Chapter Fifty: Crisa

608 Words
      I was glad that Storm invited me to come with him, but when we got there I wasn’t sure that I should have been there. When Paige dropped the bomb on Storm I was glad that I was here and I knew that I needed to take charge of the situation while Storm processed the information. So when Paige went to speak again I held my hand up to stop her and said, “he needs a minute to take this in. What brings you here after fifteen years? You could have told Tristan who you were and why it was important for you to speak to Storm. Instead you chose to throw a tantrum like you are a two year old. That and the way you keep fidgeting tells me that you want something. So we are going to step outside and you will tell me what you want. Choose your words very carefully.” We walked out the door leaving him standing there to process the information.        When we made it outside I made my way to my SUV and opened the door signaling for her to get in. Once the doors were closed I looked at her and said, “I know that you want something so what is it.” I knew that she didn’t want to be talking to me and she was agitated that she wasn’t able to get under Storm’s skin. She looked at me as if thinking about what she wanted to say. She was fidgeting in her seat and nervously scratching her arm which I could tell was one of her nervous ticks. It was driving me crazy watching her, but I had to try and keep my cool.     After a few moments she looked at me and said, “I need money and since Dan stopped giving me money. Storm needs to start paying me for what I’ve had to deal with. He owes me thousands of dollars and if he wants to meet his daughter then he will have to pay me.” I wish I could say that I was shocked, but I actually expected that response. She didn’t care about Storm or their child. If she was presented with the right opportunity she would probably sell off her own child. I text Thane and told him to have my attorney draft up a custody agreement between Storm and Paige. I knew that they could get all the details needed for the agreement.       Once I had a response from him I turned to Paige and said, “how much for you to give him custody? No coming back to blackmail him out of more money. You would leave them both alone to live their lives. Just know that once we come to an agreement there is no coming back. I say that to say this if you come back into their lives you will disappear and it will be very painful that is a promise.” She looked at me trying to see if I truly meant what I said to her. She didn’t know me to know that I always meant what I said and never went back on it once I said it. She was in deep thought for a few minutes probably thinking of a number that she would be satisfied with. While she was thinking Thane text me telling me that the lawyer was ready so I started the SUV and started driving there. I already knew that she would agree I just needed her to give me a number so I could settle this and save that girl from her mother. 
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