Chapter Nineteen: Storm

429 Words
There’s a surprise around every corner with this woman. I don’t like the feeling I get when I see her hugging other men either. I don’t know what this feeling is and I don’t have time to think about it because it’s time to get ready for tonight. We were on our way to the event and I was getting my mind ready for the fight tonight.       We stopped on our way to pick up clothes for the event, but Crisa wouldn’t let us see what she was planning on wearing. She was currently in the back getting ready while her cousin Otto drove to the event. We were set to arrive an hour after the event started and Bear(AKA Big Sexy) was to take his group to scope out the area beforehand. Crisa’s uncle Zanthus and friend Xander would arrive 15 minutes before us to give Thane a heads up to look for trouble.         It had been awhile since my guys had a good fight and I know that they will have a good time. Bear had warned them about the fight to make sure the women they brought would be able to handle a fight. I needed to find a way to relax so I busied myself loading the guns that we would be using and sharpening the knives  we would be taking as well. I was going to take care of Crisa’s weapons as well l, but she told me not to worry about hers.       With about 20 minutes left in our trip Crisa popped her head out to let us know that the last house was successfully cleaned out. She had essentially made sure his whole organization would collapse no matter what the outcome was today. The sane part of me knows that I should find her scary, but all I can think about is how sexy she is and I can’t wait to see what she will be wearing. I can’t stop thinking about what kind of message she left behind when she hit the first house. Any time we asked she would tell us that we will find out soon.           When we arrived Otto pulled up to the back door where we saw Tristan casually smoking a cigarette waiting to let us in. Crisa needed more time getting ready so Otto and I waited by the truck comparing how mad Thane was going to be that we went along with Crisa’s plan. When I heard the door open I turned around to see Crisa climbing down from the truck and I was speechless. 
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