Chapter Seventy-Six: Crisa

625 Words
     All I wanted to do was eat my food in peace, but of course my peace had to be ruined by the kids parents.Of course every group had a leader and theirs didn’t hesitate to open his mouth to say, “well look who we have here if it isn’t the b***h that fired us and got our kids suspended. She wants to act like she runs everything and that nothing can touch her. I will get you back for what you have done.” I started laughing when he finished his little speech. Before anyone else could say anything I took a breath and said, “now that’s funny. You actually think that you can get me. Did you ever stop to think how stupid you are by approaching me and threatening me in front of not only my brother, but also my boyfriend? So you can either walk away quietly and leave this alone for good or that sheriff that walked in right behind you can take you to jail. The choice is your, but it seems to me you are always on the losing end.”      It really was just dumb luck that the sheriff walked in behind them and heard what they had to say. When they realized the sheriff was there they all stormed out in a rush scared of getting in trouble. Once they were gone I dug back into my food like nothing happened. Thane started laughing before saying, “you sure do have a knack for making friends. What do they mean by you getting them fired?” Storm looked at me and laughed waiting for me to explain what happened. I smacked his shoulder before explaining the waitress flirting with Storm in front of me, the manager’s god complex, and finally the fact that I now own the diner they worked at so they got the boot because of their attitude. Thane just shook his head and finished eating his meal before paying the bill.      We wrapped up the leftovers and made our way to the cars saying our goodbyes on the way. As soon as we got home Stormy went off to her room claiming to be tired. Once she was out of sight Storm scooped me up and carried me off to our room. He gently laid me on the bed before removing our shoes and crawling in bed next to me. He wrapped his arms around me pulling me into his chest and kissing my forehead. I always felt so comfortable in his embrace. It felt like I was meant to be there and nobody could hurt me while I was there. I didn’t know that I had fallen asleep until a knock on the bedroom door woke me up. I slowly got up to open it and noticed that Stormy was on the other side crying. I quietly closed the door and grabbed her hand leading her to the living room where I hugged her until she stopped crying.        She had a nightmare and didn’t want to be alone so we pulled the couch out, got some snacks, and set up a movie. She fell asleep before me so I grabbed a couple of blankets and covered her up with one before covering myself up with the other. I probably could have gone back to bed with Storm, but I knew that if she woke up alone she would be scared. I knew that feeling and I knew that she wouldn’t get past it until she started training and knew that they wouldn’t be able to beat her again. Hopefully she will be able to learn quickly and she will be to make friends with some of the kids from the club.
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