Chapter Eleven: Crisa Rose

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      I try to move my arm, but there is something heavy pinning my arm to the bed. I slowly open my eyes so they can adjust to the light and when I finally get them open I see that Thane is what has my arm trapped. I look around the room and in the corner I spot Storm sleeping in a chair with his head against the wall. He looks so peaceful and handsome for a split second I wonder what he is doing here, but the questions are going to have to wait because I need some food and water.        I get my leg at just the right angle so I can kick Thane’s shoulder and just as the kick hits it’s intended target the door opens. Chris and Tyler always did show up at the right time and today was no different. They walk in just in time to see me kick Thane causing him to jump and lose his balance. The look on his face as the chair tilted over and he went tumbling to the floor was priceless. The three of us start laughing while Thane is scowling at me from the floor. The commotion woke Storm up and as he takes in the room he joins in the laughter.  Chris is the first to recover from the laughter and he produces a paper bag. My eyes light up and I squeal, “ that better be food and it better be for me.”         He tosses the bag to me and hides behind Tyler like he is feeding a wild animal. The whole room breaks into laughter once more. These guys really do know me well and brought me a mix of my favorite foods. Tyler produces two more bags to give Thane and Storm. The doctor comes in and spies my bag of food on the bed. She starts to tell me that I shouldn’t be eating food from outside the hospital, but I cut her off because this isn’t my first time going through this. I tell her to prepare my discharge paperwork and she starts to argue with me telling me that I need to stay in the hospital, but I’m not staying so she can discharge me properly or I’ll discharge myself. She relents when Thane assures her that we have a nurse that will be coming to monitor me at home while I recover.          An hour later I’m officially discharged and I’m so ready to go home I just have to manage getting dressed with one arm. Usually Thane’s girlfriend would be here and I would have help, but she is visiting her family so here I am in the bathroom trying to shimmy pants on with one arm. All of the sudden I lose my balance falling into the wall and the door flies open. I turn to see who just came in hoping it’s not Thane and breathe a sigh of relief when I find that it’s Storm, but that is short lived when I remember that I don’t really know him and I’m half naked.         Having just been shot is not all that sexy and here is the hottest man I have seen looking at me half naked with a bandage on my shoulder from the bullet wound. He steps in closing the door behind him and his eyes roam my body. I turn away from him feeling old insecurities creeping in because a man that looks like that couldn’t want someone like me. I’m a girl with thick thighs, hips, and a little bit of a belly.  He walks closer to me and gently puts his arms around me whispering in my ear how beautiful he thinks I am, but I should probably get some clothes on before Thane gets back.        Thankfully he helps me finish getting dressed and he’s careful as he does like I’m a doll he’s afraid might break. When Thane comes back I’m sitting in the wheel chair that they are making me use to get to the exit and he tells me everything is set at home with the nurse meaning it’s time to leave. I can’t wait to get out of here and get home where I can at least get on the computer to do some work checking on the other businesses.        Thane didn’t know this, but I had purchased a couple of old hotels and I was having them remodeled to be affordable living centers to help people get back on their feet. I had given people that were down on their luck jobs, but now I would be able to do a little more getting the homeless off the street. Some of our employees are still struggling to get on their feet and this would really help them get where they need to be. It will be registered as a nonprofit and have services to help with mental health as well as getting people jobs.      My best friend Talia, her boyfriend Tyree, and her brother Cameron are over seeing the project, but I still need to check in on it to make sure everything is going as planned. When it gets up and running they will also run the facility and the volunteers. When we get to the house everyone is there to see how I am doing and all I really want to do is grab my laptop to get some work done or even curling up with Storm sounds better.
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