Chapter Seventy-Five: Thane

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       I was stunned by what Crisa just told me. How does one process that their little sister is pregnant? Not only is she pregnant, but she is having twins. I didn’t know whether to be mad at Storm or be happy that we were going to be adding to the family. I was brought out of my thoughts when Crisa said, “I was excited about being pregnant and I may not know exactly what I feel about it being twins, but I do know that I am happy. Storm is over the moon excited about it and will probably be more overprotective than he already is. Can you do me a favor and ask Chris or Tyler to train Stormy? Just to be safe I shouldn’t, but tell them that she doesn’t want me or Storm to know if they ask why I’m not doing it. She is being bullied at school and was jumped today.”      I immediately took my phone out to text the two in question. I would ask them both to train her since they both have different styles. I immediately got their excited responses and let Crisa know that they would start tomorrow. She smiled and pushed me off the bed grumbling about food. We both got up and walked out to find everyone waiting for us in the living room. Crisa wanted to get pizza and Storm insisted that we go to a local pizzeria. Now I understand what Crisa meant by him being overly protective. He was going to make sure that she got whatever she wanted when she wanted it. So we all loaded up in the cars and made our way to the pizzeria.       The amount of food we all ordered when we got there shocked the waitress, but she smiled and made her way to the kitchen to put the order in. We talked about Stormy training with Chris and Tyler. She was excited that she would be starting tomorrow. Crisa made sure that she knew what to say if they were to ask why she wasn’t training her. I don’t like that we are lying to them, but I understand why she wants to keep the pregnancy a secret. There’s superstition around pregnancy saying that you should only announce a pregnancy after the first trimester ends. She probably only told me because I walked in on her crying and was threatening to go after Storm for hurting her. With the switch in moods that I saw it’s going to be a miracle if nobody picks up on the fact that she is pregnant. If that doesn’t do it then the way she is eating and the weight she is bound to gain will.        I was brought out of my thoughts when I saw four adults approaching the table and heard Crisa mutter a curse. Can’t we just have a quiet night out without someone trying to ruin it. I moved to Stormy’s side while Crisa moved closer to Storm. Of course every group had a leader and theirs didn’t hesitate to open his mouth to say, “well look who we have here if it isn’t the b***h that fired us and got our kids suspended. She wants to act like she runs everything and that nothing can touch her. I will get you back for what you have done.” Sometimes I wish Crisa could control herself a little more because she just laughed at what the guy said which made him even more angry. Before I could say anything Crisa beat me to it saying, “now that’s funny. You actually think that you can get me. Did you ever stop to think how stupid you are by approaching me and threatening me in front of not only my brother, but also my boyfriend? So you can either walk away quietly and leave this alone for good or that sheriff that walked in right behind you can take you to jail. The choice is your, but it seems to me you are always on the losing end.”
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