Chapter Thirty-Six: Crisa

616 Words
    When we reached my room he lead me to the bathroom as if he had read my mind. I went in and did my business and brushed my teeth. I wanted to wash and brush my hair, but I would have to figure that out later since I could only really use one arm and I wasn’t supposed to get the stitches wet. When I walked out of the bathroom Storm was sitting on my bed with his phone in his hand and Nikita was coming in with some food. I haven’t seen Nikita in years and it sucks that I have to be injured when she’s here. She sets the food down and gently hugs me while Zanthus and Xander walk in. Xander joins the hug while Zanthus patiently waits for his turn.       Zanthus looks torn as he lets me go and says, “ I’m sorry that I cannot stay longer. I have to go deal with the rest of his people and finalize some deals. I will be back to visit as soon as I can.” I just smile and hug him as tight as I can. He’s my mother’s brother and even though she left me he has always been there for me no matter what. I didn’t realize that I was crying until he wiped the tears from my cheek and said, “Sono sempre qui per te amore mio. Io tornerò presto.(I am always here for you my love. I will be back soon.)” He knew that only I would know what he said and I knew that he would keep his word. So I responded with, “Ti amo zio. Aspetterò la tua visita. (I love you uncle. I will wait for your visit.)” With that he kissed my head and left the room followed by my two best friends.    Storm came up behind me and gently put his arm around me to lead me over to the bed. He brought the food to me and turned to leave, but I grabbed his hand to stop him. He gave me a look that I had never seen before and I didn’t know how to read it, but before I could say anything he said, “I will be right back. I need to go grab your prescriptions from Tyler and grab my clothes from Tristan. Plus they only brought enough food for you.” I reluctantly let go of his hand and turned my concentration to my food. He kissed my forehead before he left the room and I devoured my food before laying down.          As I laid there I was trying to process my reaction to Storm. We aren’t really friends because he disappeared for months, but there was something that just told me I could trust him. The way he was acting was weird as well. The way he tried to protect me and keep me from getting hurt when we were surrounded. The way he was staying with me even though everyone else left me to my own devices. The way he wanted to carry me everywhere just because of one dizzy spell and the forehead kiss before he left the room. His promise to come right back when I tried to stop him from leaving. It was all so confusing and I didn’t know how to process it. Like why did I try to stop him from leaving? Was it because the last time I was injured and he helped me to my room I didn’t see him for three months? I don’t know how long he had been gone, but eventually I drifted off to sleep thinking that I was alone again.
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