Chapter Fourteen: Crisa Rose

852 Words
The guy didn’t get the hint and grabbed me from behind causing me to spill the drinks. I snapped breaking the hold he had and swinging my right fist at his jaw. Unfortunately he had friends who didn’t like that he had been dropped like a sack of potatoes and all hell broke loose. The crowd was now watching me instead of watching the ring. I could see Tyler trying to make his way to me and in the ring Storm was trying to figure out what was going on. I couldn’t see anyone else, but I didn’t have time to look for them because the first guy made his move to attack.      He was drunk and that made his movements sloppy so I easily sidestepped him and he let out a roar of anger which caused the other two to jump into action. It was me verses the three stooges and it wasn’t going very well. I was dodging what I could, but they were still landing blows. I saw them starting to tire out and take turns swinging at me to conserve energy so I made my move to take them out. The guy to my right tried to swing at me, but I managed to duck under it and delivered a kick to his ribs. I’m pretty sure that I just broke a couple of ribs by the way he is holding his side and the redness of his face. I quickly followed it up with swift right hook to his jaw effectively knocking him unconscious leaving me to face down the other two.          I could see Tyler, Thane, and Chris trying to make their way to me, but what surprised me was Storm trying to fight his way over to me. I was distracted by the sight of Storm and didn’t see that one of them maneuvered behind me and successfully grabbed me. He didn’t realize that he f****d up until he was laying on the ground begging me to release his now broken arm. I had flipped forward taking him with me and trapped his arm between my legs twisting it until I felt it break. The last one thought it was prime opportunity to try to kick me while I was on the ground. I quickly rolled away and got to my feet facing the guy. He took another swing at me and using his momentum I grabbed his wrist twisted it behind his back slamming him into the wall.      Tyler finally broke through the crowd and took over restraining the guy with a little more force than necessary. He saw me as his little sister and felt like it was his duty as well as Chris and Thane’s to protect me. He was pissed that something like this happened while I was supposed to be with him. He probably felt guilty because he let me go get our drinks by myself so he could watch the match. I heard a pop and a scream of pain telling me Tyler broke or dislocated something, but I couldn’t care at this point I needed something to drink and a place to sit. I turned to walk back to the bar only to run into something hard. I stumbled back a little and a pair of strong arms wrapped around me keeping me from falling backwards. I looked up to find Storms green eyes staring down at me and I almost got lost in them, but before I can he opens his mouth and says,"well look who stole the show.”      “Well somebody had to give them a show,” I shot back as I stomped on his left foot thankful that I chose to wear my combat boots tonight. I don’t know why I reacted the way I did. It could have been because I was tired or the fact that I hadn’t seen him since I was released from the hospital, but it took him by surprise and gave me a chance to escape his hold. I started to rush out of the bar and ran into Chris on my way out the door. In that moment I was so happy that he is there because I needed to get out of there right then. I didn’t want to wait on Thane, Thalia, and Tyler to meet me at the car. Chris didn’t hesitate or ask questions he just tossed me the keys to his Ducati Diavel 1260. I couldn’t believe how lucky I had been with my escape from the bar as I rode down the side streets taking turns as fast as I could trying to get away into the night and not wanting to be found. Once I made it to the highway I took off. There was no way they were going to catch me and I didn’t stop until I was 3 hours outside of town. I stopped at a Walmart to grab some essentials and then headed to the nearest hotel. I paid with cash and used a fake name so that nobody would be able to track it. 
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