Chapter Sixty-Eight: Crisa

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When I got back from picking up Stormy she went down to her art room to do her homework and relax until dinner. I made my way to the kitchen to start making dinner for everyone since I knew we would have guests trying to find out if my stitches were removed today. I decided to make stuffed crust pizza, lasagna, and salad. I knew that I had to make a lot of food with the guys being bottomless pits. An hour later I had just put the lasagna in the oven and I was starting on the pizza’s when Storm came home. He walked in the kitchen and greeted me with a kiss before going to my room to clean himself up. I hadn’t even thought about the tests laying on the counter in my bathroom until I caught a scent that made my stomach churn as if reminding me that I was forgetting something.       I dropped everything and ran to my room only to find Storm sitting on the end of my bed staring at the tests in his hands. This is definitely not the way I wanted him to find out. I slowly approached him since he still hadn’t acknowledged my presence. When I was about a foot away he looked up and said, “is this what I think it is? Is it real?” He looked at me with an unreadable expression on his face. I sat next to him and took a breath before saying, “well I took four tests. I don’t think all of them would be wrong. I would need to schedule an appointment to verify the accuracy and how far along I am. I didn’t intend to tell you like this. Once it was confirmed I wanted to do something special to tell you. It’s been about four weeks since that night in the hotel and I haven’t been with anyone else in over a year.” We sat in silence for a few minutes before he jumped up grabbing me and spinning me around until I forced him to put me down.       I went to the kitchen and finished making dinner while Storm got cleaned up. Right as I took the last pizza out of the oven everyone started walking into the kitchen ready to eat. While I put the finishing touches on the pizza Stormy set the table and the guys started carrying the food out. We all sat around the table chatting with each other before Chris asked about my stitches being removed. I stood up and showed them the scar that was left. Tyler started joking about me needing to get back into the gym since I was eating more than normal. Storm tensed up beside me and I grabbed his hand to stop him from reacting to the comment. I had heard worse and I wasn’t going to let it bother me especially since I knew why I was eating more than normal.     When we finished eating the guys went home, Stormy cleaned up the dishes, Storm put away the left overs, and I went to my room so I could get ready for bed. Once I finished changing I laid in bed staring at the ceiling just thinking about what the next few months would bring. I know the guys will start treating me like I’m made of glass again when they find out and it may be worse than when I’m injured. Storm is already protective and will probably become even worse. I didn’t realize that I fell asleep until I was woken up by Storm putting his head on my belly and wrapping his arms around me. I asked him what he was doing and his response made me cry and silently curse the hormones for making me do so. He didn’t even look at me when he said, “I didn’t get to be the nervous and excited dad to be with Stormy. I want to be there at every appointment with you. I want to hold your hand or your hair through it all. I want to be woken up at 2am because you have some weird craving and I have to go to the store. I want to just lay here with my head on your belly and my arms around you to be as close as possible. As your belly grows I will talk to it and kiss it. It doesn’t matter how many we have I will do this every time.”     When he finished speaking he looked up and noticed that I was crying. He started panicking and asking what was wrong while apologizing if he said anything wrong. I put my hand on his cheek and said, “f*****g hormones. What you said was perfect. Honestly I didn’t know if you would stay or run for the hills. A teenager is one thing, but a whole pregnancy and baby is another. I want you to fully move in. I know that you are here every day anyway, but I want you fully moved in. No my house or your house. I want it to be our house.” I barely got house out of my mouth before his lips were on mine. When we had to come up for breath he gave me a peck on the forehead and went back to laying his head on my belly with his hand wrapped around my waist. We stayed like that all night. When I woke up in the morning and got up to go to the bathroom he refused to let me go. He finally let me go when I told him that I wanted to eat some Nutella pancakes with bananas and strawberries. That made him jump out of bed and run to the kitchen. I laid there and laughed until my bladder reminded me that I needed to use the restroom. 
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