Chapter Forty-Eight: Storm

618 Words
Crisa handed me the phone to add what I needed to the list. When I was done adding to the list I went ahead and added expedited delivery and paid for everything. I could tell that it surprised her when I paid for the groceries and I probably need to stop trying to pay for everything, but it’s my way of showing her that I care about her. It’s so comfortable being here with her and  I don’t know how I will feel if she tells me to leave. Being here taking care of her and holding her every night is something that I could see myself doing as long as she will have me. I need to find out what is going on between us before I get even more attached than I already am. As I was trying to find a way to get Thalia and the guys out of here so that we could talk they all announced that they had to get back to work.      Of course they would make a hasty exit when the groceries were delivered so they didn’t have to help. Luckily Thalia stayed behind long enough to help Me clean up the living room and put up the groceries since I still didn’t know where everything goes. Once she was out of the driveway Crisa hit a button on the alarm system that locked all the doors. Hopefully her turning on the alarm would keep people from interrupting us. She made her way back to the couch and waved me over to sit next to her. She looked me in the eyes like she was staring into my soul and said, “they have the worst timing ever. What is this thing between us?”       I was stunned into silence and my brain was screaming at me to speak, but my mouth just wouldn’t let me get the words out. She started to get up with a look of hurt on her face before I was able to snap out of my silence. I grabbed her hand to stop her from leaving and said, “I am sorry for my silence. I was just shocked by your question. I want you to be mine and for me to be yours in return. I want us to be together and see where this goes. I’ve wanted you since I first met you and I know that it didn’t seem like it because I disappeared for three months, but I was busy working to fix Deacon’s mess. I honestly didn’t understand what I was feeling either so it was easier to throw myself into work than to deal with feelings I didn’t understand. So what do you say do you want to give this a shot?”      She just sat there staring at me for a minute before she got up and straddled my lap pulling me into a heated kiss. With the our luck had been running my phone just had to ring and interrupt us. I contemplated ignoring it, but knew I couldn’t because it was more than likely an emergency. Of course it was Tristan calling to tell me that the chick was back at the garage throwing a fit and yelling she wasn’t going anywhere until she spoke to me so I told him that I would be there in a few minutes. Crisa was already moving to get off my lap, but I stopped her and asked if she wanted to go with me. I knew she wanted to get out of the house and she was curious about what was going on. I wasn’t hiding anything from her so she may as well come with me.
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