, but they were also going to give me the time needed to drag his death out just a bit longer.       He was starting to lose consciousness as Storm came around the corner so I decided it was time to end this once and for all, but all my knives were gone. When Storm was close enough I asked him if he had a knife on him and when he checked to see if he did all he found was the guns that he brought in. So I got up taking the gun from Storm and shot Jonathan in one knee. When he screamed opening his eyes wide I shot him in the other knee. I aimed the gun at his head and said, “I told you that I wouldn’t be the one dying today. You can burn in hell with your entire family. Goodbye asshole!” I pulled the trigger without blinking and stared into his lifeless eyes after the bullet hit it’s mark.          It was finally over and I didn’t know how to feel about it. I had no feelings for him and I’m glad he’s dead, but a lot of people got hurt or died to get to this point. Storm wrapped his arms around me as if he needed to reassure himself that I was still here. I broke away from him and started walking back to the front to find out what the damage was. Luckily we ran into Tristan and he let us know that there were some injuries on our side, but we didn’t have any casualties. I breathed a sigh of relief and was suddenly Thane’s  bone crushing hug. Chris and Tyler managed to join in and make it a group hug with me being sandwiched between the three of them. My adrenaline picked that moment to run out. I looked at Thane and before I passed out I managed to say, “I love you.”
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