Chapter Sixty-Four: Crisa

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    As I pulled out my phone to text Zanthus a knife went flying past us just barely grazing Storm’s arm. I didn’t have time to text so I just hit the call button and hoped he picked up or would check his voicemail if he didn’t. Storm turned around to face down while placing me behind him and saying, “are you crazy? You are attacking me because some chick lied to you about being a child’s father. You have lost your mind. You could have hit Crisa with that knife and you are damn lucky you didn’t. Stormy isn’t yours and Paige isn’t here so get lost.” While Storm was talking Dan started to reach into his jacket again and Zanthus answered the phone so this was my opportunity to let him know who was here.      I hit record on my phone and held it where it couldn’t be seen, but everything could still be heard. Before I could speak Dan said, “Stormy is my child and she will be going home with me. Now if I have to hurt both you and Crisa to make that happen I will. You can’t keep her from me no matter what you do.” He really picked the wrong one to mess with and luckily I strapped my gun and holster on today. If there is one thing I have learned it’s to always trust your instincts. I stepped to the side of Storm before saying, “Dan  I honestly expected better from you. As one of Zanthus’ men you shouldn’t have missed. Maybe you need more training. It’s too bad you won’t get it though. You won’t make it to see tomorrow. For threatening Storm and I while also threatening to kidnap Stormy you will pay with your life.” I stepped in front of Storm and pressed my back to his front so he could feel the gun.      Dan laughed before saying, “you can’t kill me without taking me back to the family for them to decide my fate. You are only Zanthus’ niece. That doesn’t give you power to make decisions like that.” He finished speaking with a smirk on his face thinking that he had won, but this time it was my turn to laugh. Storm had already pulled the gun from the holster and my speaking had distracted Dan from reaching for his weapon so now we had the upper hand. When I stopped laughing I looked at him with a straight face and said, “that’s cute. You think that Zanthus doesn’t already know you are here and what you have done. I have every right to end your life right here and now. You went against family and tried to harm someone in the family. You see I’m not just his niece I’m next in line to take over. You aren’t very smart.”      Dan’s face went white, but he didn’t give he reached into his jacket and pulled out a gun aiming it at me. Before he could get a shot off Storm shot him right between the eyes. I quickly put the phone to my ear and began saying, “Hai sentito tutto quello zio? Volevo farti sapere che era qui. Mi ha lanciato un coltello e Storm ci ha mancato di poco. Mi ha puntato contro la pistola e Storm gli ha sparato. Se hai bisogno che venga a sistemare la cosa, lo farò.(Did you hear all of that Uncle? I wanted to let you know he was here. He threw a knife at me and Storm barely missing us. He pointed his gun at me and Storm shot him. If you need me to come and settle this there I will.)” The line was quiet for a moment before he said, “No tesoro, l'ho registrato e mi occuperò di tutto. Stai al sicuro amore mio. Ti vedrò presto.(No darling I have it recorded and will take care of everything. Be safe my love. I will see you soon.)” I smiled at his words and said, “Ti amo zio. Ci vediamo quando sarai in grado di visitare.(I love you Uncle. I will see you when you are able to visit.)”
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