Chapter Sixty-Six: Crisa

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      I didn’t realize that I had spoken to my uncle in Italian earlier, but when I get upset or something that could be life threatening happens it just comes out. I try not to when people I love or trust are around and it’s not a dangerous situation anymore because I think it’s rude, but sometimes it happens without me realizing it. When I told him that my uncle taught me young and it saved my life I was telling the truth. One day I’ll tell him the story, but I’m not ready for another person to know yet. Only four people know what truly happened with my mom leaving and two of them are dead. When we got seated in the diner my stomach made a loud growling noise causing Storm to start laughing. The waitress was eyeing Storm trying to catch his attention so she could flirt with him, but he didn’t even notice he was just looking at the menu.        When I saw her adjust her shirt to try and show more cleavage I snapped saying, “you can stop trying to be a slut and trying to get his attention it’s not going to work. Now you can bring us two large bacon deluxe burgers one with no tomato both with fries, one order of nachos with no tomato, a large side of ranch for the fries, and a Cobb salad with no tomato with extra ranch. After you put that in make sure to send your manager over so I can speak with them.” She looked at me stunned that I called her out, but she turned around to put the order in and get the manager as I said. I honestly don’t know why I snapped at her the way I did normally I would just ignore women that try to get his attention, but lately I have been having mood swings like crazy and I didn’t know why. I sat there thinking about it while waiting for the food to arrive when it hit me, the mood swings, being tired, and eating more food than normal could mean one thing, but I needed to figure it out before I told Storm.       Just as I had reached that realization the manager came up to the table like he owned the place. I was already irritated and then he had to say, “what seems to be the problem you have our best waitress and you still want to call me over for an issue.” Storm could see the mood shift on my face and quickly reached over and grabbed my hand either trying to calm me down or keep me from throwing a punch. I don’t know which, but I knew that I wouldn’t stand for his disrespect. Nobody knew that the owner had financial difficulties due to gambling and sold the place to me so he could pay his employees as well as his debts. The sale closed yesterday, but wasn’t supposed to be announced until tomorrow when the employees received their checks.     I knew the owner was in today getting things ready for tomorrow so before speaking to the manager I looked to the waitress standing behind him and said, “you go get the owner and before you try to tell me he isn’t here I already know that he is because he told me that he was. Now you with your arrogant ass self. You need to watch who you speak to like that because I am not the one, two, or three to be spoken to like that. Looking at me judging me by the way I’m dressed. You think I’m not worth anything and that I’m a complete waist of your time, but what you don’t know is that my net worth is much more than you will ever make in your lifetime.” 
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