Chapter Nine: Crisa Rose

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I told them what happened while I was gone and they were surprised that I wasn’t hurt at all. I’m guessing that Deacon was waiting until he was done with the waitress before doing anything to me. I could tell Storm and Thane didn’t believe me when I said that I didn’t know who it was, but if I told them it was Deacon I wouldn’t get my revenge. I was curious as to why Storm was here, but I wasn’t going to have time to find out because I can see Deacon sneaking into the storage room. He thinks that nobody has seen him and that he will be able to get me again. The jokes on him this time because I’m not letting my guard down again.          I excuse myself from the meeting and go to the restroom. I know Deacon is going to try and grab me on my way there, but I’m prepared for him. He wraps an arm around my waist and puts a hand over my mouth to silence me. I let him drag me into the store room and then put my plan into effect. I stomp on his foot and throw my elbow into his stomach while slamming my head into his nose. He’s stunned for a second and let’s me go, but recovers quickly and it’s a full blown fight.          He’s bigger than me and he thinks that’s all he needs, but I’m smarter than he is and I anticipate his every move. I’m landing blows while dodging him, but he knocks me into a stack of boxes full of vodka bottles and he pins me down. I almost started to panic, but I felt a bottle that was knocked free in the fight hit me. So I grabbed it and smashed it over his head effectively knocking him off of me.          As I get up and look down at Deacon the door opens with a loud bang. I don’t need to look at the door to see who is there and I start walking to the rear door without acknowledging them. All of the sudden Thane is screaming my name and I turn around as a loud bang rips through the room. My shoulder is on fire and the gun in Deacon’s hand registers in my mind. This fucker just shot me and I have just reached a new level of anger.           I drop to my knee and reach into my boot grasping a handle. Before anyone can react I send the knife flying through the air and hear the satisfying thud that tells me it hit it’s target. With the satisfaction of his death I collapse and lose consciousness. I feel strong arms pick me up and hear Thane shouting orders for someone to get the car while someone else calls the cops. The whole way to the hospital I’m held by the strong arms that picked me up and when we get to the hospital they don’t want to let me go. The last thing I remember hearing is the doctor shouting directions and wheeling me away from everyone. I wish I could say that this was the first time that I had been shot or even just shot at, but it wasn’t and it probably wouldn’t be the last time. I had made plenty of enemies being a female building an empire in a man’s world. I have done many unsavory things to dominate in three male driven industries and with that came plenty of attempts on my life.
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