Chapter Two: Vincent-AKA-Storm

410 Words
It has been a long week and I just want to go home and relax, but that will have to wait. There is a new club opening up in town and we have to make it known that we are in charge. As the president of the MC I must attend along with my club. I haven’t been able to get much information on the owner, but I will find more out tonight. The boys are ready to party and let off some steam. Tonight is about business and they know how to have fun while working. I’ll be leaving Deacon out of this mission. Letting him go in a bar full of ladies is just asking for trouble. I gave him enough work to keep him busy all night. The group is here and we are ready to roll out. I climb on my Suzuki Katana and we head out. The ride to the club is short and uneventful, but it looks like the club is definitely going to be eventful. There’s a chick talking to the bouncer trying to get in for free. I slowly look her over from her head to her toes and back again. She has curves in all the right places and I know I’ll have to find her when I get inside. She is definitely going home with me tonight. The bouncer blushes at something she says and waves her in for free. I give my boys their tasks for tonight and in the club we go. The club is large and full of people along it difficult to find the chick from the line. I don’t usually chase after a girl, but there is something about this one that I have to have. I find the owner near the bar on the phone. Sounds like he is upset because one of his bouncers didn’t show up. He shouldn’t worry about it because tonight will be easy on him. My boys are under strict orders to behave or else they have to deal with me. The night was going well or so I thought. There’s a commotion near one of the stages and I see Deacon’s head in the crowd. I push my way through the crowd to stop anything before it starts, but I’m too late and I’m in for quite the show. If I thought I had to have this chick before I will stop at nothing to have her now.
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