Chapter Twenty: Storm

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She was wearing a Blood Red bodycon dress with some thigh high boots. You could see that she attached knives to both boots.  She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.  She looked ready for war, but so sexy at the same time. She walked up to me and handed me two more guns asking me to hold them for her because she couldn’t strap them in with all the knives. She was supposed to stay near me so that wouldn’t be a problem and it would be better for her since she liked knives more than guns.        The only thing that made me nervous about this situation was not knowing how many people we would be facing. Crisa tried to reassure me and tell me that we had plenty of people. She had obviously been planning this for awhile and her plans were impressive. Tristan put out his cigarette and opened the door when he saw us approaching. As we walked in he said, “Thane knows she is coming and what she has planned. Our guys have been tracking the activity in town and we know he is planning on showing up when he gets confirmation that she is here. We know that he has at least two females on staff here. Thane should be telling Chris that Crisa is here now. He is stationed at the bar by one of the females. She will be able to hear and report that Crisa is here. Everything is in place and going to according to plan.        As soon as Tristan finished updating Crisa stopped walking and said, “ there is one thing that I haven’t told you guys yet. Then finding me here in this town wasn’t an accident. I decided to setup here because of the MC. I knew Deacon before I even came here. He was my exes cousin and I knew he would get the word out. I just had to act like I didn’t know him for this to work. I didn’t know that Deacon had lost his mind. The beginning didn’t go as planned. I didn’t plan on letting the MC get close or the MC being full of some really great guys and becoming good friends. I just want to thank you guys for everything.”       I was shocked by what she had said. Part of me wanted to be mad at her for it, but I couldn’t find it in myself to be mad. If she hadn’t come here I may have never met her. Before any of us could respond Tristan’s phone went off notifying us that they were surrounding the place about to breach the doors. It was game time and everything else would have to wait. Crisa ran to the stage getting into position and giving the signal to let them in. The signal was unnoticeable to anyone, but her brother and his friends would know. 
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